The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1935 Rentals in All Locations at All Prices Are Advertised Every Day AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for. Sale 11 31 Plym. sed. $493 34 Terra. cch $473 HUDSONS AND TERRAPLANES 34 33 Pontiac Graham cch.

303 33 Hud. club sed. sed. 530 83 Wilya ope. 32 Terra, sed 295 29 Reo cre.

130 cch. 32 Auburn sed. 5 31 Hudson co. 125: Liberty St. Tel.

4-641G 3035 HUPMOBILE Sedan, extras 1034 CHEVROLET Master 403 1033 1331 PONTIAC HUPMORICE Coach Sedan, 8. 330 with 430 1031 HUPMORILA Sedan, 6 cyl. 1031 DE SOTO Sport Coupe, R. 100 250 10:0 CHEVROLET Conv. Coupe: SPRINGFIELD HUPMOBILE AGENCY 425- St James Aver 3-3370 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO.

Used Car. Prices Slaughtered. 133. Memoriat W. Spild.

Dial 6-1826. LA SALLE 1930 SEDAN-New tires, paint, de fixer, Inc. 461 St James Ave. 3-3116: upholstery. tike new.

Bargaln. Kelleher 1936 Dodge Town Sedan, new. Saving 35 Chev. T. sed $673 34 Ply.

D'L sed. $123 33 Plym. T. sed 670 Plym. 305 33 Pontiac sed.

720 83 Chew. ged. 343 METER CATOK MOTOR SALES, INC. 643 Main St. 3-2186 OLDSMOBILE DEALER 35 Olda Sedan 35 Ford Coach 35 Pontine Coupe 35 Dodge Sedan 35 Chev Sedan Ford Phaeton 34 Buick: Coupe 34 Ford Sedan (2) 34 Cher Coupe 34 Pontiac Tour Cpe 34 Olds Coupe 31 Hudson Sedan 34 Studebaker Sedan 31 Olds Coach 33 Chrysler: Sedan 33 Ford Road 32 Olds Coupe.

Neo Sedan 33 Rockne Coupe 32 Chevrolet Coach 81 Auburn Sedan 31 Chrysler Sedan 31. DeSoto Coupe 31 Pontiac Coupe 30 Chey Coupe 30 Chev Coach 30 Chrysler Sedan 30 Ford Coupe 30 Oldamobile Sedan 30 Oakland Roadster 20 Olda Sedan: 29 Chevrolet- Coachy Essex Coupe 20 Buick Coupe YOUNG MOTOR CO Tel 8-9036 310 Maln St PACKARD'S Reconditioned Automobiles The Best. and Cleanest Assortment in the City: 1934 Pontiac Sport Coupe This In one of our cleanest cars, run only 10,051 you will be proud to own $550 by orietnal owner -has rumble seat, A car Sedan 425 1932. Buick Buick 345 1931 The Packard Motor Car. Co.

of N. Y. 721. State St Open Evenings PACKARD'S Reconditioned Automobiles The Rest and Cleanest Assortment In the City Thia 1934 an exceptionally clean car In exOldsmobile Touring Coupe cellent mechanical condition, good tires, $625 upholstry shows no wear: Priced at 1034 Sedan 1033 Nash Sedan 10 The Packard. Motor Car Co.

of 721 State St Open Evenings PLYMOUTH 1935 Deluxe 4-door sedan, gunmetal finish. very clean. Consider 4-1227. light car in trade, Very easy terms. P'LYMOUTH 1934 Conv.

Coupe. real classy Anish: car. excellent condition. gun metal 6 steel extra tall' licht, trunk rack. wheels, easy terms, will trade STUDEBAKER 134 Pres.

ORR. Cuat INC. Sedan, 3693. STERLING A. Memorial Ave.

Open Eves. W. Spud, Trucks for Sale 11A 1033. DODGE Panel DeLuxe truck. Genden 2387.

Main St. Tel: 6-5491. F. L. SANFORD CO.

A fine assortment at. used trucks reasonably priced. 10 150 Chestnut St. Dial 4-8251 BUY BETTER USED TRUCKS Modern, conforming with Trailers Laws All sizes; Tractors and LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS See Mr: lorn Tel. 4-5607.

aMic USED TRUCK W. SPFLD. FORD Tank truck 1931, 600 gals. ten Motor Sales, 503 State St. 2-7903.

FORD 1931 dual tires, :137 in. wheel. base, rack, Terms. body trade, Gliford Nichols, 560 Main. has an exceptional value.

$273 St; 3-4340 1031. -ton, 131. wheelbase, Dual Completely. overhauled, new 9 8275. ft.

1030. Ford ton wheelbase, cab and rack, body has value, chassis, dual wheels, ton very 157 good: wheelbase, condition, 1930 Federal cab and chassis, duals, exceptionally rugged, V. Reopell, 700 state St. Dial 7-0251 $105. FORDS- body FORDS 1029 Reo 11 ton screen $95 32 L.

W. high rack: 31 L. W. stake L. W.

platform Dump AUTO SALES CO. 05 Liberty' St. Open Eves. INTERNATIONAL Trucks HARVESTER CO. Quality Uaed 139 Memorial Ave.

West Springfield truck, perfect mech. cond. $150. 330 Grove Chicopee Falls. Tel.

Chic. 8491, Auto Livery 16 DEAD OR LIVE Storage. 40. cars. 3-0240.

Clean fireproof: building, low rent. Garages 16.1 AT WINCHESTER 80. -Live and dead storage, Heated garage, 7-0277. Wanted -Antomobiles 17 A BETTER Price for your car. -spot no waiting.

C. K. Beswick. 523 Belmont Ave. A HIGHER Spot cash price for your 8-1782 car or truck.

Johnson, 390 Dickinson. REST PRICES paid for your car Cash Waiting J. F. MULLEN A 407 State St, BUSINESS SERVICE Bullding--Contracting 19 ALTERATIONS Conatruction, carpentry. floors, cellings.

shingles. carage, estimates. 6-5822, Repalring CHAIRS RESEATED the blind. Edw. Schuerer, Sumner Ave.

Tel. 2-0703, CIGARET HURNS. Cuts, moth holes, tAb.e linen, rewoven. Invisible; tears mended. Textile Reweaving Associates 175 State St.

4-7041 VACUUM Cleaners positively rebuilt, soine for sale; brushes rebristled: 24 years 81 61 Dresden 2-5811. J. Brouillet Painting- Papering 23 HOUSE PAINTING AND. PAPERIANGING. LOW PRICES.

MORAN 7-1043. -Storage 25 ANDERSON. BENSON CORP and piano moving. and distance: storage. 151:159 Lebanon STORAGE -MOVING -PACKING Dial 2-0168 385 Liberty St.

J. SULLIVAN THE MOVER. INC TRUCKING HUCK'8 TRANSFER INC. SINCE 1880 Professional Services: 27 BODY MASSAGE- -Swedish method. ment, call Mae Mansur 4-1880.

Until 9 P.M WHY NOT MAKE US prove that we: can remove superfluous hair permanently? The Electric Needle: Process 13 Cabsotutly painless. Free consultation. Amos Paul and Katherine E. Nichols. 24 Besse Place.

2-0811. Beauty Schools 27 A ACADEMY OF BEAUTY Culture- Day and evening classes: live models. Doerr's 34 Maple St Tel 3-5017 BURRERY-Rose Beauty Academy Expert: instructions on I've models Free marcels. fingerwaves, etc. 1433 Main St 3-48102 SPFID; ACADEMY of.

Meanty CultureDay or evening classes Expert, only. 1490 Stain St. 24 Mont Tel 2-1010 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 VOTE- answering advertisem*nt: do not send original references Contes serve the same purpose and avoid. the loss of valuable originate A ino, AMATEUR Ware. Acts for wanted.

Write Mgr. BUTER Wanted for notion and handker. chief departments in Western Mass. city. experience.

Box w2190 Union Office. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 OPPORTUNITYposition for woman with teaching, bustness or social background, interested in welfare of children who. wIll enjoy. ligh School educations pleaaing persontiative qualifications. Age do 27 to 45 at least structive: work: that allows use of iniality, ambition, common sense.

Call Miss 3-1161, for appointment. EXPERIENCED- Girl for general housework. Stay nights, Good pay. Tel. 2-9410 EXPERIENCED Waltress, Apply Main Appleton Stan Holyoke.

Tel. 7281. GIRD FOR General housework, stay nights, reference. Tel. GIRL FOR Housework, cooking.

$20 adult, child of 9 vra, Mrs R. Kresh, 1135 University Bronx. New York City. GIRL For general: housework. Home nighta.

Apply after 3 In. 108 Essex Holyoke. GIRLS -DUE to: promotion can use 2 girls, $15 conditional to start. After: 3.30. 145 State Room GIRLS LADIES- $14 guar.

for. frat two weeks work and bonus. Apply 2.30 p.m. Rin. 2040, 1537 Alain.

IF YOU HAVE Initlative, good appearance, High School education and want remunerative position, Call Miss Shreve, MOVING 10 Park. Want white girl capable of taking full: charge. Home nights. wk. Tel.

Stay RELIABLE nights. Tel. GIRL 2-S263. FOR 3 HOUSEWORK. SALESGADIES (3) exp.

in selling curtains, draperies. Jordans Shop, 1706 Main St. UNITED EMPLOYMENT BUREAU and Real Estate offers clean cut belp for. all purposes, Business opportunities. for rent.

213 Dwight. Tel. 4-4307. YOUNG Capable girl for light housework. Stay nights.

Tel. 3-5970 YOUNG LADIES 2 (Wax pads) guaranteed salary weekly bonus paid to hard worker. Harris 458 Bridged Rm. 207 Reinhart. Female Help Instruction 82A MARCEL Without charge dally; ladies hair cutting: Do charge Wed; hair tinting Thurs.

Doerr Beauty Academy. 34 Maple St. 4-i NURSES -No yearly fee, plenty work, must live vat registry, Bluehill Nurses Registry, 574 Walkhill Mass. Help Wanted -Male 33 AMATEUR Acts wante. Write Mgr.

CasWare, for particulars. FIRST gultar and tipple players. State age instrument. played and Box 300 Union Office. GENERAL insurance business desires out-: aide representative.

Integrity, character and ability "to meet nublic essential. Apply Box 608 Union Office. IF MAN: Between 25 and 30 years of age, with car needs steady. employment call: at 52. promptly, at: 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

MAN To represent us for great Xmas. special. Good pay. Room 1456 Main St. MEN -DUE TO promotion can: use 2 yOung mnen, 815 conditional to start.

After 3.30. 143 State. Room: 509. MEN Experience unnecessary, $15 for first two work and comm. Average" $20.80 up.

Expenses advanced if deeded. Apply 3 p. m. Approved Diet. Main St.

MEN- Are you out of work. No. unemployment in our organization. No slack periods. Full time year around employment.

Mr: Hunt. 1362 Main 3 MEN WANTED Who want steady year round work with no layoffs or part. time. Where they can earn $20 to weekly tomers. No experience necessary, you delivering food products to regular, cusare the kind of man who can and will work 8 hours A day, Apply after 9 A -5 Taylor St.

OUTSIDE: enlesmen to sell nationally known watches and diamonds on commission basis. Box 607, Union Office. SALESMEN -Salary and commission. Eary selling plan. Apply 9 to 10.

8. m. City Coal 143 Armory: St. YOUNG -MAN 11 you fare out of work. and willing to start week.

See: Gallo, 458 Bridge St. Rm 207. Male Help Instruction 33 A DIESEL--Jobs for every graduate 1g our hundreds placed throughout U.S. and foreign countries our Nation-wide employment departments: day, night and home study courses with practical training. HEMPHILL SCHOOLS, P.

O. Box: 471. Springheld, Mass. Male- Female Help Instruct: 34A LOCAL ART STUDIO Several persons with art talent will have a real opportunity to learn Commercial ART. Fashion DRAWING, ILLUSTRATE ING and CARTOONING.

For more information write P. 0. Box 423, Springfield. Salesmen and Agents 35 MAN WANTED for. Rawleigh Route.

Real oppor. for right man. We help you get started Write Rawleigh Co. Dept. MAKI 212-0, Albany, Y.

Sitnations Wanted -Female 86. ALL AROUND--Good woman for adult Protestant family. Box 506 Union Office. A POSITION As housekeeper by prot. woman with girl: 11 yrs.

Dial. 4-0592. EXP. Young woman. Laundry, housework and cooking.

A-1 ref. Tel. 3-0611. BOOKKEEPER--Exp. in wholesale and: retail, real estate and Insura ice.

Box 572 Union. office. WOM.IN wants washing. ironing or cleanIng by hour or day, Tel. 2-3075.

Sitnations Wanted--Male RELIABLE, Exp. janitor: wAnts work. Reasonable wages, write particulars. Box 564 Union Office. RELIABLE Couple would like position 88 caretakers for winter.

References. Box 900, Union Office. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 GARAGE- For sale, 17. Crane: modern. approx.

30x63 High clearance. lavatory. steam heat, $5600. terms. Tel: GROCERY AND Meat: 8800 wk.

cash buminess. Must. sell. Box 573 Unions Off. HOTEL RESTAURANT To rent, well equipped, elec.

refrig. 4-8247. Mr Stevens MEAT GROCERY Store, good location. Must sell gulek, illness, Low price, no brokers. Box Union office.

MEAT GROCERY Store, very: ream. Reason for selling entering another business, for details Tel. 1. 4-3307. RESPONSIBLE Company wants rellahle man to: handle fast growing nationally advertised business.

No personal selling. $50 weekly and. more to right man. $300 cash: working capital required, is secured and returnable, W.e finance balance. Give phone.

Box 2186 Union Office. RESTAURANT Good paying. Must sell: reason death, Box 574 Union Office. ROOM Tenement and store with complete fixtures 830.00. Don't delay.

Tel. SEVERAL Good rooming houses $300 up. Good reason for selling, Best location, very. prolitable. Box Union or 6-5158 A Personal Financing 39 COMPLETE Personal financing service.

First Personal Inc 101. State St Lirenso 002 Phone 2-4158. ABANDON Money problems. See loan ad. vertisem*nt this page.

Household Finance Corporation of Licence 130. 6-0351. DA VS- -No comaker9. 12 months to Tinance 1456 Main St. A Tel.

Day: only lawful Springfeld 4-3103. License 77. INDUSTRIAL CORP. CREDIT TE Main St. Rm: 224.

License. 156. 2-1450 LOANS FROM $10 TO $300 Ideal Financing Association, Inc. 1400 Main St License 101 4-3541 Money to. Loan 10 CASH -PAID-OrEloaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry.

Ct. Sq. Jewelry 1263 Main. INSTRUCTION Musical, Dancing, Dramatic TAP. Piano.

Volce. Violin. Spanish: and HA walian Gultar: fossons. AmP Beauregard's School. 1634 Main St I THE ROBERT W.

FIELD PIANO STUDIOS A 2-6317. 68 TEMPLE: ST. TEL. 2-0331. INSTRUCTION Business Instraction 45 A STENOGRAPHIC Secretarial, bookkeeping now.

Catalog on request. Bay Patb institute. 300 Chestnut: St. LIVE STOCK Dogs, Cats. Pete BLUE CROSS- Winter 18.

coming, kittens need home. I'lease take them. 4-1931. BOSTON TERRIER PUPS AT 211 WILBRAHAM RD. A TREATMENT of diseases, surgery, X-ray.

examination. Bree clinic. Dr D. MI 1325 Columbus 6-8331 WILL BUY-A whole litter of cheap pups, Any breed. Tel.

12. Horses, Cattle, Tehleles 100 FRESH Milkers- All kinds, selling. Easy terms: 2 seconds, 146 Chestnut. 7-9170. SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK And equipment, saddle horses, saddles, bridles, blankets, harnesses, carriages, sleighs, etc.

Hilicrest Hiding Academy, Jarvis Ave. off Easthampton Road, Holyoke. Tel. WANTED llorses to board for winter, Long. meadow: Good care, low rates.

Call 6-1473. WANTED- Old live horses for fur animal feed. Hampden 31-112 Everett Wilson, Somers. Poultry and Sapplles 49 ALWAYS prices for live poultry. Superman Poultry Co.

Memorial Ave. West Springfield. Tel. 3-2371 or NEW Shipment of large capacity feed. erg and fountains, Priced A right.

Geo, Methe 493 Worthington St and 220 Elm Westfield. Tel. 2-2715. 30 BAR ROCKS Laying. pullets, well known strain.

45 Wachusett: St. off Allen DON'T Cuss and rave your fountains freeze. We have the ones that are sure to please. Gill's, 87 Bridge: St. 2-1832 HOLIDAY Poultry wanted- -Turkeys, chickenay fowls, rabbits ducka, vete.

Bighest prices paid, S. I go Poultry Plant. 1734 Allen St. 6-0511. LARGE ROASTERS And all other live poultry wanted.

will bring you more money by calling: or writing F. J. Zelazo, West Springfield, Mass, Tel. 3-2310. PAYING 1803 to 23c for: chickens, hens, pullets.

Truck sent anywhere. Also tura keys, ducks, rabbits. etc. wanted. Hughes Poultry.

Tel. 3-0641 to house: 200 S. White Leg. horn pullets. Now laying Blood tested high production stock.

Priced right. C. La Merrick, Wilbraham. Tel. 7-11: Wanted -Lirestock 50 ALL Live poultry.

wanted. Good prices. Phone, write, I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood, 3-0403. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 NATIONAL Cash Register, 1 ct to $100.

Coat $215 to sell for $30. Dr Higgins, 2-3916. WE HAVE used stearo boilers, WIll sell as 13 or instar axme. 2-3655. Business Equipment 59 A FINE Selection.

bar, atore, office, market. restaurant equipment IF also buy stock and fixtures. Bay State Fixtures. 153 Dwight. MAHOGANY Floor display cases.

Electrically; wired. Excellent condition. Room 307 Bookstore Bldg, EXCELLENT 14 ft. back bar, originally cost 83300. Sell I for $150.

LETTER FILES-1 drawer steel typewriters. desks, gales; adding machines. Holyoke Auction 4 524 High Holyoke. Dial. ft.

meat case: white porcelin scale; hamburg 2-0471. STEEL. FILES--Brand new, mahogany nnd green, all sizes. for All purposes. off.

37 Worthington: St. 2-0471. Building Materials 54 WRECKING LARGE ICE HOUSE GREENWICH, MASS. 800,000 fhm good bullding material cheap, 2004 cords Salesman on prem. ises daily and Sunday.

H. S. Andrews, a Tel. 3-8419. Worcester, Mass.

Fuel. and Feed 06 ALL KINDS- Hard wood. white birch, slab, kindling and Lehigh coal. Prompt delivery, A E. F.

Peck Coal Co. BEST mixed wood or soft alab 24. bus: $2. Tel. Chicoree 1258.80 BEST WOOD price.

Harold "King. Tel. 4-6236. DRY soft, mixed or slabs. Any amount.

Del Minor's. 4-8053. DRY Fireplace wood Furnace $7.50. Sixed $6.50. Kindling 20 bu.

$2. Holyoke 2-2974. KINDLING WOOD 34 Bushels: $3 10) Busels F. M. WEST DIVISION NEW ENGLAND BOX CO.

Lowell St. West Springfeld Tel. 24121 Good Things to Eat 57 FLETCHER'S Old fashioned graham. whole wheat: flours. Alilled at Southwick.

JUST ARRIVED! New crop of pure buckwheat and yellow cooking peas. George Methe 403 Worthington st. and 220 Elm Westfield, Tel. Household Goods 59 A HUGE SACRIFICE OF SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE AT UNHEARD OF PRICES! Beautyrest Mattresses $5, Genuine Crotch Ming. Redroom Suite Practically new, Axminister Rugs $3, Beds; Springs, Mattresses $1.

Dressers $3, Rockers $1, Reconditioned Stoves. (Glenwood, Crawford), $15, Grey Enamel Andes Comb. Range Heat Control at sacrifice. Parlor Heaters $5, Gas Stoves 12-3pc. Parlor Suites (Mohair, Tap.

Velour) $10 $15, 9 Diningroom Suites (Mhg. Wal. Oak) $12 $20, Breakfast Sets $5, 8. Bedroom Suites: (Wal, Ang. Maple) to go $13 $23, Pianos, $15, Desks $3, Dining.

room Tables $2, Radios $10. Washing Machines $15, China Closets $7. Sewing Machines $7, Livingroom: Chairs $3. Buffets $1. Bookcases $6, Chairs 350 EVERYTHING AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICE! BUY NOW! OPEN EVES.

FURNITURE OUTLET, INC. 1040 Main Stat Corner Park Main Sta. BABY Carriage -Like new. Sell reasonable. Tell BABY CARRIAGE and 2 cribs, mattresses Included, excellent condition.

2-3095. BARNEY'S ANTIQUE SHOPPE ORIENTAL Ruga, in all sizes LARGE BOUKARA RUG, hand painted post bed, beautiful Italian vases, Drss and combination andirona, choice bric-a-brac, fire sets, screens, grates. 50. ca OFFS 2-8512, 093 MAIN ST. Opp.

CLINTON HOTEL BIGELOW. HARTFORD Rugs, carpets, Armstrong, Sealex Linoleums. Why pay more? See. our prices before buying. Cunningham-O'Shaughessy, 254 Worthington: St.

-SANFORD-All grade rugs, com plete line. farold G. Moore, mill agent. 553 Enfeld Thompsonville, Ct. Living room furniture.

073-2 Open Eves. COMBINATION AND COAL RANGES. GLENWOOD, Crawford, Andes, Stewart. ranges As low $10. Used stove dept: NEW ENGLAND FURN.

CO. OF SPFLD. 1031. Main Cor. Park.

FULT, SIZE Brass bed, also crib, excellent condition. Reas. 2-1053 after 6 p. m. 6-ft refrigerators, floor samples.

at special reductions: Burden -Bryant Co. Call Mr. Thomas. 1 GLENWOOD Combination range. Good cond, Reas.

Tel. HOUSEHOLD Rummage Sale. Clothing and household articles. Nov. 21, 933 Main St.

ONLY 15 SAMPLE FRIGIDAIRES new 1 Frigidaires, product of- General Mo: You can NATO: from $20 to $50 on brand tors. Trade in your old Ice box or electirc refrigerator for new Frigidaire. Come early, KANE FURNITURE CO, 1139 MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD RUGS- -Factory prices: Wilsons, Axminsters etc. Hunt and Shea, mill agents, 810 Enfold.

Thompsonville, Ct, Tel. 364-2. to: 9 p. m. STOVES Thorougly reconditioned by pert workmen.

Guaranteed. Reasonable: Burden Bryant 9-11 Hampden St. Tel 3-5105. MERCHANDISE Household Goods 59 WINDOW SHADES. Make you.

home tractive. We make: them to order and also do repairing. Springfield Window Shade Mtg 62 Vernon St. Tel. 6-3145.

Jewelery and Watches 60 CHANGE Old model watches for new: cash. for old gold, silver. diamonds, antique Jewelry; watches, clocks, jewelry repaired, G. C. Grimes, 2d floor Bookstore Bldg.

2-0118. Machinery. and Tools 61 MACHINERY, TOOLS, drills, chucke, Jathes, chain falls, fire office and garage. equip. 6 cases, registers, time.

clocks, drawer filing cabinets low prices. We huy all kinds of stock. SpAd. Auction Co 160 Dwight St. Phone.

4-8896. NEW BRITAIN Chucking and (2) automatic turret machines good as new Screw machines. Vertical Grinding machines, dies and tools for the above. Other items. I'riced right.

2-047. RADIOS -Used, $3. Console radios $10. Hundreds of good buys. Alberta Radio and Elec.

Co, 1628 Main St. Radios 62A Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 BARN YARD- Manure. 2 d. load. $7.

Loam 2 yd. load $3. Call: 4-4393. Wearing Apparel. LAPIN-Fur jacket in good condition, Tel.

O' COATS, SUITS, LADIES' COATS $3 to So. Shoes. 8 Sanford near Court Sq. SUITS, TOPCOATS, O'COATS. L.

COATS 56 up, Dresses, Tux's, shoes. SCITAFFER'S 34. New Dwight, near State. Eves. 4-4047.


TEL. 2-0145 A BETTER PRICE PAID for Livingroom, Bedroom, Diningroom, Stoves, a Rugs, etc. WE POSITIVELY PAY DOUBLE ANY OTHER BUYER! For dmmediate Cash. Dial 4-2760. OUTLET.

INC. 1049 Main ANDES RANGES -Parlor. bedroom. dining sets. rugs, any furniture, guaranteed highest cash.

Free appraisal. N. r. Furniture JOHNSON'S Bookstore pays cash for used books. for antique furniture and antiques Tel: 4-6471.

WILL PAY CASII For used metal. Ing bench lathe: also bench saw. 16 Newberry Chicopee. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board BAY 99-Warm sunny gentleman preferred. Meals optional, 6-700 LARGE RM -Bath, priv.

family, $7, board and laundry. Nice home, couple. MONTROSE 26-Off State, Steam htd. room, privileges. Board optional.

3-0765. PARK SEC, -Rm. in priv, adult fam. adj. bath.

Steam, Meals Ant. 16 Beaumont St. 3-1021, Rooms Without Board 68 ABSOLUTELY -Private 1 or 2 cozy bath, Quiet home, central. A warm contin. h.

Reas. Gar, 59 St James Ave. mr. State. A COMFORTABLE Modern room.

Home privileges, central. 00. School St. 7-0198. COOLIDGE HOTEL--Daily rates $1, $1.25.

$1.50: weekly $4, $0. $6. Free parking. 2797 Main St. Tel 4-8217.

3 FURN. Ring The right price for the right party. 14 Belmont Place. GROVE ST, 28-Rins. with or without board Priv, homer Reas.

Steam: heat. HIGH 52-Attractive well heated rms, Parking. Translerits accommodated. HIGH rms. Afra Millea.

Apt. 45. El. service: women only. 2-0255.

HIGH 10-Front room, use of kitchen. Reas. Apt. 11. HOTEL HAWKINS-1340 Main.

Comfortable running water, $4, $3 wkly. Other $3. HOTEL SPRINGFIELD-Attra modern low ratea to. permanent guests. 6-0341.

LIKE HOME- Large hot and co.d water, parking. 69 Rowdoln St. 2.8771. MAIN ST. 992-Rooms by day or week.

heat. Reasonable. Investigate, MAPLE ST. Attractive well furnished warm room. MULBERRY ST.

63-Comfortably fur ished room, shower, free parking. 3-7707: PEARL ST.4 43-Rooms from $2 up, Every 6 weeks week free. Near Y. M. C.

STATE ST. -Furnished sleeping and housekeeping tras. accom. 7-6277. Rooms for Housekeeping CLEAN housekeeping gas plate, dishes 2-0331.

Airs Field. 08. Temple street. A LARGE Newly decorated running water and single rm. 1.1 School St.

4-0182. BELMONT 356-3 rm. $7 week. Dishes bedding. etc.

furnished. 2-3216 COMFORTABLE- reasonable, thing furn 263 Union St. betw. Maple And School. HOLYOKE ST.

39-2 rina. with priv. bath, everything furn. $5.50. Single housekeepIng $2.00, KENWOOD -Park section.

rooms fort light housekeeping. Heat and furnished, only $33. Call 6-8381. MAIN sleep, $2.50 up. Free Jefferson House.

3-5321. MAPLE ST. 176-Pleasant front rm. enette, gas range, h. c.

water, parking 2 dults. ORLEANS 40-2pd. floor, 3 rooms furnished, $5. Tel. 4-5511.

UNION ST. 180 Near Maple. 1 or 2 light housekeeping rooms. Tel. 2-3821.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats A BEAUTIFUL 3-4-3 tile bath, Frigi Walking distance: 6-4083, $32 up. A BEAUTIFUL 2 and 3 room apt, tile bath, frigidaire $30, $34. Parking. space. ParkSection.

Tel. 6-4083. A BETTER APARTMENT High St 00-5 refrif. porch D. F.

MORIN CO. 168 Bridge St Room 209 Tcl. 6-4591 A LOVELY -Clean, sunny 5 frig. (St George), 228 Belmont Ave. 3-4318- ANGERS APARTMENTS 916 Worthington St.

47-2013 293 Bridge St. 2-6716 IT. ANGERS BROS. INC. 1.

APARTMENT DIRECTORY 62 Avon PI. 3. furnished. 31 Church 6 2d floor, yard, 40 High 5 64 Osgood 4 rma. See Mr.

Loncto, 42 Bliss W. rms. porch. ARTHUR G. TAYLOR REALTORS 1421 Main St.

Tel. 3-3168 4 rooms, heat and hat water. Janitor service. Tel. 6-3554.

4. ARMORY ST. Mod. 8 garden Adults. Reas, rent.


OFFICE, 32 BELMONT, AVE. BELMONT 361-Modern 3 room par. steam. frigidaire. Tel.

2-1086. BELMONT AVE. 147-(Twin Arbor) 5. rms. 5 steam, 120 Belmont 5 rms.

G. E. Refrig. 6-3891. BELMONT AVE.

rooms, mod. 2-0063. Central St. 120- rooms. all mod.

4-2506. CENTRAL 83-4-5 rms. modern, frigidaire, porches, clean, quiet. leas. CENTRAL 3044 3-4th floor $30.

$32. Mr Benoit at CENTRAL-3-4 unusually large outside rms. mod. condition. Furn.

unfurn. 30 Bradford St. CENTRAL LOC. -Newly 2, frigid, plowes prices. PARK HILI DWIGIT 713-Cor.

Franklin. Newly remodeled 5 and 6 rooms, steam heated flats. $25 and $30 per rionth. Tel. 14-2423.

HARRIET 16-34-36 Attrac. rm. suites. Low rental. 4-7380.

24 Attractive 3 room suites. Low rental. Frig. 4-7389 or LONG HILL STREET 118-Newly decorated And 5 rm. frigidaire, fireplace, Ane location: Every latest convenience.

Inq. on premises or Rand 1270 Main. 4-7200. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 7 Apartments and Flats 74 KIMBERLY 15-Park modern 6 Reas. Call 3-0476, ST.

3025-5 rooms, fourth floor right, steam, n. A. Booth, 12 Court St. 'Tel. 7-1181.

MAPLE ST. 175-6 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. 2-8317. MAPLE HIGH STS, -4-5 room ants.

Al! Improvements. Tel. 2-8317 or 6-1357. MODERN 3 room apt. Inquire janitor of Mrs.

Piquette. Pearl St. MAPLE ST. 108 Colony Court. ana 100m apartments.

Flec. Attract to those desiring something 8. little Cox Realtors. Maln St Dial 4-3147 ter. Inquire Supt.

Edw. a J. Murphy NORTH END APTS And houses Prompt service: Tel. 6-5158 OAKLAND 100-113-Attractive 3-and 4 room suites, Low rental. 4-7380.

OSWEGO room apts. leas, rents, Calle landlord. 36 Oswego St. 2-3-4-3 ROOM Apts. modern, completely renovated.

Call 1 SCIOOI. AND UNION ST. High class 3, 4 room apts. Arbour, 292 Union. 2-2081.

SPRING 103-6 rooms $45 See janitor or: call STATE ST. 1086-4 room steam, hot water, janitor service. Reas. 0 STATE 786 (At Winchester Sq. rooms: Frigidaire.

turn. or gar 7-0277. STATE ST. 888. -2 and 3 rooms.

Good edition $22. $26. $28. Tel. 8-8381.

Apply 8 Andrews St. 3-3451 STATUE 063-Modern, good condition, porches. Frigid. $35 and $40. Tel.

1-0788 or SUMNER 127-133-Attrac. 7 A and sultes, low rental. Tel. 8, TYLER And Hanco*ck 3 and Good A condition Tel: 6-8381 AVE. all mod.

newly decorated. Tel. 4. 2-8317. WORTHINGTON ST.

491 rms. stm. ht. hot water, $30. Inquire 493 Worthington, Furnished Apts, and Rouses 74A ANGERS APARTMENTS Federal St: 2-3 rms.

7-2613. AUBURN CAPTS-2142 Main St Absolute fire protection. gas, electricity and linen reasonable Tel 8-9744 8 BELMONT 356- comfortable 2 or. 3 elec. refrig.

shower baths, ranze. on carline. $7 wk. up. CHAMPLAIN 64..5 rm.

furnished bungalow. Steam, Elec. $30 per month. ER-7973. JAMAICA rms.

lower, Inod, steam, $23. mo. Inq. 144 Boston: Rd. 9 to .27 Furnished house, for winter.

oil heat, Call 2-8424. PARK: 91-Near Maple, 3. rm, and Furnished. Tel. PINE POINT Section.

5 rooms completely. furnished. Steam heat. $8 per week: 6-4665. STONEHAVEN HOTEl 70 Chestnut St.One, two and three-room apartments with kitchenet.

refrigeration, tub and shower bath. furnished or unfurnished. at attrac rate Alan transients SUMNER AVE 161-Attractive 3 room furn. apt. with shower.

frig. -sub-let 1st to May 1st. Adults only. Shown by appointment. Call Business Places for Rent 16 LIBERTY MALL-10 rent for basketball, dances.

weddings. etc. D. Dwight Winter, 3 Elm St. Tell 4-3107, SMALL STORE- For rent, 65 Sumner A Ave.

opposite Ft. Pleasant Ave. Tel: 4-3280. Houses for Rent AGENT FOR Large selection of 2 family houses; also steam heated wapts. 6-8259, ALLENDALE 1st floor, newly redecorated $15.

Tel 3-7404, 2-1151. ALDEN 331 -Exceptional 4 rm. apt. Frigidaire, gas range. $25.

Tel. 6-3637. ALLEN 181-5 rooms. Rent TEAS. Good condition.

Call 3-3233 even. FALLEN ST. 319-3 room cottage. Rent free 1 month, exchange for repairing, ALL KINDS Of homes; rents or sale. Strangers assisted.

Ellen Selzam: 4 ALL LOCATIONS Singles. families, apts. Auto ervice, strangers assisted. Mrs Lothron, 3-0312. ARE YOU LOOKING for.

a good tenement between If so call 6-3637. ARMORY ST. 1 Mod. 8 room cottage. Garage Adults.

Reas. Rent. Ing. 45. 4-2731 ASHLEY: ST.

19-2nd Floor, 5 rooms, upto-date. Garage. Phone 4-0379. ATTRACTIVE RENTS 75 Washington St. 1st floor, 38 Alsace 1st 6.

rm. mod, 1027 Sumner upper 6 30 9 Goodrich modern 6 25 41 Mitford 6 25 282 Hanco*ck 5 good condition 18 SINGLES 37 Silver St. good condition! $28 THE ELLIS CORPORATION 6-8381 ARMORY ST. 823-6 rm. cot.

Embury Stu 84-5. sun rm. gar: 4-8180, BELMONT 633-4 Room tenement. Newly decorated. Call 2-8317 or BENTOS ST rms, 2d A.

R. A. Booth. 13 E. Court St 7-1181, CATTIERINE Downstairs tenement, fam.

house, adults only. 786 State St. 7-0277 CENTRAL ST. -3 and rooms $16 Tel: 6-8381. CENTRAL ST.

443-6 rm. half house. near school, steam, garage. Reas. 6-4350.

CHAPIN 213-Attractive 8 rooms, upSper, steam heat, garage, $40. 4-7389. COLLEGE rooms, good condition Tel 6-8381. COOMES 31 Attractive 6 rooms, lower, steam' heat, garage, $30. -1389.

CORTLAND 74-Upp. 6 insulated ceilings, thermostat hot water heater, $30. Garage. COTTAGE-Inel. 7 583 Dickinson, $15.

Dial 2-0608 after. 5.30. No agents COTTAGE- rooms, good new furnace, garage. 313 Oakland $30. 2-0013 COTTAGE-8 rooms, 2 baths.

fireplace, steam, garage. River corner: Barney, Agawam: Close to city. Clarence A. Burt ,25 Elm St. DAVISTON 102-6-rm.

single and ERI Recently redec, ready to move Into, $50. 593-595 White upper and lower. All renovated. Avail. now, 7 rms.

each, $25. FELTIAM SON, Realtors, 3-4151, 3-4152 EAGLE ST. 22-Upper 6 garage. good condition $30. Tel.

6-8381. EL PASO 205-5 room modern cottage. Garage. T. King.

Tel. 4-8586, EXTRA Offer, mod. single for small fam. Areplace, econ. heating.

J. Oaks ITotel. FOREST PARK 73-Attractive 6 room upper, steam heat, garage, $40. 4-7389. FRANKLIN ST.

410-3 room modern tenement $15 month. George Sauer. FREEMAN: TER. 107-8 rm. cottage, mod shower.

gar. Reas. 3-1067. GARFIELD ST. 93-6 rodm.

1st floor, $30; R. Booth. 12 E. Court St. 7-1181 COLD ST.

-6 upper, eteam heat, gars $28. John J. Fish. 3-4848. GRANT 13-Near the Armory grounds, 14 house.

6 pleasant rms, Inq. 25 Armory St. 6-2541. HICKORY room brick single, garage, modern, exceptional, HIGH 03-0 lower, furnace heat; all very pleasant, $25. Phone 4-2394, H1LL-Pleasant 6 rooms wupper, modern 71 Dearborn St.

Tel. HUNT TER. -Single 67 rooms ands bath. newly. decorated.

$30. R. lI. Flagg. 14 Elm St.

3-36272 KINGSLEY ST 21-Newly redecorated room cottage, 2-car gir sale cr Arthur G. Taylor 1421 Main. 3-5168. LANSING PL room cottage. 32 Kenwood Pk.

upper bell. 4-7165. LAWNDALE 67-Attractive 6 rooms, 2d. steam heat. LONGMEADOW134 Barrington St.

mode 7 gar pert, $28. Tel. 6-8381. MALDEN 93-Attractive A upper, steam heat, garage. AVE.

141-Upper large living rin, fireplace, stm. gar. $10. Others $16 and up. Is I.

COX. 3-7116, 1456 Main St. MAYNARD 65-First steam, rins. modern $22. Adults only.

7-0374 MIDDLESEX 31-Upper rooms. Good condition. Garage. Tel. 3-1308.

MONTCLAIR 12- rooms. oil. 2-car garage $10. Arthur G. Taylor 1421 Main St 3-5168.

NEAR WESTINGHOUSE-4-room ten. and garage, $20. 23 Rose East NORTHAMPTON AVE. roomns, first floor right, $30. R.

A. Booth, 12 E. Tel. 7-1181 OAKL.AND 155-4 rooms, kitchen range with oil burner, furnished all modern. Tel.

4-3857 or 4-2538. ORMOND ST. 11-7 room single. Fine 'condition. All modern, 2-9776.

OZARK 18-5 rooms, upper, $23. G. Taylor 1421 Main St. 3-5168. REAL ESTATE FOR Houses for Rent 00 PAGE 381-East SpAd.

Mod. fIT. 1st floor gar. Tel. 6-1044.

I PASADENA ST. 110-Lower, modern rms Ane $23. 3-5206. 2-1532. PRINCETON ST.

108-Pleasaht upper, good oak floors, adults. Inq. lower. PRINCETON ST. 103-5 lat Hoor, $28.

R. A. Booth, 12 E. Court 'St. 7-1181.

SINGLES 36 48 St James Circle. 7 ronms and gar. $35 3 FAMILY 125 5. rooms. 4.

Webster StY, rooms 163 Albomarle rooms: with 40 39 Dwight Road, 6 rooms with garage 30 HEATED 1 20 Summit A rooms, refrigeration 10 131 Florida 7 rooms, refrigeration 60 76 Bay 5 37 IT. FLAGG. 10 HIM ST. TEL. 3-3627 HOLLINS ST.

15-Brick bungalow, 3 rUIS, Ind. floor finished. $40). Ames SUMNER Modern upper: $35 Tel: 6 8381 SUMNER 1017-19-Modern rms 2 baths. $35 ea.

Tel. 6-8381, SUMNER AVE. 1053-Modern 6 room upper ten. $30 with garage. Tel, 2.3095.

SUMNER AVE. 844-Lower apartment, and garage. thoroughly modern, heat. Call. 3-3694.

WESTPORD 130-Attrac. 5 rIm. lower, porch, steam heat, $30. 4-7380. WORTHINGTON 8144-3 light, cheerful rooms.

2d Aour, teasily heated, redec. Rents $10 month. Offices and Desk Room A locations; conveniences. warm and cheerful. Some as low AR $12 per month.

wEDW. J. MURPHY CO. 1337 Main St. Dial: 3-3147 a Suburban for Rent A AGATAM-88 Reed 6 $00.

Alhambra: 6 S.R., gar School 6 2-car $33. E. D. Johnaon Inc. EAST LONGMEADOW-North Main 5 room cottage.

$30. R. A. Booth, E. Court St.

Tel. ELM 573-- West Spild. 3. rooms, upper, modern, adults. 5 A A residence of baths, oll heat garage, large lot, all in perfect condition.

Can be seen by appointment, Wm. I. Feltham Realtor. 1200. Main St.

Tel. 3-4151 WEST room supper tenement. All modern. 56 Garden St. 3-6938.

0 TV SPFLD. -4 rms. 1st steam, A-1 316 Park fine location, $20. 3-7494. Wanted--To Rent: WANTED-3 room heated; apt.


Eatablished 1892 Sales. mortgages. property leasing, appraisine. consultants in buying or selling, 1537 Main St. 3-3147.

Farms and Land for Sale 83 A 25-ACRE poultry, farm. orchard, 9-rm. modern house and 4-rm bungalow. ON main 83900. C.

Smith, 104. State St. Houses for Sale 99 DURTEA ST. Modern 5-rm. bungalow and gar.

all In nice Steam, oak well located, very convenient to Price' reduced to $3750 with $400 Why continue to pay. rent when your can own, a cozy home like this? HENRY M. CLARK 7-0231 Realtor 7-0232 100. Broadway, LONGMEADOW -Unusual value at $3000. 6 large rooms, fireplace, cozy screened porch; extra big lot, near school.

E. 1362 St. LONGMEADOW Edgewood modern: T-rm." single, A 2-car Well planned kit. with brk. nook.

tile bath and shower, extra. large living rm. Fenced: yards with shrubs. Price $1300 $1000 cash. a TIENRY M.

CLARK 7-0231 Realtor 7-0232 100 Broadway ON Rooms, steam, elec, tile bath. garage. $3500. $300 cash. Tel.

2-384T. Lots for Sale 85 IOTS-50 foot front, opt, Massachusetts $500 cash. Tel. 4-0882. Suburban for Sale 87 AVE.

-6 rooms, tile bath, Gunroom, open porch, oil: heat, 2-car large corner lot. Or would rent $7800 WESTFIELD ST, near Kingshighway, 3 grooms, fireplace, large l.r.,. steam $4500 Near school. 6 rooms, fireplace, garage; poultry house. fruit, acre.

$3800 OLLA N. AMES. 183 Ohio Feat Splid, Wanted- Estate A 89 OR house with atore Attached. Good location, Very reas. Box' 608.

Union Office. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Miscellaneous RUGS Special cleaned, 9x12 $1.50. Tapestry, Crescent Car pet Cleaning Co. 145. Ntate St.

8-6219 App. Faucet 55 and Gal. Oil Drum, $3.98 FRANKLIN HARDWARE 1013 Main St. Tel. 3-1075 FLOORS Cleaned, ished, wared $1.25 and room.

Dol. Sanded and Refinished Prices Reasonable. GLEASON. 2-8544. CALKING! Plastic.

Weather Strip Seal up cracks around windows and doors between frames and brick, Applied with pressure gun 25c Each Window W. D'AMOUR CO. Highland Ave. Holyoke Tel. Ask for list of "local applications Real Estate A FINE RENT Reasonably Priced Located at 148 Pmeywoods Ave, Firglade, nice quiet reined neighborhood.

7 rooms upper, steam heat, In perfect condition with rage for only $40. rare rent this price. MR. SPENCER Tel. or 2-1151 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Miscellancons Money to MATTRESSES $3 Tel.

4-8313. Springield Mattress RUGS AL Cleaned Steam and Carpet Shampooed Craning 504 At. James Wanted Buy OLD GOLD 170 Honest Worthingtun Cash Value St. Old Giald Shoppe OLD GOLD Highest for f'ash Old Prices field. Silver and Platinum.

Gov. License 3295. FREDERICKS, Jewelers. 1563 Main St. CASA FOR Richest PRICE YOUR PAID: for Old: Gold.

OLD GOLD platinam. diamonds. M. J. KITTREDGE, INC.

1354 Main Tel. 3-4412 Moses 10, LOANS made CASH on Jewelry. Gold, Govt. Diamonds lic. SPFL'D JEWELRY AND LOAN CO.

1912.4 1618 Main St. Bowles: Bids. MONEY STAND ON YOUR OWN FEET INDUSTRIAL BANKERS, INC. 1618 Main St. End Floor Tel.

4-1191 License: 73 Well while pursesmonthly rep. NEW METHOD TAXES LOANS Thousands have used "The New Method to pay taxes, old bills and for other purposes when extra money was needed. Payments arranged to suit your Information freely given at all times income. 1 Come In Write or Phone THE NEW METHOD 1562 Main Street License 60 Dial 4-2127 NEW LOWER REPAYMENT RATES MONTHLY 25 Pay $1 $150 Pay 50 Pay $2 $175 Per 15 4 Pay $3 $900 Pay $100 Pay $250 Pay $125 Pay $300 Pay $12 Plas Lawful Interest Signature Only GUARANTY LOAN PLAN 206 SpAd. Nat'l.

1537 Main Phone 2-7230. License 212 LOANS MADE IN NEARBY TOWNS INDUSTRIAL CREDIT CORP QUICK LOANS For Winter Needs of Other Purposes." Two Years to Pay. 1456 Mart LICe SO 15G 1 Loans On Stocks and Bonds with MORRIS THE life: PLAN books ris to of rates; (1) Discount $300, receive $985. or north. $300 est Plan: borrow pay interest on unpald ance only in 6 to 20 months either workly monthly.

$3.00 Arst month, 25c 12 months. Ask for explanation of sere at her MORRIS PLAN CO. of SPRINGFIELD 50 Vernon Street Dial 4-5001 1 COAL Other HSWO or You make chases paying expenses to Winter can for cash -to of cash. meet save pay any loans We necessary up money kind Needs emergence advance your pure We household goods auto. other personal property No, endorsers required no investigation.

man convenient pay Rate of discount only per: month. M. A. C. PLAN 164 Bridge St.

License LOANS On Your Signature Only Single persons, married couples, auto owners, may bor row ton their own signatures Repayment is arranged in venient monthly instalmenta that will not interfere with regular living expenses CALL. WRITE OR PHONE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION: of Massachusetts A. FUSS. Manager 923 Phone Third 6-0351 Not. Rk.

1887 Auction Sale Auction: Sale AUCTION SALE RESTAURANT 'EQUIPMENT COMPLETE Formerly. Eva's Lunch 29 Elm St. (Near Cor. Main) Westfield, Mass. Tuesday, Nov.

19, 1935, at $2.00 P. in Trade Lots Me Coldspot elec. refrigerator, as rood new. Beer unit and compressor, 1 vitrolite tables, 24 chairs. National CAsh Register, White counter, 9.

stools, 1 set coffee Urns, exhaust fans, 2 hoods, ceiling. tam, cigar Blodgett Pie oven, Ice box, Majestic Coal Range, Desk and 1 large gas plate, dishes, silverware, cooking utensils, and many other too numerous to mention. Everything must be sold the same day the dollar, A MORRIS YOUNG Tel. 2-0471 AUCTIONEER Automobiles A USED CARS Knockdown PRICES AND Knockout VALUES LUCKY FOR YOU! have put into effect smashing on all Used Cars. used car is packed with top-quality cars, which must a be moved.

These price tions are designed to move? These bargains won't last longprices are too attractive. 3 1930 Olds 6 wire wheel Sedan. 1930 Salle Sedanette, This car very attractive. mech. wheels, trunk rack, very new paint, $225 maroon.

A beautiful new tires car 1933 Plymouth 1930 Ford Conch. This has Coupe. This had but one New tires. gray, red wheele, Original paint very $125 low mileage, looks like good, mech. perfect.

0 car $345 Cadillac 1931 Sport Coupe, 1931. Buick Small 8 Sport Coupe. wheels. This Ontabed. and drive Fleetwood You must see car to appreciate its $245 Today's Spelai $495 real value This price 150 under Many other attractive bargains to choose from.

Price range $50 to $300 up ALLEN CADILLAC CO. USED CAR PARK Corner Main Locust Sts. Tel. 2-8066.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.