The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


B. 3. 1934 ton chassis 160 In. wheelbase. (2).

120 Memorial Ave. 2-3191 Spild. TRUCKS AND COMMERCIALS 1931 4. MI. C.

1 ton rack 1931 Ford ton rack. 1931 Int. ton express 1934 Ford Sedan Del. ton' 1933 Ford Panel, ton 1933 Chev. Sedan ton 1932 Cher.

Panel, ton 1931 ton 1936 Ford Pickup. ton 1934 Terraplane Pirkup, ton NORCROSS-CAMERON CO. 151. Bridge St. Tel.

2-3147 Open Evenings USED LICTIT Delivery Trucks, ton Fords. Chevrolets, Covered express and pickup. Tika new. G. M.

C. Used Truck Dent. 1-5607. Mr Horn. 1934 TON International coal body.

also coal conveyer. 6-4485 or 33 Lafayette St. 131 Chev. Pickup Chev. Canopy '31 Chev.

'30 Pickup C. t. Fenton 3-5103 W. Springfeld Auto Accessories USED TIRES- Bargain prices, all makes. Some used very little.

Variety of aired for pleasure cars and trucks. Victoria Tire. 48 Dwight St. 7-1121. Wanted -Antomoblles A BETTER Price for your car, spot cash.

no waiting. C. K. Beswick. 523 Belmont Ave.

A HIGHER Spot cash price for your car or truck. Johnson, 693 Columbus Ave. 6-9878. CASH For better used cars. Anderson Axelrod, Main at Patton.

7-0177. Ford Fordor Town Sedan. A-1 cond. Box 103, Inion Office. BUSINESS SERVICE Exterminators BIRCHARD SYSTEM.

INC. EXTERMINATORS- FUMIGATORS Service and Materials. Est. 1900 44 Taylor St. Room 210.

Tel. 3-4921 Building--Contracting 19 ALTERATIONS. Construction. a carpentry, garage: Estimates. 6-3822 Repairing 22 CHAIRS Reseated by the Schuerer, 739 Sumner Ave.

Tel. CIGARET BURNS. Cuts, moth holes, table linen rewoven inviaible: tears mended. Textile Rewearing Association. 175 State 4-7041.

VACUUM Cleaners positively rebuilt, some for sale; brushes rebristled; 26 years at 61 Dresden St. 3-5844. J. O. Brouillet.

-Storage ANDERSON Benson Corp. (2-8166) Furntture and piano. moving. local And long distance: storage. 157-159 Lebanon St.


Dial 2-2168 383 Liberty St. TED FULLER'S EXPRESS- -Insured mov. ing. Local and long distance. 2473 MAin St.

2-8583. TRUCKING RIGGING MOVING HUCK'S TRANSFER, SINCE 1880 2 Professional Services BODY MASSAGE method. Mae Mangur. 077 l'ave Bivd Open eves. 4-1889.

NOT MAKE 118 prove that We CAn remove Superflunus Hair permanently. The Electric Needle Process in absolutely painless. Free consultation. Amos Paul and Katherine F. Nichols.

21 Bosse. Place, Beauty Schools ACADEMY OF BEAUTY. CULTURE -Day And evening live models. Doerr' 34 Maple St. Tel.

3-5011. BURREBY-ROSE Beauty Academy. pert Instruction on live models. Free mar. cels, fingerwaves, ete.

1433 Maln St 8-4810 SPFLD ACADEMY of Beauty Culture -Day or ly. 1490 evening Main classes. Expert Instructors 2d floor. Tel. 2-0910 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -female NOTE In answering advertisem*nts nut send original refer.

ences. Coples serve the same our- pose and avoid the loss of valuable originals. A GIRL--Care of 2 children, stay. nights. Cantor, care of Molly, Shop, 1860 Main St.

A GIRL for general housework. Stay nights. No conking. Some 4-3250. PROTESTANT girl for general hOunAwork.

Experienced conk. Ref. Call 3-8358. AT ONCE-20 girls, 17 to 33 years. Gen housework.

Good homes, good nay. Spfld. 1100 Main, Room 300. CHRISTMAS card hit! Sender emboases algnature in gold. assortment, 21 Christmas folders, retails $1.

profit. Other Sue up, Earn up to $. dally time. Extra bonus; premiums, Free Rample offer. Friendship Studios, 6331 Adana, Elmira, N.

Y. CHRISTMAS Cards, Big personal line. Conimission. Samples free. 7 genentional 86- sortments.

Extra bonuses. Exper. unnec. Wallace Brown, 216 Tremont Dent. SU, Boston.

EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Longmeadow. References. Tel. 6-4727.

EXPERIENCED house to house canvassers. Pleasant work; no direct selling. Salary $2 7 to 9 p. Apply, Shurilla, 2 Salem St. per day.

today between 3 and 6 or EXPERIENCED GIRL, for general: housework. Call 4-6037. EXPERIENCED Joiners and seamers. Apply P'ropper-McCallum Iolsery, 136 Vest Northampton. EXPERIENCED girl for light housework.

Gond pay. Call. 1798 Main St. EXT. operators on men'a- and women's clothing.

State exp. r. O. Box 2, Chicopee, Mass. EXPERIENCED young girls for gen.

Apremont Service. Pearl St. EXPERIENCED MAID For general housework. Longmeadow, $6.50 wk. Stay nighta.

4-3024. GENERAL houseworkers. 2 second maids. Ienry'8 Employment, 101 Spring St. 3-3216.

GIRLS AND Ladies for order dept. Salary $10, And Experience unneceasary. Sea manager, Rr. 329, 1694 Main St. at 3 p.

$5 week. 2-9012. GIRL for general housework. Stay nights. FOR work with knowledge of hooking.

Apply 199 Chestnut St, GIRL, OVER In general: house. work. Stay mighta, Must come well recommended and he capable, Good salary. 6 lInehurat Road, Unlyoke. Tel.

TO ASSIST In general housework, home' nights. Onll 2-8503. INTELLIGENT girl to OATE for child and Assist with housework. 4-8137. LADIES (1) To flI vacancies for crew neat and industrious, salary $12 per wk.

pIta commission. See Mr Maclean, 1 SpAd. 10 to 12, 2-4 1. m1. PIARSA do not phone.

WANTED ON Springield St. Experienced maid. Home nights. 8.30 to 6. wepk.

Box 159, Union Offre. YOUNG Women. $16 guaranteed while learning, plus bonna, exp. unnecessary. Before 8.30 after 3.

143 State Rm. 509. PROFITS selling $1 sortment 21. Christmas folders, Newest features. Gift wrappings, everyday.

Exp. unnec. Bonusea. Free ample offer. Schwor, 929 Maas.

Female Help Instruction 32 A MARCEL Without charge daily; ladies hair Thurs cutting: Doerr no charge Beauty Academy, hair 34 tinting A Maple. Help Wanted -Male 33 lIOUSE painting. Inside and out. Paperhanging, $2.50 and up. Work guar.

2-3378. BUSINESS house of Columbus, 0.. can man not nfraid 10 sell house to house on commission basis. Over 101) Items of higheat, quality. Year around repent hualness.

All detaile exchanged in Interview. Write 8. ft. Warner. Box 138, Union Ofice, AGENTS-3, wanted to take others with manager, Good proposition to live wires.

Call Main between St. 8 Ank and A. It. flotel Barnes, for Mr Beery. It ATTENTION old nttractive established offer tor company, has A very F.

M. who. are Interested in selling ACCiand Liberal health insurance in this terri- FOR Write salary and conimisaton. 020 or Tramant apply The Boston, Masonio Casualty EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE REAL Wanted- ESTATE FOR ARE YOU over -Male tur 83 Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 Musical Instruments Help. 45? Have you been turned DANCING Easy to learn at the Densmore Apartments and Flats 8 down position because where of your Age lA age? an Do asset you not want Studio, 1123 Main 4-4281.

change for Dechstein, Steinway or MAGAZINE 101-Better apts. MUSICIAN wil: store grand piano free in exhandicap? Apply 83 Taylor, 9 12 a ROBERT tV. FIELD PIANO STUDIOS Mason: Hamlin preferred, Call 6-3273. service. Moderate rents.

Reference to A. m. 88 Temple quired. 3-0030. man BOSTON.

or Investment experienced firm. security wants college Radios MAIN 674- 3 ROOMS. STEAM 2-0331: represent them Jocally. Local interview 45.A GOOD varlety of trade In radios, consoles man to Business. Instruction ED.

TEL. 2-8317. arranged. Write H. J.

Ellis, 10 Post STENOGRAPHIC Secretarial. Bookkeeping and table inodels, $5 up. Freedman, steam MAIN.ST. 3308-3316-3 Grara Office Square, Boston, Mass. courses open now.

Catalog free. Bay 1212 Main St. near State. Tel. 2-4431.

heated apt. Tel. 3-0191. CAN TOU use $20 extra Income every week? Path Institute. 100 Chestnut St.

6-2704. WANTED TO BUT -Used Midget Radios. MAPLE AND JIGH Books old and new customers for roses, highest prices paid. Atlas Auto Supply, modern. Tel.

2-8317. fruit Write trees. Burr Nurseries, in your spare time. 933 Main St.Y MAIN novated. 2372--5 $37.

completely LIVE STOCK. Manchaster, Ct. Dogs, Wearing Apparel A. Booth, 209 Dwight with or without CROSS- Cats, 47 7-1181. Pets 65 experience.

Salary and bonus. Apply per- BLUE cat and 2. kittens. for beautiful mother evening BEAUTIFUL gowns, winter and dress velvet dresses, MAIN 3291-4 And 5 $30 Farm knitted sonnel. manager, 211 Worthington St.

4-3787. coats, sizes '14-16. like new. Tel. and 4-5342.

sport R. A. Booth, 209 Dwight St. 7-1151. CAR WASHERS -SINGLE.

MAIN ST. BOSTON TERRIER, male toy, 4 months SUITS MAPLE 158-Colony Court. 4 old, pedigreed, reas. 1 Randall Place. AND TOPCOATS apts.

Elec. refrig Attrac. to those CLOTHING Salesman for saturday work DOG HOUSE -For sale 199 Oakland street, good $6, looking, $9, good $10, wearing, $12 and higher Ing Supt. or something. A little 'better.

for large dept. store. Good chance to earn city. OVERCOATS good selection 1537 Edw. J.

Murphy extra money on Saturday. Will pay $7 a USE OUR ARE COMING DAILY Main St. Dial 3-3147. day for the right man. Only those thor- Horses, Cattie, Vehicles 48 SCITAFFER'8 OPEN LAYAWAY EVERY PLAN EVENING NIAGARA 21-Completely renovated oughly experienced in clothing need 00 HORSES AT AUCTION 42-46 New Dwight, near State room.

apt. Adults. P'hilie, 86 apply. Write stating experience, etc. Wed.

Sept. 30. at 1,30 4-4017 6-4982. Box- 112 Union Office. special consignment of p.

m. we horses from a Wanted to: Buy 66 NORTH Prompt END APARTMENTS AND will offer DRUGGIST WANTED. WRITE BOX 161, large estate. They welgh from 1300 to A BETTER Price paid service. Tel 6-5158.

EXP. BAND ARwer in wood working plant. have 15 extra good horses consigned by A BETTER PRICE FOR All hot UNION OFFICE. 1600 real fancy SIOCK. We.

will also rugs, PT stoves. Spfld. Furniture for used Co. 2-6188. REASONABLY PRICED Rentals- -Heat Write Box.

2173, Union Office. This local will users: be 3 saddle horses and 2 pontes. niture and stoves. IVe kinds of fur- 3. rms.

-168 Williams St. EXPERIENCED--Gasoline station operator. are need of A a good horse. Satie If to you attend have if you one most. ECONOMY FURNITURE positively CO.

pay Tel. the Tims. -6413 -GA Oggood St. $27 Apply 440 Worthington St. to sell consign it with 119 for this sale.

A. Osgood St. $82 EXI'. operators HICKS HOLYOKE. A BEST Perring, Rm.

47. 182 State St. clothing. State on men's and women's MANS. hold CASI price paid for your house- SPRING exp.

I', 0. Box 2, Chicopee, and. omce rurniture. 20-Near State. 6 l'm Mass.

Poultry and Supplics Dial 2-8512. CLINTON rugs, stoves, an- 4th newly frig. Tel EXPERIENGED plumber and A 49 A BETTER Cash FURN. CO, STATE heating BETTER PRICE For your live poultry. price paid for all kinds A.

Booth, 209 339-6 Dwight helper, Call Monson 253-3. Ilarry Solomon, 1734 Allen St. Tel. 4-1774 of used rugs. Home Furn.

St. Tel. FIRST CLASS Brown and Sharpe auto- ALWAYS HIGHEST Prices pald. for broil- 3-9839. UNION apts ST.

Modern, 292-1st class 3 and matic screw machine operators. Out of erg and fowl. Superman Poultry, ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASII PRICES homelike and central. position Good wages pald to appli- morial avenue. Tel.

3-2371. Res. 3-0185. 993 Me- PAiD for Living- Room, Bedroom, Dining- MR ARBOUR. 202 UNION ST.

cants capable of handling small Accurate BABY Chicks, wkly. accr. co*ckerels, room Furniture: Rugs, atoves, etc. Call WORTHINGTON 587-5-room work. State age, experience and refer- crosses, started chicks.

Chester pullets, Pilch, US First for Beat Cash Prices! 4-2766. $30. 6-0108. Seth. H.

Barlow, 163 Spring enCeS In first letter. Box 2161 Union off. FURNITURE OUTLET, INC. 1019 Main Feeding Tills. 4-0162.

IF see: AGE 27 TO 33 and wish to make money ANTIQUES--In any condition. Iighest cash Dr Dixon. Tura. 3 to 5 p. mI.

Hotel Poultry and Supplies 49 prices. Richmond Bros. 15 Bligg St. 3-7041. Furnished Apts.

And Flats Worthy, car essential. BIRD SEED--Gravel, Cuttle Bone; Dog AT N. Y. FURN. 8-4735, best prices, ALLEN 200--3 rooms, priv.

bath, LADIES' Barber and hair stylist. Spfld. Kibble. Dog Cakes, Remedies, Home of rugs. stoves, New Glenwood hot water, furnished.

Adults. 1490 Main St. good 2-1859. Poultry feeds. Gill's, 87 Bridge St.

made ranges, lowest prices. Easy terms. ARCH 30-6 rooms. lower, thor. Emp, MAN TO SELL OIL-O-MATIC, THE LEAD- A 1 Quality furniture.

I will. pay highest handy down town. Reas. ER MORNING. OF OIL 453 BURNERS.

CALL TUESDAY KERR'S LIVELY CHICKS price. 2-6146. Call at once Mamas Furniture. AUBURN WORTHINGTON ST. Available at our plant fire protection gas Main electricity St.

and LOCKSMITH with thoroughly experienced KERR Fox CHICKERIES. W. Spild. Dial Elmwood. 2-7317 Are, CASIT paper PAID FOR Old coins, stamps furnished Elevator Reas Tel 6-9744.

experience, lockshop, at least 3 years TIME Tatham money. Gold coins wanted. BEAUTIFUL 6 rooms. garage. Steam key department.

to manage department store sure, to safe, worm pullets, Purina Tetsules. Stamp Coin 281 Belmont. ed. Janitor service, optional. State age, experience, ref- economical.

Geo. Methe JOHNSON'S Bookstore pays cash for used Eddywood St. Reas. photo. erences, Write full Box details and enclose small field 2-1194.

Worthington St. Spfld. Elm St. books, for antique furniture and 593 168 Union Office. Tel.

4-6471 antiques. BELMONT elec. AVE 356-2-3-4 rm guar. while learning, plus bonus. Wanted.

Live Stock 50 USED Elect. Ironer mangler, larger than And dishes furnished. near. Forest refrigeration. parking.

Experience unnecessary. (Foods.) Before family size. Mrs Ronneau, Splid. Turn 2-3216 8.30 after 3. 141 State Rm.

500. ALL live poultry wanted. Good prices, phone, write, I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood St. 3-5403.

BELMONT 300--2 ROOM OPENING CAUSED by advancement and ex- WANTED-50 USED STOVES AT ONCE ISHED. APT. bone. pansion. Executive Salesman, neat, with real back- MERCHANDISE TEL.

4-2766. ability and car an asset. steam beat. 3d. 23-3 Adults.

rooms; 211 Worthington St. ROOMS AND BOARD 4-3249. floor. References. PAPER HANGING.

-painting, plastering. Articles for Sale 51 Reasonable. William Plumb, 6-6984. LADIES COATS SUITS, $1 up Rooms With Board CASS church 41-Lower 5 rooms, Chandy REAT. ESTATE negotiator wanted.

Exp. in Dresses $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 ATTRACT. 67 ELLIOT schools, down town, $16. store leasing and selling. Commission 34 New Dwight St.

livable rms. with, without bath, 88-2-3 rms. beautifully basis. Unusual opportunity. Apply by let- VACUUM cleaner, radio, gasoline stove.

shot- The Doorway, 99 School street. Tel 4-7011. nished. All modern. Tel.

3-8078. ter. Oscar Turner. 95 State St. gun.

Stutz sedan, all in condition. ROOM -Bath, home privileges, with laundry FURN. OIl heated 4 elect. SALESMEN- -Experience not essential, $10 Goff, 448 Dickinson street. 2-3069.

and suppers, $3. Full board $7. 3-3874. Adults. 98.

Wellington or bus. hrs. salary, expenses advanced, if needed. Business Rooms Without Board 68 GOING South. Will rent attrac.

3 rm. Average better than $20 and up com- Equipment 53 apt. to rellahle couple. Ref. Reas.

4-3767. 2 to mission. 4 Apply n1. rm. 327.

Massasoit Bldg. A market, COMPLETE Stock of bar; store, office A ing, clean 68 warn Temple room, street. gas Mrs plate, Field free 2-0331. park- 'EFFERSON 111-Attractive p. restaurant equip.

Stock and fix- apt. Call 3-0326. One SALESMEN from for Chrysler, Plymouth cars. Dwight 2-7256 Fixture, 153 single Front water, STONEHAVEN HOTEL-70 Chestnut tures bought. Bay State A MODERN Sales, 961 Main West SpAd.

preferred. Mullen GOOD USED shower. 7-9198, 20 School St. One. two and three-room apartments West SpAd.

Fixtures, cahinet work and ANCHORAGE Hotel, 76 Byers rooms kitchennette, refrigeration. tub and SALESMEN (3) free to travel, drawing ac- store Equipment fixtures built to order. Pava Store with bath, running water. Parking. Reas.

bath. furnished or unfurnished at count against commission, $30 draw. See Liberty Heywood Sts. 6-9406. tivo rates.

Also transienta. Mr Curley between 7-8 p. m. only, Hawk- HAVE several used, 1, 2 and 3 glass meat A NICE Location; front nicely furn: TEMPLE 68-2 rms. Furnished as Ins Hotel.

cases, to 24 ft. in length. George M. also large rm. with kitchenette.

8 min. apt. Free parking. Mrs Field. 2-0331.

SALESMEN -Inquire for particulars. Rouette, 2717 Main St. walk to Bridge Main. Davis, 156 Pearl Write Box 2172 Union Office. NEW AND USED Desks, chairs, card files, St.

Business Places For Rent TILO-America'8 largest roofing And side- letter Auction files, Kardex Inc. System, etc. Holyoke ATTRACTIVE Walking distance of LUS OR TRUCK Garage. Near wall company needs 2 exo. roofers And yoke.

Tel. High Hol- downtown. Apt. 31, 40 High St. Tel.

100 Door clearance 18 ft. 524 sidewall men. Apply Tilo, 42 Hampden 4-4416. fice space 2d. fl.

50 x10'. Call 3-3627. In. new and used Fixtures every built business. ATTRACTIVE priv.

front room, near Y. M. 33 CAR garage on Columbus Ave. Tuesday, 7 STORE FIXTURES -FOr WANTED -A man with small car. Oppor- Terms.

Frank Stein and Sons, to order. 868 C. 4-3613. A. Call mornings or eves.

85 Elliot St. location. Suitable for storage warehouse tunity to earn $on to $35 a week. Must be Main Spfld 5:2 High repair shop. Call 3-7682.

worker. Rm. 423, 97 State St. 2 to 5 p.m. Holyoke ATTRACT.

Rma. near bath. $3 to $5 in REASONABLE Priced Stores WANTED--Experienced AltO mechanic. Building Material 51 or outside, free parking. 23 St James Ave.

937 Main St. -Heat furn. Write Box 2171 Union Office. BUILDING Materials of all kinds. 3-3361.

465 Main St. $30 mo. WANTED- -House boy to. 16 years. 68 ern, also brick.

Liberty Wrecking Mod- 234 BLAINE 22-Desirable cont. h. 70 Bancroft St. -Repair Shon Temple 8t. Mrs.

Field. Liberty St. 6-8270. airconditioned, priv. cottage.

Reas. 70 Bancroft St. -1 small store spare WANTED SALESMAN--Must MUSE be alert, ag- SECOND HAND lumber 300 matched roof- Tel. 2-0607 after p. ni.

A. SPRING S. Perrins, Rm. 47. 182 State.

St. gressive, neat, good character, One who ers 2 8. 10,000 ft 2 4, 2 6, 2 8. Tel. CHESTNUT cor.

Worthington. Hotel H. 171-Degirable atore. $20. can A PRODUCER.

To an ener- 3-1170. Pontiac. Every room, hot, cold Barlow. 163. Spring St.

6-6108. Retic worker, remuneration unlimited. week; up. Commission only. Your own car.

First Fuel and Feed 56 CHICOPEE. Spring St. Pleasant front room. Houses For Rent letter Unnecessary give to nationality, age, references. ALL KINDS of wood $6 up.

Wholesale and Priv. fam. No other roomers. $3.50. 6-0091 ADAMS S1-7-rm.

upper. special line. Box 137 have Union experience Office. in this retail. Fronc, 55 Parker Tel.

COOLIDGE -Dally rates, $1, $1.25, pletely redecorated. $20, Inn. 86. modern, WANTED- White girl for general house- ALL Ludlow 85. ing.

$1.50. 2787 Weekly Main St. rates Tel. $4, $5. $6, free park- AGENT steam For heated apts.

desirable Tel. 6-8269. tenements. work and assist with children. American KINDS dry hard wood, chestnut and 4-8247.

family in Hartford, Ct. Own room, 83 kindling, E. F. f*ck. Wood Coal FURNISHED Rooms by day or week.

Board ALLEND ST. Apor, per wepk, ref. Box 169, Union Office. 3-3689. it desired.

Lydon, 24 Salem St. 820 mo. 3d fl. $12. ALL KINDS of wood $6.50 up, also HIGH 32-Central.

Attract. rms. Reas. Tel. 6-2950.

few hours MAN with car, to. drive salegman lumber YOUNG each day, guaranteed salary. delivered anywhere. Tel, 188. Free parking.

Transients accommodated. ALLEN cottage, $45:. and Apply Raine, 37 Hall St. BEST Fireplace wood. $7 order lasts longer HILL Section 1 room twin beds.

1 room $55. Owner, 2-6572. Male E. than Long. cord of 165.

average wood. D. N. Young, double bed. Board optional.

Tel. 6-8629. ALL KINDS of better homes, cottages, Help Instruction 33- A HOTEL BARNES-837 Main St. comfortable tenements. Strangers asgisted.

Ellen WRITE HEMPHILL Diesel Schools Spfid. DRY HARD WOOD. $7 UP. ALSO SLAB, rms. run water.

showers, $3, $4 wk. 6-9007. zam. 6-8760. office, Hotel Hawking, about $6 LOAD.

7-0437. HOTEL HAWKINS-1340 Main. ARCH 30-6 rooms lower. thor. KINDLING WOOD able' rms.

Running water. Comfort- handy to down town. Reas. 3-6131. Help- Male or Female 24 Bushels $3 40 Bushels $5 wkly.

Others $2.50. to $5 ATTRACTIVE RENTS $3.30 DANCERS, F. M. 'WEST DIVISION LARGE front room in select neighborhood. 49 Narragansett garage 31 singers and entertainers, Apply NEW ENGLAND BOX CO.

Ideal for business 630 Dickinson 6 1st flr. Coconut Grove, Chicopee after T. p. m. Lowell West Spild.

Tel. 2-4121 1ng space. Breakfast man or optional. woman. 3-2702.

Park- 467 Dickinson 4 good Wanted Good 24 Eagle 6 garage -Femalo 36 Things To Eat 57 LOVELY -Front room, qulet home, 31 Madi- THE ELLIS CORPORATION. TEL. or AMERICAN 2 housekeeper. ref. desires work for FARM cabbage, and garden cantaloupe, squash, Tel.

3-5229. ATTRACTIVE 6 room modern cottage, son avenue, adults. 7-0277. wholesale and retall. G.

M. Ly: PLEASANT front rm. 'Bed rm. Private room. garage, etc.

Newly painted. Located COMPETENT girl wishes general house work man, Wilbraham Wilbraham, Mass, $7 234 Tel 6-9335. in Agawam. Very reasonable rent. 6-3637 American family, Ref.

Tel. 3-0161. ST. JAMES AVE. 344-Small or large for particulars.

CONFECTIONERY salesman on established Household Goods 59 with twin beds, Meals opt. Parking. 6-0432. ATTRACTIVE 5 rm tenement, electric trade, necessary to have 'car and locate A A A BLANKETS, curtains, sheets, mat- SCHOOL quiet room furniahed- frigerator, and range. heat and hot water Greenfield.

Reply in own handwriting. tresses, rugs, din'ware, sil' ware, etc. heated apt. Business woman. No board.

furnished. Garage. 18 Noel St. Harry I. Lane 97 Taylor city.

17 Shown Years at of your home. 50 cents wk. 4-1650. 3-8703. AVON PLACE.

44-Cottage house. 9 rooms. REFINED Amer. woman, housekeeper-com- Honest Dealing in Springfield. SPRING 1-Single furinghed rooms, 2 baths.

New oll burner. Nov. let. Inq. panion or mother's helper.

Phone 4-3553. A BARGAIN, 30 WEEKLY. BLANKETS, 1st class condition, $3 $1 per wk. 6-8381 premises. Call 2-6812 week-days.

SHORT order cook. Night work. Triangle bedspreads, CURTAINS, dinnerware, shrets, 12 etc. pillowcases, rugs, STATE 531-Warm, comfortable ring. BANCROFT 31-5 rooms, 1st Lunch, 743 Sumner Also light housekeeping rms.

Booth. 209 Dwicht St. 7-1181. UNDERGRADUATE Nurse wishes position A GOOD WONDERFUL USED FURNITURE SELECTION OF STATE ST. Furnished sleeping and BANCPOFT 105-7 rm.

ten. on companion housekeeper to elderly cou- At Lowest houapkeeping transient accom 7-0277 fIr. 2 on 3rd fIr. modern, $22. Tel.

or invalid. Best refer. Box 14.7 Union. Prices In Our History! WEST Tow 216. WANTED- for widower by Ameri- Rugs.

Beds, $3: Springs, 20 Upholstered Mattresses Livingroom Axminster rm. next to bath. Lathrop Privileges. St. 4-0110.

Nicely furn. BANCROFT ST 37-6 room lower. steam, woman. Tel. 6-8450.

(Mohair, Tap. Jac.) $10 $13: 15 sets 2 UNFURNISTIED near to town Dining- Rooms in heated apart- 3-3893. shops, near Main place WIDOW-Good with business cook and couple or housekeeper. 20 Bedroom (Wal, Sets (Wal. Oak, Mah.) Mah.) $12 $15 $25: $20: ment.

Walking distance. Private family. room Sets gentleman, Dressers $3: Chests Box 963 Union Office. heater, BEAUTIFUT: TOT rm. single louse.

steam, 950 Union Office. $2: Dining Chairs garage, $70 month. 07 Garfield WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK BY DAY. ner) Reconditioned Kitchen Stoves (with oilbur- Rooms -For Housekeeping 69 Forest Park. CALL.

4-8691. tion Stoves 813; Circulating $10: Combina- A CLEAN Housekeeping gas plate. BELMONT AVE. Attractive (Glenwood, Crawford) WOULD LIKE position as housekeeper for Odd Vanities $5: Gateleg, Tables $5: Odd $4: dishes. 2-0331.

Mrs Field, 68 Temple St. apartments. Steam, fireplace, 6 or or 2 adults. Gond cook. Tel.

6-2419. Lounge Chairs $4: Radios $5: Gas Stoves A COMFORTABLE Front rm. water 2-1601. Situations Breakfast Sets $3: 2 RMS. COMPLE- every convenience, angle rm.

4-9182. CAREW 283-Unner 6. rooms, in good Wanted- -Male 37 LY FURNISHED $25: BUY NOW! At Prac- 11 School St. condition. Call 2-0409.

EMILY EATON. 2-5847, for chefs; tically Your Own CENTRAL-1 large kitchenette, 1st CASS 33-5 room upper. Call 3-6666 short order men: garage 1019 FURNITURE OUTLET. INC. fir.

Business people. 4-1228: Inquire 31 Cass St. Sp'A'd Emp. Ag'cy, 1190 Main. ANTIQUE carved bedroom set, fireless cook- Ing MAIN $2.50 up.

Free and aleep- H. Barlow. 163 Spring St. 6-6108. $12.

Seth I COLORED for private MAN--Exp. family. butler, Ref. all around er, Ford gag Coupe. range, Cheap.

household Leaving for furniture. California 1930 son House, 3-5321. parking. Jeffer- COLONIAL Cottage. 6 92 Washington chauffeurs, handy men: farm hands: Main St.

Cor. Park and Main I CENTRAT, Union. Friday. M. Forer, 73 Orange St.

MAPLE -176-One large, attractive fireplace. steam. gar. 89 Middleaged man wishes po- FIVE PIECE GIRL'S or Youth's bedroom kitchenet. Every convenience.

DESIRABLE 6 rooms. lower, steam heat, DEPENDABLE watchman or Janitor. Highly set. Spring mattress; cost $160. 1 OR 2 ROOMS--For light housekeeping.

at fireplace, garage. Reference 2-1833. JANITOR- recommended. 2-8844. FOR SALE- Cheap.

Beautiful large 2-8107. 180 Union near Maple. DICKINSON 130-Well A-1 character, do any 3 kind of work, has also scatters, new. No dealers. 2-2889.

rug, SPRING 73-2 or 3 good Rd flood rent. rms. good cond. $25. 2-4827.

convenient Bates, 171 College St. in family, G. M. HOUSEHOLD oil range, green enamel, almost tion, heat hot water furnished. 6-9730.

DONALD 28-Nice newly PLUMBING. water new. Reas. for quick sale. Tel.

4-3038. ROOM BOARD By young man; break- 14 mo. free if taken Oct. 1. Tel.

7-0437. prices, work. tanks, repairing. DINING Room fast dinner. Box 147 Union office.

DUNMORELAND 1st piping. guar. J. M. O'Neil.

price. Tel. 4-3780. set. Very low 2d.

A. Anished attic. steam. hot Wanted--Rooms, Board 73 all in nice repair. $35.

030. State water. OWNER moving out of town. Household fur- ROOM and rooms, gond renair. $23.

57. Graver FINANCIAL niture, including complete dining room set and board Box by 147 young Union man, Office. breakfast 4 Tr. rooms. $18.

Also others for $25. to $30. and odd living room and bed room pieces. FT. Wilcox.

1456 Main St. Tel. 3-7416. Business Opportunities 38 140 Bristol street. Telephone G-7804.

REAL ESTATE DWIGHT 1375-ist: floor, rooms, SHOP--Complete. Will sell or RUGS- good makes. Sanford. Roxbury and all FOR RENT newly renovated. $16 mo.

6-2950, at very reasonable price: also meat Harold G. Moore, 555 EAST East modern A rin, Other store equip. Tel. 3-6444, 9 Tel. 673-2.

Thompsonville, Ct. Maple Apartments and Flats upper, steam, garage. Tel 3-3478 or Enfleld m. to 5 p. RUGS--Will sacrifice Open eves.

A BETTER APARTMENT ECONOMICAL RENTS Latest modern equipment, slightly handled for 4 As oriental as type $25, rugs, D. F. MORIN CO. 3 5 Tim. Rm.

ten. --10 Rutledge Ave. $22 good husinegg on Main 3. booths. 9 12 and 8 aizes 168 Bridge St.

Room 209 Tel. ton. -162 Hanco*ck St. 316 sell for $1300. Box Union Office, Office.

11. Write Box 938 Unton A DIFFERENT, 6-4591 A. S. Perrins, Rm. 47.

182 State St. 6-7269 SHOP. well established In down RUGS Factory and ivory finish, strictly 2 adults, 3-rm. $19. 27- West Spfld.

5 largo new, Rection. WIll sell reasonable on AC- aters, etc. Hunt 'prices; and Shea, Wiltons, Axmin- Reference, 6-1002. $20 and pleasant rooma. 3rd fir.

amall family. of ill health, Real nioney maker. Enfield mill agents. 6-3637 Aak for Mina Holland. phone number.

Box 121, Union Office. Open to 9 p. Thompsonville, Ct. Tel. Locust Street Dial 3-4341 FOREST PARK RE -Revere 116.

Upper ANGERS APARTMENTS CHANCE For man or: woman RUGS And Federal Street 7-0781 thor. handy to bus. and $7000 annually, $3000 down, bal- carpets, Inoleum-Bigelow rugs and Mate Dial stores $25, 3-0131. easy terms. Box 2162 Union office.

seal Congoleum. Armstrong Free Inlaid linoleum. Gold Mr.g Newman, and singles, all sections of city. FOREST PARKA very pleasant, modern ESTABLISHED repair shop for rent. MC- laying.

Open evenings, 20 years estimating of floor and ARCH 38-40--4 120 Calhoun St. 3-0020. tenement, excellent location, rear. 4-0823. 1102 State cily.

covering experience. Cunningham o'- large, newly decorated. Tel. 6-3167. FOUNTAIN' ST.

G7-Attract. upper, central, light and ESTABLISHED. paying business, regular Shaughnessy, 204 Worthington St. Tel. garage, Rteam heat.

$37. Tel Leaving' customers. city. cigars, candy, stationery, etc. SEWING 3-2771.

ATTRACTIVE and APARTMENTS FOUNTAIN -Cor. Shawmut. 2d Tel. 6-0321. MACHINE, drawer style, $25 3 mod.

Avail. 1at. Tel. 6-2950. succesaful with gAS station.

6 sale. 119 Main street, Bondsville. Sumner 290-4. and 5 good FOUNTAIN 6 STORE for quick Myrtle 27--4 good cond. $30: business.

Box 2159 Union. STOVES- Reconditioned and guar- cond. $13 $47 upper Inwer, garage, steam heat, $37 RESTAURANT -Good downtown location, anteed by experienced workmen. Reason- THE ELLIS CORPORATION, TEL. 6-8381 each.

4-7388. equipped bootha, etc. including Frigidaire, Beer St. Able. 3-8103 9-11 Hampden APARTMENT SPECIAL FOREST PARK Cd.

finor, or 2-0471. $300. down. this Com- fine condition. extra lavatory.

oil heat. TODAY WE SELL! ly pletely decorated. modernized, 3-4-6 rooms electric ranges, smart- garage. W. TV.

Gumble, 57 Vernon St. CLASS grocery and meat mkt. Ice Magnifirent furnianings from a prominent at 33-35 High St. 2-4112. new Barnum, del.

$18 truck. Death of owner. M. Limoges MAMARONECK, and N. Dresden residence, Tel.

6-1640 Office 32 Belmont Ave. GARFIELD 03-6 2d $35. BEAUMIER APARTMENTS Hamilton Southbridge. SILVER, Trays. China, STERLING BELMONT rms, mod.

A. Booth, 209 Dwight St. 7-1181. R. garage.

American pieces, Curly Maple Dinette set, Central St. 120, 3-4 all, mod. 4-2566: HANco*ck Cor. Tyler 4 rms. COTTAGE And business paintings, Early 2-9063 right.

82 College St. ror. State. French Inlaid Commodes, Teak chairs and 88 Elliott 2 and 3 rooms, 3-8038. good condition.

$16 $18. Tel. 6-8381. Personal Financing 39 Chair, Pedestals, Chenille GRANDFATHER'S Rug, 12x17. CLOCK Needlepoint BRADFORD 47-8 rms.

Elec. TIGH TI. Barlow, 163 Spring St. upper. 6-6108.

reAs. Seth Money See loan Westminster Chimes; Brass with oil heat. Free moving if taken Oct. 1st. Vertisem*nt this page.

Household Finance screens, firesets. Dial andirons 7-0437, HORACE 67--6 lower, newly Corporation of Mass. Lic. 139. 6-0351.

SACRIFICED! EVERYTHING BRADFORD 30-Mod. 2 furn. or 3 steam heat. gar. Tel.

3-2457. COMPLETE Personal financing service. BARNEY'S ANTIQUE SHOP unfurn. Large, pleasant outside new- ITENDALE condition, excellent 45-7-rm. single house, ed.

License 222. Phone Bankers, 2.4158. 101 State TO Opp. Clinton Hotel CENTRAL ST. 83-3-4-5 to.

schools. shopping district, etc. $47 mo. Personal 1005 Main St. ly redecorated.

helchborhood, handy RENT furniture for 5 including A-1 Frigidaire, porches. rms. modern, A. S. Perrins.

Rm. 4T. 182 State St. 6-7259 cumulated bills to New loan for Method, taxes 1562 'and ac- WIFE'S reas. Box 122 Office.

CENTRAL--Newly dec. 2-3 JOHNSON 108-Pleasant for 8 Money piano most Clean, qulet, reas. 4-2127 License 60. Main GONE 4 complete rooms to go to lowest prices. Park-FIll.

modern. Tel. 7-0084 after 5.30 p. m. rooms, LOANS FROM $23 TO best offer.

89 Maynard St. 6-3138. 4 LEE 12-Off $300 WINDOW SHADES- Make your home rooms and garage. Tel. Oak Grove modern 5 Ideal Financing Association, Inc.

tractive. make them to order and also CENTRAL new high Main St. License 101 Tel. 4-3714 do- repalring. Springfield Window Shade grade equipment, 4 rooms, gar.

$38. LONGMEADOW-6 room house, aunporch, MIg. 62 Trnon St. Tel. 6-3143.

3 rooms, gar. $42. A. C. White, oil heat, 2 car garage.

Tel. 4-1309. Money To Loan 40 16 293 on Tel. 2-5109 or Mr. Liddle, Apt.

LONGMEADOW. open today, 2 to 6. 96 PAID or loaned on watches. dia- Jewelry and Watches 60 premises. Birchwood: A rooms.

Ready Oct. D. jewelry. Ct. Jewelers, 1265 CHANGE CORNER PEARL, and Salem Sta.

Johnson. 6-7294 or 2-9024. St. Cash for old gold, silver, diamonds, new. pleasant rooms.

Call 3-0240 or 2-8651. LONG Birchwood A OLD. Model watches for very tique. jewelry. Watches, clocks and jewel.

CUMBERLAND ST: 4 rm. suite Ready. October rms. 1. E.

D. Johnson 6-7204 or INSTRUCTION ry repaired. C. Grimes. 2d floor Book- $20.

Tel. 4-7388. 2-0021. store Bldg. DWIGHT 617-3 and 4 rm.

new- 1 2d. fri 5 Al! reSTALDEN Musical, Dancing, Dramatte WANTED to buy, 170: gal. cellar oil renovated. Rent reas. -Tel.

0-2050. $20. A. Booth, 203 Dwight St. Dancing guar.

in 5 lessons. tank. Tel. S824. FORT PLEASANT 50-3 and 4 7-1151.

tap. Fred and Frank Toomey, 173 all modern, newly. decorated. Tel. 6-6342.

MARLBOROUGIT 117-6 steam St. 7-0900. Diamonds 60A HIGH 40-Exceptional 5-rm. new. Insulated, water Just like thorough training in any.

branch DIAMONDS refrig." A. Perrins, Rm. 47. 182 elec. $32.

Adults. 2-7587. music or dancing, the Beauregard Bought: for cash. You are assured 6-7230. State MASS.

163-0 rooms. modern, upper of Music and Dance, Main. of full 'value LA SALLE APTS. Garage Tel. 6-8381.

44- 1351 Maln M. Kittredge, Inc. 3-4112 rms. furn. unfurn.

L. T. Rogers 6-1173. MASSACHUSETTS 43-First finor, 13 Edwards St. modern, 5 rms.

and garage. Tel. 6-0136. RENT REAL ESTATE FOR 74 Houses For Rent. Better MASSASOIT 140 -Lower A large re- decorated- rooms, steam heat.

or 2-1752. HEAT- MAYNARD 9-5-rm. upper. Adults only. Inq.

1st Hoor. 7-0368. '5 room McKNIGHT 13-Upper 6 modern newly 2 attic rooms, $32. all or 2-1652. MELITA 7 room re- ment, modern; newly decorated.

St. sT. 4-rm, $18 Barlow. '163 Spring St. 6-6108.

to $37. NEWLAND 33--4 And 5 rooms, ern. Rent 3-2147 or 5 rm. NORFOLK 215 -7-room cottage, desir- heat gar, Available: Nov. 1.

$70, Inquire Myers, 134 Broadway, Realtors. NORFOLK 13-Mod. 5-rm. upper, heat, garage. Pert.

cond. 5- NOW READY-6 rooms, lower, in Oswego. fam, house: also rms. single: All mod. Justin Perkins, Oaks Hotel.

Houses. OAKLAND ST. 310-Nice 5 rill. bath. Oak floors.

$23. and OZARK 41-Upper 5 modern, $27 mo. rage, $30). Tel. 6-6385 or 2-1960.

mo. PALMYRA ST. 43-Modern 6 mo. garage, steam heat. John J.

Fish. 6-7259 PLAINFIELD room 1st floor, $11. 3-7532. PROVIDENCE 4-Twin cottage, $63. R.

stm. heat, gar. John J. Wish. 7-1181.

RUTTLEDGE 13-5 rooms. lat rm. $20.. R. A.

Booth, 209 Dwight St. ST JAMES 300-8 nice rooms. fireplace, garage, $35. Tel lower, SAVOY rooms, lower, St. decorated, reas.

Call 4-2278. SEVERAL reasonable priced AVAIl. Oct. 1. A.

S. Perring, 744 State Street. 6-7239. heat. 4-3987 SINGLES 72 Lower Beverly Hills 6 tile hth.

63 Warren W. 6 rin. sun. Absolute 114 Elm Agawam 6 rm. sun rm.

gar linen Park Barney Section (nr. Wash. Schl.) heat St. (Agawam) 7 oil steam DOUBLES heat- 47 Worcester, St. (W.S.).

6 rm. lower 85 67 5 rooms, upper 51 Governor 5 rm. lower, garage furnished 79 Narragansett 6 rm. lower, gar. linen 187 Westford Circle.

lower, Park HENRY -M. CLARK, REALTOR 100 Broadway. Tel. 2: FURNSUMNER 866-Upper 6 coom bath, ern. steam heated apts.

Garage. Newly Tel. Large screened porch. to 6 rm. bungalow, reas.

Call Holyoke TAYLOR East 3-6131. Harrington. 3. fur- THOMPSON 160-Single 7 rooms, baths, all modern. A-1 condition.

3-9022. refrig. 3-7748. TO LET-8 rm. house, steam garage.

Located in center of city. furn. neighborhood. 86 Mill St. Can be' anytime, call at 92 Mill St.

2-room UNION 628-5 rms, mod. d. Newly ovated. Reas. Inq.

on UNION 408-3 rooms to adults, with heat. shower attrac- VENTURA 73-5 rooms, A Available Oct. '1st. Tel. 6-2950.

an VIRGINIA 11-5 rooms, lower, $35. Tel. 6-5236. WEST ALVORD 28- Well located 75 tractive 2d. floor rent.

5 rooms, Columbus decorated. Steam, garage. $35.. Tel. Of- WESTFORD 99-Lower A rooms.

fireplace, storage space. A-1 Reas. 3-6131. Central or WESTFORD CIRCLE, 130-Attract. 6 upper garage, steam heat, $.75.

4-7388. WHITE 373-Near Sumner. 1st or $35 Steam. $75. A.

G. Taylor Co. WHITE 490-Attractive 6 rms, $18 garage, steam heat, $37. Tel. 4-7388.

6-7239 Terrall WILBRAHAM Yerrall 1456 187-3 Main rms. St third 2-9714. fl. $6 Seth WORTHINGTON rm. twin tage.

steam heat. Only $33. Tel. 6-3637. 77 6 ROOM lower tenement.

to 1361 Eastern Memorial West at entrance com- Telephone 6-3516. $2 Also Onces and Desk Room 0-F-F-I-C-E-S 6 Best locations, convenient And cheerful. mo. Some as low as $12 per month. EDW.

J. MURPHY CO. 1537 Main St. Dial Suburban For: Rent Sel- A ALGONQUIN 47-Chicopee, $30. Tel.

6 modern, garage, 1st BELLE 49-West reas: Spfld. rent. 4 Tel. rm; lower. newly dec.

CHIC. FALLS. 197 Hilton 47, low, 182 2 car gar. St. $32.

A. 6-7259. S. Perrins, $27.50 State $18 EAST LONGMEADOW-7 Rm. sgle $27 avail.

Oct. 1. A. S. Perrins, 6-8381 Rm.

183 State St. 6-7259. sun ELMDALE 56, 4. West Spid. ten, wired for electric range.

steam, FEDERALI, 6 room tage, sunroom. gar. $40. Key re- Mra Snow's. MAIN 841 (A st good garage, $25.

Tel. 6-8381. PIPER 719-W. S. 6.

rm. cottage, on Res. HARRY WHYTE off 7-0374. UPPER -Beverly fills in W. Spfld.

-New $18. rm. home. Insulated, oil heat. Tel.

7-0789. WEST SPFLD. (39 Irving St.) --5 1at $22. R. Booth, 209 Dwight Tud- W.

room, mod. ten. up. and lower, steam, newly dec. and renov.

Reas. 4-8580. St. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE oil St.


EDW. J. MURPHY CO. -Established 1892. Sales.

mortgages, property management. leasing, appraising. consultants In buying or selling 1537 Main St 3-3147. or Real Estate Agents 828 WINTER, N. D.

DWIGHT, Auctioneer. Insurance and property management. Elm street, Telephone 4-3107. Farms and Land For Sale A 70 Acre farm, 24 tillable, balance wood and pasture. 8 story small barn, henhouse.

Ideal mkt. gard. Price, of C. L. Peirce, Brimfield.

STATE RD. Farm-105 acres. With gas and fruit stand, 100 apple trees, 11 room or house. Barn, elec. Terms.

Call Belchertown 57. 6 113 ACRES. good house, henhouse 1000 hens, timber wood, $1750, $100 down. 3-0210. 200.

ACRE FARM-125 acres hay and crops, 75 acres wood and 10 room brick house, large barn; 22 cows, pair horses. mile from postoffice. Price. particulars. Regina Raczkowaki, R.

F. Ware. 62-ACRE DAIRY Farm, 1-3 tilable, house, 10 electricity, furnace, Monson. HAAR. Laurence C.

Davis. Tel. 149: East. Long. Houses For Sale A BARGAIN-7 room bungalow.

1 car gAT5 80x100. Roy St. State line Ct. Near Long. Tel.

2-0004. BANGOR sun tile bath, extra gar. $7500. 6-8381. ing lots and suburban homes.

Ellen SelLUNGALOWS, Cottages, ho familles, buildzam. 6-8760. ECKINGTON single, oll heat, recreation in basem*nt, fine condition, 2-car gar. Leaving city must sell at once. W'm.

Cunliffe, 111 State St. 2-5179. FOREST PARK -House 16 2 car corner, business A zone. Tel. 4-7000.

LONGMEADOW-101 Wenonah Idwould rent. 8 2 baths, oll heat. Owner OFF DICKINSON -Near 14-rm. nex root. $3000.

Tel. 3-3168. PENROSE ROAD- -Dandy 6-room bungalow with garage. Wonderful: bargain at $3800. $600 cAsh.

Arthur G. Taylor 1121 Main. Tel. 3-3168. TAYLOR ST.

-East Longmeadow, mod. 6 rm. bungalow, Holyoke 9841 larrington. 2 LOTS. ALL Improvements, lumber for 2 small: houses, $330 takes it.

Box 122, Union Office. 5 ROOM modern" house, near Berkshire Ave $100 cash; balance on bank mortgage 8787. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Auction Sale AUCTION SALE y. Grocery and Meat Market will ha sold in trade. lots.

b. North Maple Florence, Mage, Thursday, Oct. 1, 1036 al. 1:30 P. M.

('lean stork of groceries And canned goodly, new cash register, Frigidaire alk -in Ment. Box and Meat (A4P, Hobart hamburg machine, inpat slicer, thing meat. will blork. be sold bench, scale, Pte. Everythe an me Milton Zundell, 77 newly tenement.

roonis, 3-5206 apart6-7426. Seth IT. mod2-2025. oil: stm. fine 2- fireplace, tile ga- upper.

3-4848. tenement. 6 rms. 3-4848. 7-1181.

thor. 3-6131. newly 47, 182 $30 $35 $55 $35 $23 $27 ..27 ..40 $39 7-0231 modfinished. 6-3778 9841, Reaa. heat.

Nice seen ren- steam floor. steam. fatnewly 2-4827 thor. loc. rill.

2nd 3-3168: upper, $15.. cot- A. 78 3-3147 79 6-8381. ten. 4-0361.

Rm. gar. cotat mod. 1st St. 3 83 for 1 REAL EST.

TE FOR SALE Suburban For? Sale 87 FOR SALE OPPOSITE SMITH COLLEGE CAMPUS, Northampton, "desirable location for guest house; house, residence or business. Two-family 24 rooms, Moderate dental for fail occupancy, apartments. Oliver Walker Son, Northampton, Mass. GEORGE W. S.

62-A very, nice comfortable 6 room cottage fully renovated. floors, steam plant, plumbing, etc. An Ideal home for or A man and his family. Easy. terms.

Call 6-3637. NEARBY modern nouge. barn, hennery, acres, $2200. Box 165 Union Office. SUBURBAN ESTATE (In mins.

drive 14-room. from Springfield. 77 acres. Elegant old Colonial house, strictly modern conveniences. fireplaces, beautiful lawns.

Shade trees and flowers. 2 amaller houses, garage, barn, Long trout brook, pond, woods and felds. 1600 thrifty fruit trees. 4 Must he sold AS a whole or in parcels: Box: 2169 Union Office." 10 CENT fare mod. 7 rin.

home, steam, acre $2000. Box 130 Union Office. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Wanted To Buy LOANS Or Diamonds CASA or for Silver. Gold. Est.

1912--1618 fain Bowles Bide. SP'F'LD. JEWELRY LOAN CO. OLD GOLD Paid Highest For Cash Old Price Gold Silver and Platinum, Gov, License 3295 FREDERICKS, Jewelers, 1568 Main St. OLD GOLD SHOPPE E.

188 Worthington St. CASH Silver- OLD for DIAMONDS Plationm GOLD M. J. KITTREDGE, INC. 1354 MAIN ST.

TEL. 3.4412 OLD GOLD GOLD HONEST FILLED CASH VALUE SILVER Automobiles For Sale YORK TRAILERS See them at Harrington-Hudson Co. Wholesale and 125 Liberty Mass, Territory' Available Our Guaranteed 3 Cars Are making a BIG HIT. You can buy here, with confidence. Every car reconditioned.

All perfect cars. We have no junks. We sell them to the junk man. Our large stock gives you a wide variety to choose from. Every car priced for quick sale.

The Most Reasonable Terms in Town. RALPH D. JONES, Inc. Chrysler Plymouth Distributors OPEN EVENINGS 9 921 Worthington St. Dial 6-6301 FORBES WALLACE, INC.

CLEARANCE of SEWING MACHINES Floor Samples Demonstrators" 3 Trade-Ins 'This is your opportunity to buy a good treadle or electric. sewing machine at a fraction of its original, cost. Every Machine Reconditioned Every Machine Guaranteed Singer $3.50 New Home $6.50 White $11.75 Standard $3.00 Singer 3 $4.75 We. have only space enough to list a few of the outstanding values in other groups we have Treadle Machines up Portable Electrics $15.50 up Cabinet Electrics $19.50 up Shop early. no mail or phone orders None Sold to Dealers Sewing Machines, Main and Fifth Floors FORBES WALLACE CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Trucks For Sale TRUCKS 2' 18 ft.

1936 8 ft. Studebakers, high cab forward, 2-3 20 duals, rack hydraulic body brakes, with 7.50 miles, only 3 month old. Cost New $2185 each, bargain W. 1083 B. Studebaker, 2-3 ton, chassis 220 Inch high rack body, and cab, 18 ft.

8 ft. completely overhauled, tarpaulin, duals, B- Booster $500 1931 Studebaker, 2-3 W.R, chassis and cab, ton, ft. 190 Inch high rack body, tarpaulin, 8 ft. duals, excellent $300 Palmer Studel: 205 7 South Main Open Eves. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Instruction--Automobiles Expertly AUTOMOBILE DRIVING Laporte Auto School.

Taught 84 Course Broadway' $10 DRIVING FAIRBANKA AUTO 'HIND. 9 cellancous Gloss FRANKLIN White Paint HARDWARE gal. Fist 1943 Main St. CORP. Tel.

3-107 Tel. Over: MATTRESSES 4-3313. Springheld Mattress Cool RUGS cleaned 9x12 Tapestry pet ('leaning Co. Atate Crescent 504 NpAd. At James Steam Ave.

Carpet Cleaning. RUGS St. Clean. Repair. it 2-0118.

Wanted To Buy FOR CASH YOUR OLD GOLD KALMAN. 1918 MAIN STREET Money to Loan SINGLE MEN or WOMEN May borrow $300 or less steadily employed, in one hour. Signature -20 months to repay. Write or GUARANTY LOAN PLAN 206 Aptid. Not.

Bk. Bide. 1537 Tel. 2-7250 State Loans Made In Nearby Towns MONEY LOANED for Taxes Coal Bills Single Signature Loans Co-Maker Loans Auto Loans Furniture Loans NEW METHOD 1562 Main St. Dial 4-2127 License 60 -LOANS- at our new low rate SAVE YOU MONEY Why pay more? You not only save -you And your loan easier to repay.

us today. Listen to 'Your Unseen Friend at 5 P. M. Sunday Afternoon WMAS INDUSTRIAL BANKERS of Springfield. License 73 2nd Floor, Bowles Bids, Room Phone 4-1191 1618 Main LOANS FINANCING A dr Vi THE M-A-C PLAN Pioneered Low Rates Since 1928 7 164 BRIDGE ST.

SPRINGFIELD A GIRL GIRL A use S37 An A. dent tory, With falling leaves come fall bills and heavier expenses. If you need some extra money to help your fall purchases and bills and to get ready winter, come to us first. We lend $50 to $2000 at money-saving rates. MORRIS PLAN CO.

50 VERNON ST. License 120 dis 17. REDUCED COST. LOANS On Your Own Signature Take up to 20 months to repay, if you wish. No Endorsers No Wage Assignments Both single persons and married couples are eligible.

CALL. WRITE OR PHONE NO OBLIGATION HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION of Massachusetts 923 Third Nat. Bk. 1387 Phone 6-0351. State License No.

Household sponsors Edger A. Guest "Welcome Valley," every Tuesday ning (Station at 8.30 OFFE NBC Bine Network WBZA). Trucks For Sale de FOR SALE hoss 6 models, cylinder chassis and cab with Booster, Like new, Waukeshaw run only motors, 7000 immediate sale, $1850 each. 1931 W.B. chassis and cab, ton, It.

170 1 inch high rack body, tarpantin, duals, A-1 condition. $300 hydraulic Anthony' hoist, 2-yard 9 dump body and One sides, running ft. braced off, rood hoard, power takecondition operating $65 aker Service Tel. 300, Palmer Sundays de.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.