The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 Rentals in All Locations at All Prices Are Advertised Every Day Chicago Beats Her Racketeers Organized Groups of Criminals Gone; Felonies of Minor Sort In New York City business has declared war against business racketeers. In Cleveland, Detroit, Washington, Kansas City and in other citles similar drives are under way. And in each case, business men say the same thing Chicago could get rid of her racketeers, can." What happened in Chicago when business men decided to war on rackcteers and professional gang criminals is described by a writer. in Forbes Magazine. "The last four years," says "Forbes.

"have seen drastic changes: in Chicago's methods of dealing with racketeera and professional criminals, Literally, they have been run ragged. Everything possible has been done to take away their profit and to make it expensive and difficult for them to operate. The habitual criminal act, which had been a dead statute for over a quarter of a century, has been brought to life. New laws have been passed to fill gaps and loopholes. police have been given new and young, ambitious blood.

Prosecuting offices have been strengthened with better talent. Stiffer sentences have been handed down. Fixers who had alwayg been able to sec the proper people have been cuffed: around and told to moving. Those. underworld characters.

with records ant doubtful means of livelihood have been picked up every time they showed themselves. Old charges have been pressed. Trading guilty for light sentences hag been stopped. "Let he understood that Chicago is not free from crime, no more than is any other city. Felonies are being committed every day, But they are minor eruptions: they are no 'longer the doings of the old organized gangs." Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENTS lorists FUNERAL FLOWERS Need not be expel sive to be attractive.

Croft 143 Chestnut St 4.2193. Open eves until 8. WEDDING Bouquets. cut and But treah from our own greenhouses WENKS Florist 129 Hanco*ck 6t GOING TO, FLORIDAT Dec. 3rd.

1 PaRA. wanted. Lady preferred. References changed. l'hone 4-4892 morns, 1.04t and Found LOST In front of Union Station, Hamilton wrist Reward if returned: to J.

F. Dalev. Hotel (Bar); PUP. Brown and white lost in Brimfield, "Armistice Tet. 8-1983.

AUTOMOBILES a for Sale E. CENTER, INC RELIABLE USED CARS 1035 Pontlac DeLuxe 6 touring sed. $693 1934 Pontiac: cabriolet 540 1934 Chevrolet sport coupe 423 1912 12 Huamobile Sedan 4 373 1012 Oldamobile coach 320 1081 Graham sedan 273 1919 Pierce Arrow sedan 105 486 Bridge St. at Pearl. Tel.

8-1232 Pontiac Sales and Service Since 1926 A. J. STONINA F. J. TABAKA '32 Buick 37.

Sed. Hudson Sedan '33 Hudson Coupe Olds, Toor. Sed. 3 67 Exchange Chicopee Tel. 837 AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 33 Buick 34 Pontlac cch.

33 Plymouth ech. 30 Dodge sed. 31 Ford sedan 33 Ford. tudor 34 Ford coupe 33 Ford coupe 32 Ford tudor 32 Fort 31 Ford cab. 30 Fort.

tudor Int. panel 34 Word 157 chas. 33 Terra. pickup 31 Ford panel PYNCHON MOTOR SALES, INC. 101 Memorial W.

Springfield AT THE BARGAIN OUTLET 396 DICKINSON ST. 3-1732 330 CARS AND TRUCKS Greatest price slashing In automobile history! -N Cars sold way under market values. It you don't believe it come in and see them get our price on the car you want to buy. We recondition all used cars thoroughly, ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! ALL PRICES 12.20 Xionths to pay OPEN 8 A. M.

TO P. M. Free Storage Until Spring BUICK Andant. 1497. G.

B. Chapin, 76 Vinton St. BUY SCOTT'S ON'd CARS We Are Never Undersold -Compare! 1931 Franklin Sedan. alr-cooled. newly painted, good tires, upholstery and motor perfect.

Bargain. Holyoke Chevrolet-Oldsmobile HERBERT W. SCOTT 120 Suffolk St. Holvoke Tel. 6406 We have found that ft pays to buy only A used car that bears a price tag.

A high allowance on your car for an untagzed used car 1s ous, You'll Find Price Tags on All our Used Cala. 1034 BUICK Mod $7 Sedan Dr. 5 Pass $075 1934 BUICK SmAll slY sport 513 1933 BUICK Club Sedan Built in trunk Deluxe Equlp. $100 under book vAlue 513 1033 RUICK Door Sedan DeLuxe 231 Equip. BUICK Series Small Sport Coupe 173 30.

473 -91 BUICK 5 Pasa Sedan 213 829 BUICK 4 Door Sedan 125 OTHER MAKES 19,74 PONTIAC Door Sedan $173 1934 PONTIAC Convertible Cpa ml 447 DODGE Door Sedan 613 1932 NASH Sedan Small Eight 267 1033 PLYMOUTH Sport 303 Our prices are always advertised the papers Several Other Excellent Values! SPRINGFIELD BUICK co. 630 Maln St. Open' 2-1126 Evenings CADILLAC 1031 Conv. Coupe priv. owned.

mileage. Bargain. Harry D. Harris. 345 Columbua Ave.

2-3808. Nr. So. End Bridge. CHEVROLET 1981 apt.

epe. Like new. $400 for quick sale. Tel. Northantuton, 2396.

WV. CHEVROLET 1034 Sedans, Coaches. Slany good late cars. Chevrolet Dealer. Thomp sonville.

Ct. Tel. 210. Open Eves. CHEVROLET SPORT Coupe in 1st class condition.

6 wire wheels, 4 new tires Call 6-1457. CHEVy Coarh '31. EsaPx Sed, 29. $75 Willys Sed '30, 8126 These CAre are ex eptional. 903 Belmont Ave.

4.4100, CHEVROLET OK'D USED CARS A. V. Reopell TO State St. Oldest Established Chevrolet Dealer Auto Show Week Specials See our in Auto Show Section 31 Chev. sedan 31 Ford V8 c'ch $393 34 Chev.

coach 415 33 Chev town. sed 373 34 Chev town sed 493 32 Chev Conv Sed 310 33 Chev: 6 wh med 32 Durant 6wh ad 270 33 Chev' coach 363 32 I'm c'h 283 33 Chev coupe: 345 32 WilL A Sot rd 173 31 Chev Rds 145 31 Ford roach 163 31 Nash. Spt Coo 225 30 Ford Mach Buick Red 193 30 70 01Ag 183 29 Chet sedan 14.1 29 Packard sed. 29 20 Chey. coupe.

29 30 Chev. vroach 133 Jordan 3 Pass Cne 6: Many others. Enay Terms, Palr 1'rices Floodlighted Used Car Park on St. Just off State St. Open until 9 p.

111. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale: AND OTHERS 1034 Cheve cab. 1031 Chev. rostr. 1034 Chev.

coupe 193 Chev. sod. 1033 Chew, coupe 1034 Chev. coach 1032 Chevy sed, 1032 Chev. coupe Ford coach 1033 Chev.

phaeton 19.1 Ford coupe 1033 Ford coach: 1030 Ford conch 1031 Fort conch Willys coach 1032 Nash coupe 19 -0 Ford coupe Chev. end. C. FENTON, CHEVROLET DEALER 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. CHRYSLER 6-6301 PLYMOUTI 34 Chrysler Sedan 32 Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Cue.

31 Buick Coupe. 34 Pontiac Sedan 31 Dodge Sedan 33 Plymouth Sed. 30 Dodge Coupe 33 Chrysler Sed. 30 Ford Coupe. 33 Chevrolet Cpe.

30 Ford Coupe 33 DeSoto Coach 30 Ford Rondster 31 Ford Coupe Plymouth (pe. 31 Hudson T. Sed. 20 Essex Coach 31 Ford Tudor 20 Cadillac 7 Sed. 32 Pontiac Coupe Dodge DA Sed.

30 Chrysler Cpe. 20 Chrysler 65 Sed 29 Oakland Cpe. 29 Packard Sed. 34 Ford Sedan. 34 Stude.

Sedan 34 Chrys, conv cp. 34 DeSoto Airflow CHEVROLETS, FORDS 31 Sedan: 35 Conv. Cpe. 31 Coach 33 Conv. Cpe.

31 Coupe 33 Coupe 30 Coupe 340 Sedan 20 Medan 29 Coach R. M. SAUERS, INC. Worthington St. DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH Distributors HEDGES INC.

24 Park Street. Dial 2-3151. 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan, 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe 2-door Sedan. 1932 Reo Coupe with rumble 1031 Reo Royale Coupe. rumble sent.

DE SOTO 4-2133 PLYMOUTH 1933 DE soTo r. coupe, new, at discount 1933 DE SOTO AIRSTREAM SEDAN demo. DE SOTO AIRFLOW SEDAN, demo. 33 Plym. Sedan 30 Buick Sedan 34 Ford Victoria 31 P'lym.

DL Sed. 33 P'lym. Sedan 31 Ford Coupe 30 Chev. Sedan 33 Dodge Sedan 10 Stude. Bough'm 33 Olds.

Sedan 33 Plym. Conv. Cpe. 31 DeSoto Sedan 30 Ford Sedan 30 Chrysler 77 Sed. 32 DeSoto Sedan 31 Ford delly.

pan. M. C. BARRETT. INC.

600 State St, Open Eves. DODGE 1-5251 PLYMOUTH 1033 DODGE DeLuxe 4-dr. sedan, excel. 1933 PLYMOUTH Conv. Coupe, low mileage.

1933 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 4 door sedan, clean. 1934 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 4 door sedan, excel. DODGE Conv. Coupe, excellent. 1934 DODGE 4 door sedan, fine condition.

1934 DODGE Deluxe R.S. Coupe. heater. 1933. DODGE 4 door tour.

sedan, 4500 miles 1931 PLYMOUTH 2 door tour, sed. 11.000 ml. 1035 PLYMOUTH door tour sed, new guar. OTHER MAKES 1933 Nash Deluxe 4 door sedan. 1933 Terraplane Deluxe Sedan.

1933 DeSoto 4. door sedan. 1932. Willys Knight 4 door sedan. 1032 DeSoto Coach, 3932 Pontiac 4 door sedan.

1931 Hudson door sedan. 1933 Ford business coupe. 1972 Chevrolet DeLuxe coach. Others to choose from $25 up. F.

L. SANFORD CO. 130 Chestnut St. 21-27 Winter St Dodge and Plymouth Pleasure Cars Dodge Trucks ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 93.00 1930 Studebaker sedan 160.00 Sedan 75.00 Ford Coupe 1028 Nash Coupe 43.00 1929 Hupmobile Sedan 130.00 0) 1930 Essex Sedan 165.00 These cars and many others may be seen at our used. car lot at MAIN WILLIAMS STREETS are in our showrooms AL A complete, line of late model used cars NORCROSS-CAMERON COMPANY The Original Ford Dealer 151 Bridge St.

Open Eves, Tel. 2-5147 ENJOY A REAL THANKSGIVING '33 FORD LA Roadster- Bargain. LANCIA Phaeton-30 miles per gallon. 34 '31 FORD. FORD.

Phaeton- Coupe--Deluxe, -Deluxe, heater, new "radio: FORD Cabriolet- Very clean. '34 DODGE Cabriolet -Low mileage. '31 Coach- -Low price. 30 FORD Coach -Black, cream wheels. FORD Coach--DeLuxe equipped.

'34 FORD DeLuxe, Trunk. '31 FORD Coupe-One owner. excellent. '20 BUICK Sedan--Green with trunk. 34 AUSTIN Coupe--Deluxe, 900 miles.

RECONDITIONED TRUCKS '32 FORD 107 Chassis Cab- Overhauled. '31 FORD: down '30 FORD Dump--Ready for work. '34 CHEVROLET Stake -See it today. '33 CHEVROLET ton. Canopy -Excellent, Low mileage.

FORD V-8. 137" Chassis Cab--Perfect. '31 FORD paint, rubber good. '32 CHEVROLET down. GEORGE Authorized E.

Ford ADAMS. Dealer: 618 State St. Open Evey. Tel. 6-3656 ESSEX 1931 Coach, new tires, clean $147.

Kelleher Miser, Inc. 464 St James Ave FORD 1934 Tudor, 18.000 miles. Kelleher Mixer. Inc. 461 St.

James Ave. 3-3116. ale due to. death. Call 2-171 beFORD DELUXE Cabriolet 1935, low mileage, tween ti and D.

IT. FORD 1931 Tudor sedan. Looks and runs good, Tires like new. $137. George Silva Broadway.

Open evenings. FORDS AND OTHERS 1034 Ford DeLuxe coach, radio, heater, very clean $395 34 Del radio 31 Terra. cpe- r. S. 33 D'L sad.

nu mot. 31 Olds cch. Victoria 32 Pont. che. 34 Phaeton, radio 30 P'ont.

sed. 32 DeL coupe. 20 Essex coupe WARRANTED IN WRITING AUTO SALES CO. 03 Liberty St. Open Eves.

FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! 1934 DeLuxe Coach, prac. new $400. 1933 Coach, small mileage $325. 1932 Coach $210. 1930 Coach $140.

1931 Victoria Coupe $100. 1031 Coupe $130, 1031 Coupe $373. 1931 DeLuxe Roadster $140. 1930. Roadster $73.

1929 Roadster $30. 1929 Coach $40. 1929 Coupe $33-. 1931 Chev, Touring Sedan $120. Cash or Easy Terms.

Open Evenings. D. N. ACKERMAN. 48 Willow St.

GENDEN BROS. INC. Pontiac Sales and Service 31 Pontiac Che. 34 Hudson sed. 33 Pontiac sed.

54 Ford coach 31 Lafaveite red. 30 Buick rpe, Many other make to choose from. 6-5481 2387 Main St. Tel. HUDSONS AND TERRAPLANES 34 Plym, 34 Terra: cch $473 34 (iraham 8 sed 33 epe.

203 33 Pontiac ech. 393 32 Mud. cub 32 Terra. 32 Auburn sed. 330 31 Hudson sed 293.

29 Reo ope. -HUDSON CO. 123 Liberty Tel 6416 1033 Sedan, extras. $813 1934 CHEVROLET Master sed: 403 1913 PONTIAC. Coach with trunk 4.41 19:1 MUPMOBILE Sedan; 8.

"cyt. 230 1931 NUPMOBILE Sedan. 6. cyl. 2741 DE SOTO Sport 1929 CHEVROLET Conv.

coupe SPRINGFIELD HUPMOBILE AGENCY 423 St James Ave. 3-5303 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO Si; Deed Cara. at Slaughtered 138 Memorial Ave, Wet. Springfield OLDSMOBILE DEALER We have the largest. finest assortment of Used Cara in the Compare our prices condition of Cara before you buy.

5 Pontiac 8 Sport Coupe (rumble new). seat). 35 Ford DeLuxe Coach (like 33 Oldsmobile 8 Sport Convertible Coupe. 33 Dodge Sedan (run few miles). Chevrolet Trunk Sedan (new), 31 Chev Coupe 34 Olds Coach 34 Ford Sedan 34 Pontiac Coupe 34 Iludson Sedan 34 Buick, Sedan 34 Olds Spt Coupe 34 Stude Sedan Plymouth Coach 34 Plymouth Coupe 33 Tour Coupe 33 Olds Sedan 33 Chrysler Sedan 33 Ford Road.

32 Olds. Coupa: 32 Ford Coupe. Chev: Coach Cher Coupe 31 Auburn Sedan 33 Olda Conv Coupe 31 Ford Road. 31 Pontiac Coupe Ford. Coach Real Good $65 310 MATRUNS TEL.

6-9036 MOTOR CO. PACKARD 1932 Victoria 5 deluxe Black Anish, now tires, DOWerful motor. heater and box Bosch 1149.: radio. A real bargain. l'ost office SEE THESE BARGAINS 1030 FORD Tudor $125 1939 -PAIGE Sedan 73 1929 Victoria- Coupe CHEVROLET Sedan 50 AUBURN Sedan 30 1929 JORDAN 60 1928 NASI Sedan 50 1029 MARMON Coupe Memorials West.

STERLING A OUR INC. andan. Low mileage, tires, hot, water TEAR Lat deluxe Fordor heater In radiator, all ready for: winter. drivIng. Time payments to responsibje party, George Sliva, 13 Broadway.

Open eves. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles: for Sale USED CARS of every description. Finest selection In town, every car. guaranteed. Terms Trade.

Open eveninga. RESWICK'S MOTOR SALES, 523 Belmont Ave, at the WILLYS 1033 DeLuxe sedan, will sacrifice, 61 Church St. West Spfld. Trucks for F. L.

SANFORD CO. A fine assortment of used trucks reasonably priced. 150 Chestnut Stir Dial 4-8251 FORD 1931 dual tires. 157 wh. Base, rack body, paint, A-1 cond, $275.

TermaTrade. Guford. Nichols, 560 Main St FORD TRUCKS 1031 Long wheelbase, stake body. Best buy in town. $193 32 w.

high rack 34 Stake, nu mot. 31 1. platform 01 11. dump WARRANTED IN WRITING AUTO SALES CO. 95 Liberty Open Eves.

FORD 1931 ton. 131" wheelbase. Dual wheels. Completely overhauled. new 9 ft.

rack. body has exceptional value, $273. 1030 Ford ton 107" wheelbase, cab and chassis, dual wheels, very good condition, $105. 1930 Federal ton: 137 wheelbase, cal and chassis, duals, rugged, A. V.

Reopell, 700 State St. Dial 7-0251 FOR SALE-1030 Pickup, $70 cash, full price, "Also Rasoline engine. $15. Leon Perry, Otis, MasS. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER.

CO. Quality Used Trucks 139 Memorial Ave: Weat. Springfield REPLACE YOUR OLD TRUCK NOW WITTE MODERN REBUILT USED TRUCKS 1934 G. N. C.

02 Ton: Dual Tires Like New. 1031 af. C. 1 Stake Body, Single Tires. 1033 International 8 ft.

1 Ton Panel, Good Mechanical Conditions 1031 G. M. C. Ton Dual Tires, 12 Ft. Stake Body, Good Mech, Cond.

New Paint. 1034 International Ton. Dual Tires. Good Mechanical Condition. New Paint, Suitable for Dump or Tractor.

1909 G. M. C. Ton Dump, Ford Hydraulic Dump, Dual Tires, Overhead Valve. Motor, 1031 G.

C. 3 Toni Cab and Chassis. 8. 25-20 Duals 190 W. B.

Good Condition. OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM See Sir Horn Tel. 4-5607 G. SI, C. USED TRUCK DEPT.

33 Memorial Ave. Spfld. USED TRUCKS 1934 Chev. Chassis and Cab, 157 W. 19 Ford Chassis and Cab, B.

1942 Ford Chassis and Cab, W. B. 1932 Chevrolet, Stake body. W. B.

1931 International, Stake. body, 100" B. 1929 Dodge-Graham, Stake body -Priced from $100 up- HOLCOMB'S MOTOR SALES 44 Main St. Weatfield. Tel.

Westfield 1620 Auto Accessories 14 AUTO GLASS- Installed $1.00. BROOK'S Used Parts and Tires. 230 liberty St. GArages 16A AT WINCHESTER SQ. -Live and dead storage.

Heated garage. A BETTER walling. Price C. for your Beswick. car.

323 Belmon: cash' Ave. A HIGHER Spot cash price tor your ca: or truck. Johnson, 396 Dickinson 3-1732 REST PRICES. tor Cash Waiting F. 497 State SI PLYMOUTH Or Dodge, 6 cyl.

Cheap as. is. Box. 639 Union office. BUSINESS SERVICE -Contracting 10 ALTERATIONS Construction.

carpentry, Moors, cellings. shingles. garage. estimates 6 3822 Ropalring CHAIRS RESEATED--By the blind. Edw.

Ave. Tel." 2-0703. CIGARET BURNS Cuts. moth noles, Itneo. rewoven tears.

mended Textile Reweaving Associates: 175 State St 4-7041 SEWING MACHINES- RepairIng guaranteed. All makes. Tel. 2-8769. VACUUM Cleaners rebuilt, some a for sale: brushes rebriatled: 24 vears at 41 Dreaden St Brouillet Painting- Papering 23 HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANG.

ING. LOW. PRICES. MORAN -Storage ANDERSON A BENSON CORP and piano moving. lOCAL and distance: storage, Lebanon STORAGE MOVING -PACKING 2.2168.

385 Liberty St SULLIVAN THE MOVER, INC TRUCKING--RIGGING--MOVING TRANSFER SINCE 1880 Professional Services 27 BODY MASSAGE method. Appointment call Mae Mangur, 4-1889 until 9 p.m. Necessary? No! Superflous hair palnlessly and permanently Over 40 years experience. Free consultation, Amos Paul: And Katherine E. Nichols, 01 Besse Place.

Dial 3-0814. Beauty Schools 27 A A ACADEMY evening OF claases: REAUTY live models. Culture--Day Doerr' and 34 MADIP 81 Tel 3-5017 -Rose Beauty. Academy. Expert Instructions on live models.

Free marcels, Angerwaves, etc. 1133 Main St. 3-4810 SPELD. ACADEMY of Beauty CultureDay or evening classes. Expert Instructors only.

1490 Main 2d floor. 2-0910 EMPLOYMENT Help' Wanted- -Female NOTE--In answering advertisem*nt da. not original references Copier serve the same purpose and avold the loss of valuable BOOKKEEPER- -Young lady with expertence; must be alert and neat. Typing Box Gal, Union office. EXPERIENCED for house.

work. Stay nights. Good pay, 2-9110. GIRL FOR Housework- Good home. and good wages.

Tel. Chic. 017-J. GIRL For: general housework, stay nights. 0-1798.

GIT, -Wanted for goneral housework. Stay nights. 40 Knollwond St. Tel. 7-0810, GIRL For general housework.

chid. Experienced preferred. Write references and tel. number. P.

Box 1197, HAIRDRESSERS WANTED Beauty Salon. 115 State St. MOTHER'S Helper. over 16. Care of children.

Stay nights. 71 Daviston St. MOTHER'S Helper. Longmeadow, stay nights. Call 4-4592 evenings.

PROT. Young housekeeper by emp. couple, one child. Box 611. Union office.

WANTED -Part time stenographer. typist Box 042 Union office. WE HAVE Positions for several good eX perienced beauty operators. Must be able to handle first class clientele. Salary of commission.

Hairdressers Employment Room 28, 333 Bridge St. WORK With territoriat. manager, introducing new food products. Pleasant agrepable work. Pays from $12 up.

Transportation furnished. Genuine opportunity: for advancement. Apply 2877 Main St. YOUNG GIRL To assist with housework. Stay nights.

Kenwond Ter. Female Help Instruction 82 A MARCEL. cutting: Without: no charge charge Wed: dally; halt sadies tinting Thurs. Doers Beauty Academy. 34.

Maple St Help Wanted -Male 33 EXPERIENCED Single milker and teamster, Raymond Abbe, Conn. Thompsonville 4 FIRST- anish vial And tipple playera. Stale age and address Box Union off HAIRDRESSER BEAUTY STATE ST INSURANCE Mans with Broker's license in well established real estate office. Box 653 Union office. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted- -Male RADIO Service: man, quick, accurate, efficlent, earning: $30 cat start.

Must complete All work without technical assistance. Not a dealer proposition. State qualifications. Box: 013 Union oflice. SALESMEN -Sell new $1.

electrical household necesalty every woman must have. commission. r. Koomn 121 Ilotel Worthy. SALESMAN- Commission.

Educational Write line. Box 616 Must Union have office. 8 SALESMAN-20 to 33 years old, with car, Must: be familiar with city. Salary and commission. Write Box 611 Union office.

SINGLE--Farm hand. Good milker. P. O. Box.

803. Westfeld, Tel. 1366-M. OPPORTUNITY For man not afraid of work to handle tea, coffee, and grocery route. Permanent If you qualify, Splendid opportunity for advancement.

No capital neces. sary, Good references. Write ine, reason why I should consider your application for A personal Interview. Write Dox 649 Union office. TIE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO.

wil! interview a few men over. 25 rears old to cover positions here in Spild. These men must be careful, consistent and reliahle with Al ref. Salary arrangements. will be made with those selected.

Mr Irving, Hotel Worthy, Monday 12-4 p. m. Malo Help -Instruction 33 A APPLICANTS Taking substitute ralway postal clerk examinations write me 1m- mediately, can be of valuable assistonce to you. Civil: Intelligence: Bureau, P. O.

Box Springfield. WANT A GOVERNMENT Job? Start $173 month. Men- women. Prepare 110 for. Springfield examinations.

Common education. List. positions FREE. Write today. Franklin Institute, Dept.

191-11, Rochester, N. Male- Female Help Instruct. A LOCAL ART STUDIO Several. persons: with art talent will have real opportunity to learn Commercial ART. Fashion DRAWING.

ILLUSTRAT. ING and CARTOONING. For more Information write P. O. Box 423.

Springfield. Nituations Wanted- -Female AMER. Woman desires. position AS housekeeper for 1 or 2 adults. Experienced.

Good good cook. Tel. EXPERIENCED Domestic nursing by day, week or month. Tel 4-9827 HOUSEKEEPER -Capable managing home. good conk, neat.

unincumbered, ref. Box 2108 Union office. MIDDLEAGED Woman as housekeeper for 1. or 2 adults. Good: cook, good ref.

POLISH WOMAN- Washes curtains, pair. Butler. St PRACTICAL Nursa. or companion, unit cumbered, g0 anywhere, ref. Box 211 Union Sitnations Wanted -Male EXPERIENCED Mechanic desires locally, sober, rellable.

Box 634 Unico office, POSITION AS Herdsman and barn: wor Capable manager. Box 440. Union office FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 BAKERY For sale, Modern. Doing business. Box 033 Union office.

HOTEL RESTAURANT To rent, well equipped. elec. refrig. 4-8247. Ar Stevens PARTNER-00 Into liquor bualness, WOnderful opportunity, only place in town.

Box 330 Union office. TWO Monitor stores, exchange. or sell. what have you to offer. Box 612.

Union office. Personal Financing 39 ABANDON MONEY Problems, loans $30 to $300. Household Finance Corporation of Mass. License No. 139.

Phone 6-0331. COMPLETE Personal: financing service. First Personal Bankers. 101 State St. License 222 Phone 2-4169 ASK FOR OUR Rates on co-maker, furniture, Auto loans.

We can save you money. The Morris Man 50 Vernon St. 4-56612 License 120. TANS -No comakers, 12 months to Finance 1436 Main St Tel pay: only lawful Interest. Springfield 4-3103 License 17.

FOR MONEY Needed quickly on convenient terms at low cost, sep The New Method. 1362 Main Rm. 202: 4-2127. Lic. 60.

LOANS FROM $10 TO 3300. Ideal Financing Association, Inc. 1400 Main St. License 101 Tel. 4-3344 NO ENDORSERS security.

$300 or less your signature only, Guaranty Loan Plan, 1337 Main St. Tel. 2-7230. License 012. Money to Loan CASH PAID--Or loaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry, Sq.

Jewelry Co. 1263 Main. INSTRUCTION Musical. Dramatic BALLROOM. Tan.

piano, volce, violin. Spanish, guitar lessons, BPA11regard's School of Music Dance, 1634 Main St. 2-6317. THE ROBERT W. FIELD PIANO STUDIOS 68 TEMPLE ST.

TEL. 3-0331 Business Instruction 43A STENOGRAPHIO Secretarial. bookkeeping Courses open now. Catalog on request. Bay Path Institute 100 Chestnut St 6-2704.

LIVE STOCK Dogs. Cats. Pete BEAGLE PUPPIES months old. Ready to hunt. Reas.

Tel. 8-1025. BLUE CROSS--Pretty mother cat expecting family needs home In country, 4-1031. BOSTON Terrier M. L.

Griswold. E. Long. Tel. 8-11.

co*ckER Spaniels, Fox Terriers, Scotties, Airedales. Beagles, Police, Collies. Lewis 1139 Allen. -GREYHOUND l'upples 6 mos. old for sale.

4-0743. TREATMENT of diseases. eurgery, X-ray Fluroscopic examination. Free clinic. Dr E.

Dowine. 1325 Columbus 6-8551 WILL BUY--A whole. litter of cheap pups, Any breed. Tel. 2-6242.

Cattle, Vehicles FOR SALE -First class farm horse, 1600 165. A bargain for: cash. C. I. McKinney, 2171, funtington, Mass, INCHEST Cash prices paid for cows.

calves, hogs, poultry. A. Maspo. HORSES To board, reasonable rates; indoor: ring for schooling. James Kufe's Riding School, Sturbridge Southbridge, Mass.

WANTED Horses to board for winter, Long. meadow. Good care, low rates. Call 6-1493 Superman Poultry. Demorial Aver.

ALWAYS--Highest prices for live poultry: Poultry and Supples West: Springfield. A Tel. 3-2371 or 2-4410. NEW Shipment vi targe capacity and fountains, Priced right. Geo Elm St Westfield Tel: 2-2715 Stethe 493 Worthington St.

and 220 FOR SAGE-100 R. I Red pullets. Ready to lay. Inoculated against fowlpox: A. N.

LongewRy, Parker: East Longmeadow. Tel. 133-13. HIGHEST Prices paid for live turkeye, "geese. chickens and fowl.

Good demand 'Tel. 3-2371 or 2-6440. Superman Poultry 903. Memorial Ave HOLIDAY wanted: turkeys, chick009. fowls, rabbits, ducks, etc.

Ilghest prices paid. N. K. Poultry Plant, 1734 Allen St. 6-0514.

LARGE ROASTERS- And all other live poultry wanted. will bring you more money by calling or writing F. J. Zelazo. West Springfield.

MASS. 8-2310 NATIVE VE, Turkeys, roasting chickens and fowls S. N. Poultry plant. 1734 Allen St: Spfld.

PAYING 18c to 23c for thickens. hens Truck sent anywhere. Also turkeys, ducks, rabbits. etc wanted. Hughes Poultry.

Tel: 3-0641 130 PULLETS FOR SALE. N. TI. REDS. 17:4 ALLEN ST.

SPFLD. 6-0511. UNABLE 'To house 200 S. C. White leghorn collets, now laying.

Blood teated high production atock. I'riced C. Li Merrick. Wilhraham. Tel.

VAPO SPRAY -Emulsion, Inhalant, Ger. miseptic, Roup Powder and Pills, for prevention 4: and active Round Gill's, 87 Bridge St. WANTED -To correspond with owners of N. 11. Red flocks interested in supplying hatching rags next spring.

Flocks must he able to pass Mass. State test 100 clean. Pedigree co*ckerels furnished. Within 30 nf Springfield preferred BAddress Row. 76 Union office.

Wanted- Livestock ALl Live poultry. wanted. Good prices. Phone, write, I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood.

3-5403. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale BEAUTIFUL Shirley Temple dolls. taken. Tel. FOR SALE One good brood SOW.

reasonable. Leon: 0 on Perry, Otis, Mass. METERS Electric water: pump. Good condition. Reasonhble.

Tel. A USED Marin air. furnaces: 2. used steam hollers, liolland Furnace 95 Taylor. WE NAVE Used steam bollers.

WIll cell As 13 or: Instal same: Business Equipment 52 A FINE Selection bar, store. office, restaurant equipment EVe a iso buy stock and fixtures. Bay. Stated Fixtures 153 2-7236 LETTER FILES-4 drawer steel- desks, safes, adding chines. 124 Holyoke, A MAHOGANY Floor display cases.

Electrically wired. Excellent condition. Room 307 Bookstore Bldg. 4-4102. Building Materials 54 WRECKING LARGE ICE IIOUSE GREEN MASS 300,000 fhm good building material cheap 200 sawdust.

Salesman on prem1seg daily and Sunday. 1. Andrewa, Tel. 3-8148 Worcester, Mass. Fuel and Feed 66 ALL KINDS- Hard wood, white 1 birch, slab, kindling and Lohigh coal.

Prompt delivery. E. F. Peck Coal Co. APPLES -Mackintosh, Baldwins, Greenings, Seeknofurther, Sutton Beauties, Rusts, Wagner; sweet cider, Ashley barm, Porter K.

Long. BEST HARD $10-4 ft. soft slab. $5 cord; mixed wood 21 bushels $2. A.

Page. Tel. Chicopee. 1238. DRY WOOD -Hard, soft, mixed or slaba.

Any" amount, Del. Minor's. 4-8003. BEST price. Harold A.

King. Tel. 4-6236. DRY Fireplace wood $8. Furnace $7.50.

Mixed $0.50. Kindling 20: bu. $2. Holyoke 2-2074. FOR SALE--Dry hardwood, Areplace, furNACG And: stove.

2-0362. KINDLING WOOD 21 Bushels $3 40 Bushels F. MI. IVEST DIVISION NEW ENGLAND BOX CO. Lowell St.

West Springfield Tel. 2-4121 SEASONED Hard wood for gale. in Harry Lapides, off Hall Hill Rd. Somers, Ct. Good Things to Eat cider for holidays.

Cider mill opposite Riverside park. Tel. FANCY Turkeys, live or dressed. White's Turkey Farm, Ludlow. Tel.

17-11 or 309, FLETCHER'S fashioned graham, other flours. Stilled A at Southwick. HALLADAY'S-Turkeys for the holiday328 No. Westfield Feeding Hills. Tel.

4-4277. JUST ARRIVED! New crop of pure buckwheat four and yellow COOKINg peas. George Methe 493 Worthington st. and Elm Westfield, Tel. 2-2713.

10 LBS. ROAST Turkey, $4.30. Ready Thanksgiving after 10 a Pumpkin pies, 400. Tutti Frutif cakes, 40c. Place orders Othote, 240 Worthington SWEET Cider at mill.

Spec. rates, 10 gal. lots. Congdon, Hampden E. SWEET CIDER AL the mill.

Winter apples. N. S. Kibbe, South Hampden, Mass, Tel. 36.

Household Goods A HUGE SACRIFICE AT UNHEARD OF PRICES! Beautyrest OF SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE Mattresses $7, Genuine Crotch Athg. Bed. room Suite Practically new. Axminster Rugs $5, Beds, Springs, Mattresses $1, Dressers: $3, Rockers Reconditioned Stoves (Glenwood, Crawford) $15, Grey Enamel Andes Comb, Range Heat. Control at: sacrifice, Parlor Heaters $5, Gas Stoves $1, 12-3pc Parlor Sultes (Mohair, Tap.

Velour) $10 $15, 9 Diningroom Suites (Nhg, $12 $20, Breakfast Sets $3, 8 Bedroom Suites Mihg. Staple) to go $15: $25. Pianos, $13, Deska $3, Diningroom, Tables $2.: Radios $10, Washing Machines China Closels Sewing Machines 87. Livingroom chairs $3, Buffets $1, Bookcases $6, Chairs 33c. EVERYTHING AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICE! BUY NOW! OPEN EVENINGS.

FURNITURE OUTLET; INC. 1049 Main St. Corner Park Main Sta BADY Carriage (Whitney) like new. Also kiddie coop with mattress. Good cond.

2-1922. BIGELOW HARTFORD Rugs, carpets, Armstrong. Sealex Linoleums. Why pay more? See: our prices before Cunningham-O'Shaughessy, 234 Worthington: St BIGELOW-SANFORD-AN grade rugs. complete line.

Harold G. Moore, mill agent. Enfield Thompsonville, Ct. Living room furniture. 673-2.

Open Eves. BROWN. Reed baby carriage. Perfect condition, $10; child's desk, $8. Call 4-4118.

ELECTRIC PORTABLE Sewing machine like: new. Late model. FULL SIZED 6-ft: refrigerators, Hoor samples at special reductions. Burden-Bryant: Co. Call Dr Thomas.

GAS Stoves $3.95 up: Household coal ranges in A-1 cond. Glenwood coal range. reconditioned, guaranteed $12.03: Modern Glenwood range with oil burner, like new Household comb. range, good AS new $19.93: Sterling comb. range with dual: oven Andes grey enamel comb.

range with heat control Rt: 8 rifice; enamel comb. range assorted colors at: a great reduction: 3-plece parlor: 4-piece walnut Venetian type bed.In. set Diningroom sets $0.93: Philco radios, guar. $0.93: Sewing machine $1.05: Rugs $3.95 up: Chest $1.00: Dressers $3.95 up: Bed sprga. and each; kitchen sets Electric washing machine, guar.

$9.05: Walnut Diningroom sets at A great sacrifice. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO. 1883 Main near Sharon, Tel. 2-0145 GLENWOOD. Crawford, Andes, Stewart, combination ranges 84 low R8 $10, reconditioned: and guaranteed.

Used Stove? Now England Furniture Co. of Spfld. 1031 Main St. 2. hocks below State JUST ARRIVED TODAY! From.

A. Ana LONGMEADOW, MASS. residence ORIENTAL RUGS, Dresden lamp, French clock. Estey Organ, teakwood pedestals, mahogany framed rel. chair.

mahogany tip table, French Bisque figures, Duncan Phyfe tilt: table, brass Andirons, fenders, screens, grates. choice: bric-a-brac. Tel. 2-8513. ENTIRE LOT SACRIFICED! BARNEY'S ANTIQUE STOP Main AL.

Opp. Clinton Intel PERSIAN Oriental rug. In family 150 ft. by ft. worth $800.

WIll sacri fire for $115. Call 48 Catherine St. RUGS--Factory prices: Wilsons. Axminster Hunt and Shea, mill agents, 810 Enfield Thompeonville, Ct. Tel.

561-2. Open to 9 p. STOVES. Thorougly reconditioned by pert workmen. Guaranteed Reasonable Burden Bryant 9-11 St Tel 3-5105 UP TO.

DATE Dining room set. Leaving state. J. Stelnborg, 3 Hast Chicopee Falls, Tel. Chicopee 8397.

4 WINDOW SHADES Slake you. tractive. We make them to order and also do repairing Springfield Window Shade Mtg Cu. 62 Vernon St 6-3145 Jewelery and Watches 60 CHANGE Old model watcher for new: cash for. old gold.

silver. diamonds. antique jewelry: watches, clocks, jewelry G. C. Grimes 2d door Book store: Bldg 2-0118: Machinery and Tools TOOLS.

drills. churke. lathe: chain falls, Are: office and garage equip. CASPR, registers, time clocks, drawer Aling cabinets at" low prices. TVe buy all kinds of stock SpAd.

Auction Co 769. Dwight St. Phone Radios RADIOS Used, $3. Consule radios $10, Hun: dreds of good: buys. Albert Radio and Elec.

Co. 1028 Main St. TABLEs, mod. $4 to $8, 3 Sparton, Philco, 3 Zenith $9 lea. 2492 Main St.

10. to 10 p.m. Wearing Apparel 63 O'COATS, SUITS, LADIES COATS $3 up $8. Dresses and Shoes 50c up. Child rens.

clothing. 8 Sanford St. hr. Court Sg. SUITS.

O' Coats, $0 up. L. coats. up. Sat.

till 11-p. m. 31 New Dwight. near State. $1000 OVERCOATS AND SUITS 100 Extollent Selection NOW--New And Used $0.

$7, $0. $10 AND HIGHER List purchased 50 Ladies $521p. TUXEDOS--EVEN'G GOWNS SLIPPERS Odd coats, trousers, work and dress shoes SCHAFFERS 'Open Every Evening 34 New Dwight, Near State. Dial 4-4047 MERCHANDISE Wanted- -To Buy A BETTER PRICE PAID for Livingroom, Bedronm. Diningroom.

Rugs, etc. WE POSITIVELY PAY DOUBLE ANY OTHER BUYER! Fol 1m- mediate FURNITURE Cash. Dial OUTLET. 4-2760. INC: 1049 1 Main ABSOLUTELY Best prices for used furniture, 1 ranges and rugs Call Markinan, Springfield Furniture Co; 1947.

Maine 2-0188. ANDES A RANGES- Parlor. hedroom, dinsets, rugs, any furniture. Guar, higher cash Free appraisal. N.

Y. Eur. 3-4757. A WONDERFUL CHANCE! We pay DOUBLE other buyers for good used furniture, ruga, stoves, antiques. Call BARNEY, Tel.

COAL STOVES COMBINATIONS LIVING ROOM. BEDROOM, DINING ROOM FURNITURE 'AND RUGS WE POSITIVELY PAY THE MOST. ECONOMY FURNITURE COS TEL 3 2.0145 DESKS-(2) flat and office chairs. write Box Union office, JOHNSON Bookstore cash for used books. for antique furniture and antiques 500 VICTORIAN CHAIRS WANTED: For a DETROIT Buyer Ladies and gents hair cloth sofas, goose.

neck rockers, Lincoln rockers. fruit side chairs, single and triple -crested your ATTIC for. SPOT CASIT Write to LOsolas, regardless of condition. CLEAN I OUT AGENT 633 UNION OFFICE. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 BAY Warm sunny gentleman preferred.

Meals optional 6-7094. MILL SECTION -Room in modern haine. priv. family. Board optional.

Tel: 2 MONTROSE State. steam heated room, priv. Board optional: 3-0763 TARN in priv. adult fam. adj.

bath. Steam, Aleals 16 Beaumont WEST Woman would like. women for room and board. 1 Rooms Without Board ABSOLUTELY- -Private I or cozy bath, 2-6827. Quiet home, central.

COMFORTABLE Modern Horne privileges, central. 20 School St. 7-9108. CHESTNUT 106 Beautifully furn. Central Gentlemen pref.

Maxwell 7-0136. 4 COOLIDGE HOTEL- rates $1. $1 25. $1.50 A weekly. $4, $3, $8.

Free parking. 0787 Main St. Tel 4-8247. FOREST -Larg All modern.

Priv. residence. Garage. FOREST PARK Forest Park Ave. Comfortable furnished rooms.

Tel. 4-9887. HIGH 02-Attractive well heated rms Reas. Parking. Transients accommodated.

lILL SECTION- -Pleasant room, private family, Man only, Call 28 Am. herst. St. A MOTEL Main. Comfortable ring.

A running water, showers, $3, it $4 wkly. HOTEL HAWKINS-1340 Main. Comfortable rms. running water. $4, $3 wkly, Other rms.

$3. LiKE HOME- -Large rooms, hot. and. cold water, parking. .00 Bowdoin St.

2-8771. MAPLE ST. A 81-Attractive I well furnished warm room. MYRTLE ST. (Near: Federal LAnd Bank.) Cozy, steam heated furnished room.

PEARL ST. $3 weeks, 1 week free. Near Y. M. C.

A. STATE ST. And housekeeping Irns. a om. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 A diahes CLEAN 2-0331 Mra" housekeeping Field: 68 Temple street.

plate. A LARGE Newly decorated rm running wAter, and single School St: 4-0182 BELMONT AVE. rm. apt. $7 week Dishes bedding.

etc furnished 2-3216 KEN WOOD TER-Park section, for lignt housekeeping. Heat and light furnished. only $23.2 Call G-8381 MAIN sleep. 32.30 up. Free park Jefferson House.

3-5321. MAPLE 80 Large warm rm. $3, also small rm. $2. UNION ST.

180-Near 1. or 2. light housekeeping roomie. Tel. 2-3821.

A Where to Eat OLD Fashion Thanksgiving Dinner, $1:30 served on Thanksgiving Day. from 1 to by Mrs. Robert. H. Downey.

Reservations p. m. STONY HILL COUNTRY CLUB In A.dvance by Tel. No. Wilbraham.

83-11 or write P. O. 511, Springfield. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartmeute and: Flats A BETTER APARTMENT High St rooms. porch D.

F. MORIN CO. 168 Bridge St Room A LOVELY -Clean, punny 5 rms. frig. (St George), 228 Belmont Ave.

ANGERS APARTMENTS 916 Worthington. St. 7-2013 293 Bridge St. 2.6716 ANGERS BROS. INC.

APARTMENT DIRECTORY Avon 1. 3 rms. furnished. 31 Church St. 6 2d floor, yard 40.

High refrigerator. 04 See Mr. Loncto. 44 Bliss rin ARTHUR G. TAYLOR REALTORS 1421 Lain St.

APT. -Homelike. 5. large suuny rooms. Central.

03. Park St. 2-3528, APT. -Of rooms, heat and hot water, Janitor service. Tel.

ARE YOU Looking for a modern, newly decorated quiet central Step in At 12 to 20. Matton opposite Kimball and look them over, or call 4-321 ARMORY ST. 7-15-Mod. 8 rm. CATden.

Adults. Reas. rent. Inq. 47.

4-2731. BAY ST. COR. MARION room suite 839. 4-7380.

BAY ST. 237-A location, First foor. 5 rms. Apts. 3-5833 mornings.

BEAUMIER SQUARE APTS. 3 and a 4 rooms; Attractive Tel; Office 32 Belmont BELMONT 361-Modern 5 room par. steam, frigidaire, re. Tel. 2-1084.

BELMONT TS 4-5 mod. 2-9063. Central St. 120, rms, BELMONT AVE. 141 (Twin Arbor) 5 steam, 120.

Belmont 3. rms. G. E. Refrig 6-3891 BELMONT AVE.

Cor. Woodside. rms. newly decorated May be Inspected anytime. lowland, 120.

Belmont Ave: 2-1618. STA 83 modern, frig idaire, porches, Clean, quiet. leas. CENTRAL ST. 3044 rms: 3 4th floor: $32.

Benoit at bullding CENTRAL unusually Inrge outside rals. mod. A-1 condition. Furn. unfurn.

30 Bradford St. CENTRAL LOC. -Newly drc. 3-rms lowes iprices PARK 4-ring 6-4138 MARRIET ST. rooni suites.

Cow rental. 4-1380, ANGIE ST. 24-Attractive: room suites Low Frig. or 202-210-4-3 rma. modern.

frigeration, tile bath. Adults only, Reas. Brown, 214 ligh St. MAIN ST. 3025 rooms, fourth floor, right, steam, $33.

1. A. Booth; 12 Court St. Tel. 7-11814 MAPLE room apts.

All improvements. Tel. 2-8317 or MAPLE ST. 179 6 ROOMS. ALL ERN.

MAPLE ST -Colony court. room apartments. lec. J. Attract those desiring A ter: Inquire Supt.

or Edw J. Murphy Co. Realtors 1147 Main 814 MODERN. 3 room apts. Inquire L.

Gelinas janitor or Airs Piquette 208 Pearl St. NORTH END ARTS And houses prompt Tel 4-5138 OAKLAND 100-113-Attractive 3. and room suites. Low rental. 4-7380.

ORANGE 16-5 rms. mod. refrigeration Adults. 18 Orange 4-6030. OSWEGO 3-3 room Apis.

Reas. rents Call landlord. 36 Oswero St. OSWEGO ST. rm.

heated apt. newly decorated. Now equipment. Vautrain, 37 8 7-090. 48 2-3-4-5 ROOM: pts.

modern, completely a renovated. Call SCHOOL AND UNION ST. High "class 3. ream Mr. Arbour 202 Union SPRING Near Siale.

6 apt Garace if desired. Tel. SPRING ST 103-6 room $45 50198 STATE s'r. 1312-1 1st? Apor. oil.

heat. Call Hampden, 38-13. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT STATE 188 (At 50.) A Apartments and Flats Frigidaire. furo. or 4 unfurn.

7-0277 STATE ST. 663 Modern, 400d condition. Frwid 335 and: A. SUMNER AVE 127-130-Attrac. and suites, toW rental.

Tel, 4-7389. TYLER And Hanco*ck 3 and rovine condition. Tel 6-A381 WOODSIDE TEr 0243 room stean heat, 'up to dale. Tel. 6 WORTHINGTON ST 491 ht.

hot: water, $30. Inquire 493 Worthington. rm. 2nd. fi Reas.

Seth all. Barlow. 163 Spring St 6-6108. 0. 0 Fornished A pts HOUNPA 71 A ANGERS APARTMENTS Federal St 2-3 rms: 1.2813 AUBURN APTS-2142 Main fire protection, electricity and linen furnished.

reasonable Tai BELMONT AVE Attractive. comfort 3 able 2 or 3 rms. elec. refrig. shower baths, range.

on carline 87 wk up. BROOKLINE 22--3 attr. steam. elec. and gas Incl.

$7 wk DICKINSON automatic heat. continot water, priv. house. 2-04-48 FURN. APT.

-I Colony Court. 1412 Maple St after Jon. 1. l'el. JAMAICA ST.

rms. lower. steam. A $20 mo. Inn.

144 Boston Id. 9 to 3. MEDFORD ST. pleasant furn. apt.

2 rooms, bath, oil heat; priv. STONEHAVEN HOTEL TO Chestnut St.One. two and three- apartments with refrigeration. tub and shower bath. furnished or unfurnisheo attrac tive rates A 20 transients SUMNER teary attract." rm.

furn. home, porch, yard, $38. Tel. Business Places for. Kent a lIBERTY rent for basketball.

dances. weddings, etc. D. Dwight Winter. 3 El.n St.

Tely: Houses for. Rent AGENT. FOR Large of 9 family houses. steam heated apts. ALLEN 331 Exceptional TIl.

apt. Frigidaire, gas range; $25. Tel. 6-3637. FALLEN ST.

370-5 room' cottage. Rent free. 1 exchange for ALL KINDS Of homes. or sale. Strangers Assisted.

Ellen Selzam. 6-8760. APPLEWOOD 1'L. 42 room tenement, 1st floor. All modern.

Call Ilampden, 38-13. ARE YOU LOOKING For good tenement between If CAll 6-3637. ARMORY 623-6 T111. mod. new floors, A newly dec.

2-car garage, Reas. Pit ARMORY 44 Mod. 8 room cottage, Garage. Adults. Reas.

Rent. Ing-47. 4-2131 ASIMONT. ST. 10-Attractive first floor.

room rent, location, modern, A-1 condition. steam, garage, $30.1 Tel.2-4927 ATTRACTIVE RENTS TO Washington 1st floor. modern $27 5ti Alsace St 1st.0.. Grin emoa .1027 Sumner Ave. upper 6 30 9 Goodrich modern 6 ring.

23 Milford 6 23 282. Hanco*ck 5 good condition 16 SINGLES. Silver 7 rms good condition $28 THE EL IS CORPORATION TEL BELMONT 638 Room tenement. Newly Call 2-8317 or 3-8082. BENTON ST.

108--7 $23. R. A. Booth, -12 E- Court St. 7-1181.

CATHERINE Downstairs tenement. fam. house. adults only. 786 State St.

7-0277 CENTRAL ST. 49-3 and: rooms 316 Tel 6-8381 CENTRAL rm. lower A $12.00. Seth 11. Barlow 163 Spring St.

6-6109. CHAPIN TEN. 213-Attractive. 6 rooms. steam heat.

garage, $40. 4-7389. CHESTNUT 386 Cor. opp. Sacred Heart' Church, Modern rms.

2 porches. Tel. CLIFTON upper, 6. rooms, fireplace, Tel. 3-8433.

COLLEGE ST.A 171-4 good conditon Tel COOMES AVE. rooms lower, steam heat. garage. $30. CORTLAND ST.

T4-Upper 6 rms. insulated ceilings, thermostat boller. hot water heater. Garage, $30. Tel.

COTTAGE 780 Dickinson. $45. Dial 2-0608 after 0.30. No agents. DAVISTON.

102-6-rm. single and Recently redec. ready to move into, $30. 593-593 White upper and lower. All Avail.

now, 1 fms. each, FELTIAM SON. Realtors. 3-4131, 3-4132 DICKINSON ST. 497-7 rm.

lower, duplex, steam, gar. $32. Taylor Co. 1421. Main St.

3-3168. DOUGLAS ST. 38-5 room ten. 1st floor. newly decorated.

Ready Dec. 1st. Gar. 2 $18 DRAPER ST. 123- Upper 6 rooms and garage.

condition $30. Macmillan and Meyers, Phone. 6-8338. EAGLE STA 22- Upper 6 garage Rood condition $30. Tel.

FENWICK ST. from Square off Wilbraham Attractive modern home of rooms Including bedrooms, tile: bath, extra lavatory, fire. This home with 2 gArage 19 An at $50. to open for inspection Sunday between and 4.30 p. Musts bu seen to be appreciated.

Dial FOREST PARK. 41 Sumner rent, completely redecor. FOREST PARK 73-Attractive rm. upper. steam heat, garage, $10.

4-7389, FOUNTAIN ST. 117-A beautiful A rin. lower. newly dec. Mod.

tile bath. gar. Call mornings or eves. Tel 4-0989. FREEMAN TER.

room modern cotshower, Reas. Tel. 3-1067. FURNISHED House, 8 rooms, oil heat. m.

Feltham Son. Main St. GARFIELD ST. 93--6 rooms. 1st Ft.

A. Booth. 12 E. Court St. GOLD.

ST. rms, upper. steam heat. mod gar. $28.

John I Fish. 3-4848. GRANT 18-Near the Armory grounds. 14 house, 6 pleasant rms, Inq. 23 Armory St.

6-2341 GREENWICH ST. 40 -First door. rms. $22; Ad door. rooms.

Both good condition. Tel. GROVER ST. or 5 rooms. H.

Wilcox, $1436 Daln St. HALF Double cottage. 47 rm. mod, delight50 Jefferson Ave. HAMBURG 9t ti room heat.

garage. John 3-4418 HICKORY room brick mingle. garAge, modern. a 6-8381. upper, Reas.

Seth 11: Barlow 107 Spring St. 6-0108. HIGH 03-6 lower. furnace heat all very plensant. $25.

Phone 4-2394 HILI ti modern 71 Dearhorn Tel. A-8872. A KINGSLEY ST. 21-Newly redecorated room cottage. 42-car gar.

ante or rent Arthur G. Taylor 1421 Main. DAWNDALE ST. romme, Steam heat. DOW-134 inod rms.

perf. cond. $28. Tel. 6-8381 steam tile bath, ex.

tollet. douhle gArage 6 8760 Fairfield 1 Attrac. home completely modern. Steam. breakfast Snook, fireplace.

sunroom, lavatories, 2-car garage. near schools and churches. For cappointment call. 8812 before 10 a. m.

or evenings. LOOK Spencer St rm. extra 1. or 2. car car.

Rent or sale, LOS ANGELES 16-6 rm. collage, reas. Seth Barlow, 163 Spring St. 6-0108 MALDEN ST. 03-Attractive 0 upper, steam heat.

garage. $0. MANSFIELD -Gond edocation. 24 floor, A rooms. cond.

steam, $25. Tel. 2-4897. MAYNARD First Ar. steam.

modern $22. Adults only. Whyle, 74014 MAYNARD room modern. tene. mont.

And, floor. Inq. 3d floor, or Tel. 3-3730. MIDDLESEX ST.

31 Upper rooms. Good Garage, Tel. MODERN 6 ROOM Cottage, with garage, $10. 1164 State St. near MARS Mutual 0-0130.

MONTCLAIR ST. 12. oil. gar. 40, G.

Taylor Co. 1121. Main St. 3-3168 NORTHAMPTON AVE. ronins, door right, $30, 11.

A. Booth, 012 E. Court St. Tel. OAKLAND rooms.

upper: steam heat. modern. John 1. Fish. 3-4848, OAKLAND ST.

kitcheN with oll burner furnlahed, all inod OZARK ST. 18-3 rin. upper. St. gar.

$25 A G. Taylor: 1421 Main PINEYWOODS 148 Fine upper rooni tenement, in first CIRRA condition, refined neighborhood, garage. This is An unusual place for the price, Tel. Mr. B.

H. Spencer 3-7494 or 2-1131. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Hours for PARE 381 -East Spid. floor. "Tel.

PRINCETON ST. -Picasant cond joak Hoora, adults. Ing. lowers ST. 105-5 1st door, R.

A. Booth. 12 Court St. 7-1181. 6 ROOM TEN.

Chatueguay Westinghouse. Tel. 8331. Robbing RUTLEDGE AVE. Taylor 1421 Main 1-5160: SHERMAN 93-7 rm.

cottage Seth Barlow. 163 Spring St. 6-6108. SUMNER Modern Tel: SUMNER AVE. 2 bathe.

$35 pa: en Tel 6-8801. SUMNER AVE. 844-Lower apartment rooms, And garage. Thoroughly mil heat. Call 3-3694.

THOMPSON Hill sec. rm. upper. modern, ream. Tel.

2-6893. WESTFORD CIR. 0130-Attrac. 5 rm. lower sun porch.

steam heat, gar: $30. WOODSIDE TER. 22-Mod. 5 rm, 10 completely gar. optional.

1-9033 Suborhan for: Rent a I CHICOPEE FALLS--31 Broadway, upper tenement, rooms. To. adults. EAST- A St. -5 $16.

Ready Dec. 1. Tel. 195. O.

Box EASTS North Main room cottage, $30. R. A. Booth. Court St.

7-1181. NO. MAIN: F. rm. cottare gar $28.

A. G. Taylor 1421 Main St. 3-6168. Rentais WEST.

Woodmunt rm. lower, Near Wilder 7 rm. single. drepl OLLA N. AMES 182 OHIO 'AVENUE WEST SPFLD.

6 room upper All modern. 56 Garden St. 3-6058 Wanted Rent. MAY hakpg. AND Wife wish heated, furn.

apt. rms. near Winchester 623 Union office. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Realtors: CLARK, HENRY REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL INSURANCE. 100 BROAD.

WAY. EDW MURPHY Established Sales. mortgaxee: property leaeing, appraising. unsuitente to: or selling 1337 Main St 3-3141 Houses for Sale BANK SALE -Beautiful 6 rm. cottage, others.

For information, Box: 620 Union: fice. HILL-6 $1200. Box room 632 cottage, 66x181. 64 Price Union office. 209 Point DENVER ST- (On Boston Section) An attractive 3-rm.

bung. Alow. and garage. Pleasantly located on A corner lot. Oak noora, steam heat, space on 2d floor for additional: room.

Perfect condition inside and out, HENRY M. CLARK. REALTOR 7-0231 100 Broadway" 7-0252 1 HARTFORD TERRACE Nicely located on this. dosirable terraced street near Frederic Harris school. An attractive Large dwelling and 2-car heated garage.

planted L. lot; room. extra toilet. a nicely a rapidly A developing cozy, pleasant home section. 11.0 1 HENRY M.

CLARK. REALTOR 400 Broadway A OPEN FOR 22 WEXFORD STREET 4 p. m. Today to rooms. special features.

must be he FRED appreciated. Reasonably: priced. A. VOGEL, REALTOR 1252 J. fain St.

2-3107 Lots for Sale LOTS-50 foot front. opp. Masanchusette Mutnal. S.MI cash. Tel.

4-0882. Wanted- Real Estate WANTED Factory building. 15,000 to 20, 00 feet, preferably on one floor: location northeast section? of Connecticut southern Vermont, Box 2180 Union CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Miscellaneous RUGS Al Steam and 504 St. -lames Ave My MATTRESSES Over Tel. Springield App.

53 Gal. Oil Drum, Faucet and $3.93 1913 Main FRANKLIN HARWARE CORP. St. Tel. 3-1018 RUGS Sperint cleaned.

$1.50. pet (leaning ('o. 145 state de. Wanted to Buy OLD GOLD 110 Honest Cash Vatee Oid Gold OLD GOLD Paid for Old Silver and Platinum. Gov.

Licene FREDERICKS, Jewelers. 1563 BUICK CASH FOR Richest: PRICE YOUR PAID our old OLD GOLD Silver. platinum diamonds. M. J.

KITTREDGE, INC. 1334. Main Nt. Tel House Wrecking WRECKING Otis Inn-'Three Rivere 'Practically new 78 Ar floors, bricks. brass piping.

other good lumber at low price quick sale. Call on job. 04 Money to 10an LOANS ur matte CASH on Jewelry. Gold, Hame fort. HI'FL'D JEWELRY AND LOAN CO.

Est. 1912. 1618 Main Rt. Bowles OUR NEW We can advance you LOAN up to $300 on just your own: signature. PLAN Cash ready, in 24 hours! Six other loan plans allow ing as long: as 20 months to repay.

Come in write Industrial Bankers. Inc. 1618 Main St. 2nd Floor 4-1101 License 73 Real Estate Homes To Rent 97 DAVINTON cotgarage. painted and decorated $45.00 69 REDLANDA ST.

low. steam, garage, nice $35.00. 62 LAKESIDE Upper, 3. rooms. steam.

$38.00 45 and lower, A large rooms. condition $35.00 4-room heated 69 Alexander Macmillan Myers 154 Broadway Tel. 6-8338. Workdays, San..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Article information

Author: Laurine Ryan

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.