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310 508 Sports Cars Accessories Cars for Sale Cars for Sate 78 71 71 EOE Trucks Tractors Buses Contracts WIEanrnmavtE 751 3511 71 VW Super Beetle low ml good cond 1 owner cert 950 691 964? 73 BMW 30S auto air leather A $5900 461 5121 4929031 73 Camaro Z28 LT good cond AM radials 751 4041 after 6 78 Camaro blue 10 options 305 aulo stereo $6500 Whitby 1 668 6182 69 ord LTD wagon new motor trans A cond $750 759 1815 70 Dodge Monaco good cond $600 651 018 EOH Car Truck J4U Leasing EAC Sports Cars wUw Accessories DISMANTLING 71 TR6 71 MIGtf GT6 70 MGS Rojthporl 69I 3M6 75 Corvette loaded Al urgent $7300 482 0602 636 W7 1 GATEWAY 71 MGB GT 52000 mi radio A cond $2000 br In 1 519 B3 9804 75 iat 124 Snorts coupe Al cert $2900 or best41 4856 68 Chrysler good body mech $200 uncertified 884 2643 70 BIrd power 6OJ00 ml cert $1700 or trade 677 2163 POQJPSAhDACCESSORES 76 ord 'fi ton Jerw? V8 wwer S8' AMM tiki new 150 nistproote 'teenwye? 8W 1151 72 ord van auto shagged panell ed good cond as is $1350 889 7427 Building Trades gardening Supplies Painters Decorators DATSUN PROESSIONAL painting Reasons bieratfreeestimaes 0M 665 Handymen LOOR Sanding laying quality work retinishing 752 5605 BRICK stone block fireplaces washrooms chimney Nick 531 8800 Repairs Services DOORS inside outside arborlte cheap IwO Bathurst 531 0742 Wood CoaL Oil etc ROOING chimneys eaveslroughs Call Gord d'Brien 447 1971 82319 67 Chevy van V8 auto custom 677 9933 66 Chev lon pickup camper top good cond $425282 2560 Al painting A Paoerhangint low rates ISvrs exper 424 4159 Clean Repair lnsUfl PAINTING wattoaoe 'ee ates Jcset 25 5V 822 1579 SCARBOROUGHrvm Iffll CARBOROUGH or Antique and Classic Cars see Classification 510 74 Dodge Adventurer ton pickup club cab good cond 767 9153 AIR tire machine with radial tire in flater 9236161 225 2183 67 Jeep ton power SAB cert 884 8907 78 Chev Endura van ton $6500 1 983 9432 1 623 3618 73 Camaro Z28 350 4 bbl 4 speed posl TA's hurst shift etc Excellent cond $3400 or offer 401 0595 7 10 pm 71 Volvo P1I00 fuel injection new re built engine AMM 5 soeed Best offer 244 W07 70 Maverick 6 cyl auto low mi like new $755826 2408 72 Triumph TR6 brown cod cond best offer 531 2850 489759 IREPLACES A chimney repairs stone or brick free estimates 81265 Tom McAllister 653 1449 67 Mustang astback 289 auto power 3 $750 firm 274 5134 days 78 Camaro Z28 air cond power low mi mint cond 787 4697 after 6 Antique Cars TILES ceramic Plywood vinyl A plumbing repairs 266 4932 STREET Rod 1924 model road ster convert 396 V8 professionally built tunnel ram dual quads elec tronic Ignition 400 turbo auto all Slats body finished In pearl orrange icouer with flames custom convert top deep button inferior complete chrome front end lots of brass acces sories best offer will consider trade In phone Windsor 519 944 2054 68 Cougar XR7 power SAB aulo 302 Hit wheel vinyl roof leather In terior uncerl best offer over $500 486 5147 PATIO doors summer stock priced to clear 661 6152 45 Brisbane Rd 55 Chev Vi ton pickup driven dally 1500 or best offer 2313863 71 VW astback rebuilt engine brakes radio gas neater new paint Cert $1500 7777 72 Volvo 1800 1800 ES auto new radials exhaust A brakes very dean best offer 297 1377 77 CHEVROLET VAN 205 V8 auto power SAB chrome grill A trim AM radio excellent cond only 29000 mi $5250 457 9565or evgs 456 1624 74 lat Xl9 new paint AMM cassette mags $2500 284 6527 APPLIANCE repairs to most maior appliances fest service 265 2440 tiling aB types ceramic end cush ion floors 438 0781 1 CALL OR AU ADDITIONS rec rooms kitchens baths saunas fireplaces sione facings eta 960 8097 A Terrana Paving hot asphalt 21 yr kt bus driveway perking tot free estimates 783 1069 27 a 7 LEASING or aN your Leasing Needs AH makes A models Of Cars Trucks In stock Available or Immediate Lease 79 Birds (2) fully eaulp 79 Grand Marquis fully equip 675 2845 52 Chev 2 dr hdtp original Georgia jar $1500 will trade Whltbr 655 50 TO CHOOSE ROM ALL were owned a serviced by Bell of Canada since new all fully certified Thora Auto 3087 Dan tor Ave 09 1151 ROOING Contractor also wrecking A rubbish removal 782 2905 ROOING flat commercial A resi dential all work guaranteed ree estimates Lie 1 3 50 921 4853 77 Chevy Van ton VI 305 cu In asking $3700 or best offer 463 5667 wkends 77 Datsun Spotts Truck DELUXE cab 4 on the floor steel belled radials Lla LD70049 Masonry all renovations ceramic Lie B3544 789 5029 77 Dodge 100 window van V8 auto powers $3950 792 2537 75 ord V) ton pickup V8 auto power SAB 44000 mi 274 0193 69 Lincoln Continental good cond best offer 789 9178 after 530 7I20YONGE ST 889 7343 223 2441 MR Cheap Heap $995 a day wagons sedan 390 Dupont 961 7500 WUNDERCOUPE 75 Porsche 91 1 5 33525 original mi mint condMRC929 Ray Coffey iat Subaru 11488 Yonge St 883 3555 74 irebird ormula 400 40000 ml new body paint loaded $3500 firm 868 6779 evgs PAINTING oaperhanglng general repairs Call 6S3 1520 after 130 WHAT A BEAUTY 68 Barracuda 35543 original miles clean 1 owner Lie AM436 DENTONIA ORD SALES 3300 Danforth Ave 422 4000 USED CAR DIVISION 500 Cars for Sale 4 dr hardtop power steering brakes A windows air vinyl top white sidewalls 42340 ml Lie EA401 DENTONIA ORD SALES 2300 Danforth Ave 4224000 USEDCAR DIVISION TRUCK CAPS $179 UP Brices 363 1954 1 478 4929 CLOSETS door repair free estimates 245 B1B ROVER 3 litre MK III 1967 very rare A unusual car power SAB auto leather A wood interior asking $240u will take best offer received before end of month PO Box 158 Rockwood 1 519 856 9022 74 Datsun 260Z 56000 ml mint cond red new paint new shocks new cooling system Asking $3950 Afler6pm 241 3785 KIA Antique IU Can ROLLS Rove 39 very rare the oer feet Rolls 4 litre Wraith owner driver saloon by Hooper "the royal coach builder" Advertising promo tional car for "Best car In the World" logo for over 20 yrs Absolutely mag nificent cond throughout certified meticulously maintained Serious In quiries only Johnson 364 8329 TREE removal trimming etc in sured free estimate 787 1332 Ab bargain cleanup yard garages etgfreescrapplckup690 3297 75 Dodge Window van cert 318 V8 power radio finished interior CB extras $2500 or best offer 298 0766 after 630 70 Austin 1800 good running cond $700 uncert 741 0706 70 Buick Limited all power air AM cert $625 663 9690 78 Datsun 280Z 5 speed white stereo sports steering wheel air dam whale tail 3000 km $8000 sang 368 2969 105 Pm daily 71 irebird Trans Am gold special edition roof TA66 litre engine power SAB stereo 8 track 19000 km IS500 Cert Burlington 634 5d65 525 Trucks Tractors Buses 4 Contracts 77 Datsun 28OZ silver 5 speed air mags rustproofed Immaculate evgs 624 9264 77 irebird ormula TA 66 auto air cast aluminum wheels posllrac tlon etc Cert $6600 226 4378 after Our "Get Ready" Winter Lease 1979 2504X4 With 8' MEYER'S Plow AS LOW AS $220 mo CALL KLAUS MILLER Dodge windowvan excellent cond VI auto power Phone 252 2209 between 8 am 5 pm Monday to riday ALUMINUM box 12 ft lined inside swing out doors 2 yrs old $1400 495 6776 70 Mustang cert good cond $850 Call 652 1829 7S Jeep CJ5 6 cyl hdtp roti bar and locking hubs 37000 hwy mi winter ized Cert extras $3 JO0 1 727 6705 75 Jimr 4 wheel drive eV power auto 350 engine 249 5920 70 Duster slant 6 cert excellent cond 56000 mi $1200 Evgs or wkends 226 6026 70 Duster 2 door 6 cyl auto radio like new Lie BEV210 $1188 Ask for Roy Kennedy Avenue Dodge 1500 Avenue Rd 789 0551 70 LeMans Sport buckets console excellent cond BC car no rust cert $1600 1 632 9325 70 Malibu wagon AZB125 bargain $133 Village 325Klngston Rd 74 Jaguar XJ6 spotless days 279 9555 evgs 223 519 74 MGB good cond $2000 or best offer 766 4170 evgs 70 Datsun B5I0 no rust good cond new Paint $550923 9142 70 Datsun 510 Al motor new paint cert $750 7558236 70 Datsun 510 auto 45000 mi like new 766 3122 244 4358 Building Trades LORWZO DESIGN OWN an old house and want It to look new inside and out? CaH us reasonable prices Specializing In rec rms 531 4117 Chrysler Imperial running cond needs work 877 3022 evgs 56 ord 17000 ml sedan delivery or wagon mint $2400839 4994 WINDOWS aluminum storms thermooene and prime CM tor free estimate 461 29M Metro Va B3759 Deal with owner we have no saies person Member BBS 68 Cougar new motor good cond Please call 491 2800 68 Cougar V8 asking $750 good cond Call 248 901 78 CHEV SPORTS VAN 12 PASSENGER vs automatic power steering A brakes medium blue with blue in terior Lie K1032 Ask about our 12 mo 12000 mi warranty OTHERS TO CHOOSE ROM 70 Chevrolet Impala excellent cond Best offer 487 0637 70 Chrysler Newport 2 dr hdtp good cond $850 961 9458 evgs 77 Dodge van 318 auto rust proof ed power SAB cruise AMM cas sefte CB customized 8000 mi Immaculate $7800 223 0701 77 Dodge windowvan loaded tow ml spotless 767 8974 evgs 74 Porsche 914 20 litre red 5 seeed Alloy wheels AMM stereo Quartz lamps extra gauges rustproofed new heater boxes original paint cert $5400 firm 279 7673 days 844 7717 evgs 74 Trans Am SD455 auto pearl white custom white Interior AM stereo tilt radial TA 50's cert $5000 or best offer Chris 231 6292 USED Heavy truck sales good selec tion Gardiner Lincoln 6w Commls signer St 469 4101 VAN trailer Ideal for storage 30' long $650 421 2709 WRECKER for sale 72 ord 700 tow truck with 20 ton main winch HD tow bar new paint A good wrecker for only $3500 Phone 705 645 5412 77 ord E350 parcel van 12' box 8500 ml call 741 3506 77 ord 25O tow truex Ashton wrecker like new 459 5884 77 ord Louisville 18' box asking $12000 After 6 pm 279 4494 72 8MW 2002 sunroof 84000 ml $2100 well maintained 3 5954 72 Datsun 240Z mechanic driven well maintained $2300 755 u289 72 Dalsun 24OZ uncert $1500 or best offer 683 9310 72 Datsun 240Z auto radials cert ask $2550 857 2058 72 Jaguar XJ6 sedan 46000 ml all options rustproofed asking $6500 2fo 345ievai 72 MG Midget excellent cond hdtp new engine brakes will cert $1500 or best offer also Midget A MGB parti 1 TO 454 AMERICAN MAGS 10X15 for Chev ton or ven price at $50 each worn 50 TA radials incl After 6881 6457 Al moior (used) instated guarws teedautooarls465 2501 ACADEMY waterproofing excavat ing underpinning additions 782 381524 hrserviceDI51 ACTIVE house repairs renovations A alterations small dry wall fobs Phone 461 4181 after 4 ask for Ken ALACAN awnings eaves sliding soffit fasda A door B1526 534 2864 ALL home repairs A Improvements Lie tradesmen 691 545 1 ALUMINUM siding soffit fascia eaves windows A doors Special steel siding $159 so ft Call for free esti mate 461 2934 Metro Lie B3759 Deal with owner We have no sales persons Member BBS ELECTRIC wrinp 100 amp service $300 356 Dennis 278 1658 ELECTRICAL all jobs large or smalt Metro lia EI136 100 amp Services as low as S300 home A commercial fire alarm sys tem 24 hr emergency service ree estimates can 4fi 0787 69 Mercedes 280SE auto power SAB 4 dr sedan white factory elec tric sunroof 78000 mi dean $2500 445 0233 430 to 830 pm 69 MGB 65 restored Best offer 924 8964 evgs 6 10 69 Porsche 91 IT 57000 mi best offer 691 3300 69 Volvo P1800 good cond Best offer 261 2436 68 Alfa GTV 1750 Al cert 67 MGB good cond rnL t5t 3200 54 3790 68 irebird power Sside pipes $1100 or best offer 923 9434 OAM Insulation Call for free esti males 465 9261 URNACES Installed fast and effi Clent low rates 752 2333 H816 HARDWOOD floor parquet sanding A repair 274 2152 INSULATION blown cellulose gov emment grants avail 267 6645 ENERGY saving replacement win dows A patio storm doors aluminum storms custom made from $995 thermo glass $199 sq ft 778 Super test 661 5535 Chargex ACTORY sale of thermopane glass 1000 different sizes to choose from No reasonable offer refused Cail 661 615245BrisbandRd Unit 16 INSULATE Now? Call our warehouse A save on custom built windows A doors extras savings on stock sizes ARCHITECTURAL btog plans de signs permit drawings 465 3441 ARCHITECTURAL designs bldg permits estimates etc 652 0143 ARCHITECTURAL plans permits A or renovations 633 407 ELDORADO convert 1971 mint cond loaded mag wheels one of a kind must sell any offer 495 0789 days 447 4446 evgs ELDORADO convert 1971 mint cond loaded mag wheels one of a kind must sell any offer 495 0789 days 447 4446 evgs TRUE CLASSIC 57 Corvette best offer or trade for Mercedes Serious inquiries only please 922 3600 or 245 5544 page no7411 57 Eldorado convert rare white A red ask $8400 Dave 887 9389 278 I36t 76 Dodge Tradesman 100 passenger seats CB AM cassette 26000 mi Besl offer 279 4677 76 ord 18 ft Insulated van 21000 gross low mileage Just like new $5300826 2477 76 Transtar COE 8V7IT 13 speed tandem contracl available 29 1 6499 74 Chev C350 12' box 40000 ml mintcond $3200294 9412 76 Dodge Maxi Van V8 auto all power customized cert 225 5740 76 Dodge Maxi wagon window van loaoed C9 side pipe 8 track Mass cert $35o 889 01 11 76 Dodge Tradesman 200 Auto trans power SAB part customized priced to 247 8 m2 evgs 71 VW $599 or best offer also all parts for 65 VW 225 8690 71 VW 411 fast back $300 Rebuilt en glne good cond 431 1462 71 VW 411 station wagon uncert $500 742 7187 evgs 70 Austin America excellent running condnew snows $1000 uncert 921 8779 or 925 6133 I 1941 EGUNTON AVE 751 3511 77 Dodge Maxivan 360 power SAB custom Interior some body A door damage must sell asking $5000 loaded with extras 964 6674 77 Dodge Maxivan 300 power SAB radio 24000 mi Like new 226 6332 77 Dodge Tradesman van B200 ton partly customized Inside power SAfe $3800 Phone 929 9817 77 Dodge Tradesman 100 5 seater VI auto power AM radio side A rear dr windows $5000 889 9794 wkdysafter7pffi 77 Dodge Van Sportsman 12 pas senger 10000 ml under warranty $6000431 6257 77 Dodge Van V8 auto power SAB low mi asking $4295 or best offer Phone AAr Carson 669 9280 before 5 A able action rubolsh removal A demolition 532 9464 534 8652 A able active rubbish removal wrecking service 534 8932 A man ton truck clean up base ments backyards 766 3604 LT 1 350 CU IM NEW complete drop in less carb Aftor 6 881 6457 MOBILE car phone Glenayre Executive 30 watt power full pro grammable auto out scan Value $3200 Whal offers? 497 3555 MOTOR 440 high performance 2 4 barrels recently rebuilt also 1970 Barracuda with posl tractlon rear end 4 speed trans must salt 276 5743 MACHINE shoo service repairs parts models tools 922 PROESSIONAL chimney sweeOL ireoiace boiler cleaning 247 995) 68 irebird 350 power SBAW new engine 1000 mi new transmission new body iob'S2wO Cerl 466 3203 68 Karmann Ghla man partially re stored cert body excellent $1200 or best offer 535 15 67 Corvette convert excellent cond power WB AMM radio 4 speed Cragars $5900 or besl offer days 453 176l MOTORIST LOOK RADIAL Ply steal 4elted fires Manufacturers takeoff Like new All sizes S2250 S2750 Northend Tire 9 Oakland Ave Weston 743 9701 MOTORS: Dodge 318 ord 400 351 429 Olds 455 350 690 3733 CU5TOMIZK) VAN 77 Chev ven V8 auto power air cond many options prpfes sionaty customized Besl offer 293 9565 evgs 77 Chev Van completely finisned exceeentctfxL Tom 866 6552 68 Buick Skylark power A A Mag wheels tape deck CB good cond can Dave 499 3048 68 Cadillac Calais very good cond good for coitoctor $2700 366 2388 3 8 Pm SNOW PLOW SPECIAL 75 GMC Ion Satori custom 4 wheel drive positraction V8 power SAB radio 32000 mi with snow plow hydraulic 4 way running lights with bubble like new 251 9808 or 255 2206 75 GMC Sierra 15 Pickup 6 cyl uan 8' box with cap cert Asking $2495 231 1257 75 GMC van 1 ton auto 8 cvL 277 0015 offer 6 pm 75 Jeeo Cherokee Chief loaded with extras 8" electric ptow CaH 368 9678 425 8995 75 ord van HD Al epnet Michelin tires expensive carpeting panellingcaptain's chairs $4 200 Cert 266 75 ord XLT 1 ion pickup Super Camper Special air 460 auto trailer package loaded with extras snow tires etc 4400 mi $4500 SioufbiHe 1 75 GM ton pickup VI auto Al 71 Mercury Marquis Brougham vinyl top 4 dr fully equip factory air all power must sell Cert $950 53 9676 71 Meteor new motor must sell '72 Ambassador 247 8989 ALPHA 1 paintina A decorating Quality workmanship ree low esti rrates CaH George 656 43ti AN Answer to your painf needs tow ra'es A workmanship ree estBIH 249 1512 AN exoert painter tor home A office aiso gene' al home repa'rv ree mates George 654 7 174 Al painter low ra'es ouaHtY work 2840667 76 GMC TON POWER SAB trailer pkg electric brake Michelin radials silver grey redorangeyelicw stripes After 6 881 6457 76 GMC van finished interior new paint eert Asking $4700 274 5262 76 GMC Van finished interior new paint cert Ask $4700274 5262 76 Jimmy Sierra 4x4 Al 351 auto power SAB HD 9 radial tires AM cassette 47W0 hwy mi $6195 Huntsville 705 789 7908 after 5 77 Chevy Ion 4 4 350 auto many options 9900 mi $8 W0 or best offer 1 727 6471 77 Chevy Blazer like new 39000 km VS auto power SAB radio $5700 Private 251 5467 75 Corvette power SBAW luggage rack 34000 ml Al cond ITOO 245 1963 75 Corvette while 4 speed fully equip 24000 mi mint $9000 763 6624 71 CORVETTE ORANGE Saddle interior 8000 ml on new front A rear end brakes 4 speed custom 325 HP 350 Must be seen $7800 Serious only please 857 3371 Bolton 71 Datsun 240Z new Michelin good cond AMM $875 439 1350 7) Jaguar XJ6 excellent cond must sell Best offer 742 7718 evgs DRYWALL Paint plaster ree estl mates 534 8145 DRYWALL plastering A stucco in terior professionally finished 654 6739 DURA Plastering A Stucco taping A spray 1427 227 8251 or 24 1 5962 ELECTRIC all lobs A repair Lie guarantee few rates 677 5770 ELECTRIC new A old wiring Low prices Lto 173535 5845 RENT 1979 Dodge 15 passenger mini buses alr condo Carman's Car Rentals Ltd 255 5747 SUBLEASE or buy 1979 Mazda RX7 GS with alr cond $285 mo or $10 000 purchase Birchdale Mercury Sales Ltd 751 8460 79 Cadillacs (4 to choose from) Lease King 6j0 3600 79 Chev Caprice 4 ways to lease Leese King 630 3600 79 Chevrolets 3 to choose from tow rates 630 36OT 79 irebird Immed delivery All makes low rates 495 0856 79 Grand Prix SJ drive away today Lease King 630 3600 79 Lincoln MK Immediate deliv ery Lease King 630 3600 72 Econoline van $850 or offer Un cert 743 4557 72 Econoline van $400 uncert Call 270 623 latter 4 pm 72 ord Ion pickup with cap good cond cert 757 2484 72 ord 'a Ion $650 or best offer 487 7074 72 ord Econoline i lon 302 V8 auto power partly customized In terior uncert $550 839 8820 72 ord Pickup cerl asking $1000 or besloffer 431 9264 72 ord Mi ton pickup V8 radial Al 745 3239 evg PROESSIONAL paintinc A wallcov ering Tom Estey 534 8 1 15 RD Pratt Painting reasonaoe 221 2021 SCOTTISH tradesman guarantee decyattofl Gavin 699 0180 74 Triumph Spitfire needs some body work new rebuilt engine Irans rear end new battery good deal $1450 425 6835 74 TR 6 O'drlve mint many op tlons $3600 Paul 221 3848 74 TR6 white excellent cond AM Mcassette $4300 293 6117 DRY fi'ewce wood 12" or 16 hw oeiiverv 291 8084 IREWOOD cut A hardwood den vered 291 8649 IREWOOD for saie 1 20 coci Oeiivered 6v 2232 IREWOOD hard A bch spilt delivered 755 9567 after 5 pm IREWOOD mixed nrdwood sea soned split $35'cor0 also birch ML' coca special once on 2 cords or aS prices IncL oeRverv Can 51M55 4W5 anytime or 691 6440 be 9pm tREWOOD Univey $udert Ms seasoned hardwood M2 per ewi spilt decreed end szacxeo 451163857 rt REE 'twood ir expanse tor 13 01 trn NARDWOOD Cores for roton or prtwood 4" to 7" 8 tons ro back $42 oer cord Box Ito Tweed Ont kOK 3JC HARDWOOD Grindings lor mjcm or dry but wsy Box 190 Tweed Ont KOK XKL MIXED totowood $55 A ''tr eo evgs 70 6448 1 725 26a? WOODg ease round etc Bu ouem? nce $300 691 5891 Al cleanups furniture A anything of value bought 469 2837 CLEANUP commercial A residential reasonable rates CaH 752 7393 COVERED pick up truck for light moving iobs bsmt A yard dean uo Xmas lights A decorations Installed etc 466 9772 EAVESTROUGHING clean outs painting minor repairs carpentry A odd fobs 362 0450 Ron ENCES chain link green vinyl $285 Inslai'ed 431 3799 GARAGES demolished rubbisn re moved houses cleaned trees Irim med ree estimates 466 5777 HANDYMAN willing to do all types of work around home such as carpen try A cement work 698 9250 HANDYMAN with truck all iobs painting repairs Wayne 6at 56y8 MAN with pIckup truck rubbish removal A odd jobs 429 2134 MAN witn small dump truck wiH do any kind of cleanups also indoor house demolition free scrap metai pickup or further Info can 466 5008 70 Pontiac 2 dr Good body runs wefl $400 or offer 453 4886 after 8 Pm 70 Pontiac 2 dr V8 power SAB very good running cond winterized cert $750 266 1508 70 Renault 16 good cond Best offer 755 8312 70 Rivlerla power SAB windows seat trunk air mags accident front end driveable 455 engine mech good new brakes shocks exhaust uncert $200 869 1085 after 6 pm 72 International tandem tractor with 318 Detroit diesel engine 13 speed trans 12000 front 33000 rear 152" WB 74 GMC single axle tractor 238 De troll diesel engine 10 speed trans 12000 front 23000 rear Set up for hauling mobile homes 74 International single axle tractor model 1850 with 500 IH diesel engine 5 speed irans 2 speed axle 73 International single axle trucks (2) model 1700 with 391 gas engine 1 with good motor 1 without motor 5 speed irans 2 speed axle Mobile Home Trucks 826 4514 8:30 5 pm 71 Astro tandem COE 318 13 speed cert $8700494 4692 71 ord 600 14 hllift van 66000 ml j2tJ or best offer uncerU 366 71 Mack rebuilt Call Jim (Pefferlaw) 1 705 437 19 70 ord 700 single axf Uump truck cerl $3500 1 936 31 16 69 Chev tandem 18' van 427 5 speed main trans 4 speed auxiliary as is $25001 936 3116 69 Chev 72 seal school but 80000 mi $995294 9412 69 ord 350 crew cab 1 ton $900 as is 699 9447 69 GMC school bus for sale 48 pas senger good cond 783 5814 69 GMC acton truck As Is $700 Gus 630 6881 XdWiT 57 Codilloc HPP326 20000 mi J8995 71 Lamborghini Espada MSZ553 $26900 74 BMW HHU746 67000 mi totally rebuilt $8000 74 Jaguar XJ6 MPR540 41000 mi totally rebuilt $8495 75 Lotus Elite LOT621 17500 mi $13500 75 Jaguar XJ12L 45 000 mi $0495 76 Mercedes 450SEL MWE314 24000 mi 23900 76 Lamborghini Urocco LBA592 9000 mi $26500 77 Jaguar XJ12L MCM596 13 000 mi $16500 77 Jaguar XJS CRE224 15000 mi $18900 77 Cadillac Opera coupe ZI001 17000 mi $36500 320 KING ST E' 368 1783 Open Woeknighto to 7 pm SatTO 5 67 Pontiac Laurentian 6 cyl 2 dr $500 cert or best offer 884 8667 be fore 12 noon 67 Rambler 97000 mi best offer call evgs 231 3523 66 Dodge Coronet 500 convert $700 Excellent cond 362 0544 66 ord alrlane convert good condno rust 752 3361 66 ord Galaxie 500 Convert snows on $650 360 8036 days 66 Lincoln Continental loaded well maintained excellent cond lorida car must sell $1500 or best offer 757 0378 66 Mercury Park Lane excellent cond 390 motor In top shape new brakes 65000 original mi snow tires A new muffler system A shocks Best offer 698 9989 66 Peugeot 404 good motor uncert best offer 633 2429 evgs 65 Buick LeSabrefuliy equip black Al Cert $750 438 3071 65 Cadillac Sedan de Ville white all power air cond cruise A level con trol excellent cond $2500 Call after 5 pm 967 5796 65 Bird good running coud as is $495677 0913 days 277 4993 evg 61 Plymouth make an offer call 488 0829 Air Conditioiiing Heatiiig URNACES A dud work Installed custom sheet metal fast A efficient 24 hrs 752 2333 H8 16 72 Dodge Van 6 auto many extras cert 1450 920 5 i 83 S224 72 Dodge Windowvan 16 ft 70000 ml runs well $900 762 0C84 72 Dodge 300 van power SAB auto new paint ce't penetod carpeted $2 200463 0123 72 Econofine van no rust new paint $200 cerU 292 7582 71 VW new brakes A paint gas heat er Al Cert $1200 245 1663 7) VW Super Beetle A cond auto shift low mi cert $985 call 6 8 pm 422 4985 71 VW Super Beetle cert A cond gas healer 636 6543 69 Mercedes 2WS Ab power SAB air extras cert 423 1906 69 Mustang convert 302 3 speed stan power disc brakes motor A trans A 62000 mi needs body work $375 or offer 654 6328 69 Mustang Mach I 4 speed 428 CJ Besloffer 1 852 7127 69 Mustang Mark I many new parts $300 as is 469 0776 69 New Yorker 4 dr hdtp AM all power body A mech Good Ask 9419 REPAIRS painting no iob too small Henryk Sff 4834 anytime SERVICEMAN tor all household appliances 633 0513 746 1846 SNOW removal residential A com mercial Estimates Miyano Garden Service 638 6808 WE do almost anything in the book Can Pat 699 1843 70 Mustang Mach fastback 351 Cleveland $800 656 2976 70 Nova 350 V8 48000 mi mech 70 Olds power BS good running Best offer 226 1315 70 Peugeot 504 good engine Miche Hns uncert $275 484 6738 after 6 74 Dodge Maxi Van seats 14 auto power BS 1950 or best offer 282 0471 74 Dodge Sportsman windowvan excellent cond cert 239 3681 74 Dodge 300 V8 power SAB low mi custom Interior will cert best offer John 487 4028 74 Econoline 50000 ml VI power auto radio cert 749 1187 76 TR7 good cond must sell $3000 or best offer 654 6792 IWi TR7 Private $3700 or best offer Must sell 284 6010 76 TR6 AMM radio overdrive roll bar JSJOO or nearest offer must sell 259 6028 249 6671 evgs 76 TR6 Carminetan tow ml O' drive undercoated 844 6603 76 TR6 customized hdtp ski rack good cond $5500 625 2310 Alla Romeo GTV 2000 5 speed luel injected AMM 8 track quad stereo new wheels A Mlchelins sun roof excellent cond Best offer over $4500 Call Paul after 5 424 4659 71 Volvo 142561000 mi Cert $1900 or best offer 457 2879 71 VW Beetle good shape asking S800 439 0967 ELECTRICAL service changes rec rms small reoai Metro Ltc £503 292 j95S 292 591? ELECTRICAL work all ktods Ua E893 good prices 789 144) ELECTRICIAN Lk E128 Heavy wiring plugs heaffng eta 625 2320 69 ord slalionwagon uncerl $600 281 1415 69 GTQ AL new paint buckets no rust 652 324 evg A wkend 69 GTO 400 4 barrel Immaculate must be seen $2600 firm 439 3203 74 VW BUS 7 passenger radials radio 30000 miA bcert $4500749 2331 75 Chev ton 4x4 4 speed 20000 mi $4 500 494 3292 75 Chev pickup ta ton excellent cond Best offer 461 9349 75 Chevy window van 55000 hwy ml 350 stan new radials $2400 484 8464 days 484 0162 evg 75 Datsun sport truck tong bed deluxe cab rustproofed radio step bumper CB6606 ask for John Kovac Motors Hwy 7 A 48 Markham 297 3777294 1210 75 Dodge Maxi van custom insulated interior with heater fridge stove eta 318 power 45000 mi Cert $5900 or best offer Neil 9 3493 75 Dodge 'a ton pickup good cond best offer 883 3629 58 Buick Special Original 84000 ml Excellent cond $1500 or best offer 769 7478 58 Chevy Impale 2 dr hdtp bronze V8 American Car $2895 767 9153 68 Camaro 350 auto headers trac tion bars air shocks mags and radi als Much more $2250 466 174) or 466 2087 68 Camaro 327 VI auto good cond snows $750 225 1304 62 Chrysler Saratoga 4 dr 38000 mi $1500274 7611 62 Jaguar Roadster XKE $15000 or besl offer 223 0962 61 Olds 98 4 dr fully loaded 65000 ml In very good original cond shoo manual A sales literature inef best offer 822 6343 after 6 60 Mercedes Benz 220 convertible rebuilt engine $6 WO Oshawa 579 7715 60 MGA coupe collector's Hem re stored forced to sell 248 8529 59 VW Bug with lots of parts $400 or best offer 533 7058 SACRIICE 78 Special Edilion Trans Am load ed Must be seen Best offer 663 9929or 752 8211 77 Camaro Rally Sport 350 4 barrel 4 speed best offer 293 8074 77 Camaro Z28 power SAB tinted windows black with gold trim Dun lop qualifier radials Keystone mags Pioneer AMM cassette A 6 Pio neer A power booster $5500 Osha wa 1 579 2649 70 Buick Skylark convert loaded $1 50 or best offer 889 0707 70 Buick Skylark power SBW 350 4530 70 Cadillac Sedan de Ville all power all options new trans A brakes $1500 as is Aller 5 pm 690 911 73 Dodge Van 6 cyl auto custom ized cert Ask $2900 270 1597 evgs wkends 73 ord Vi ton pick up with cap 5) 000 mi $1800 cert 284 4590 13 ord auto top cond cerl $1575 534 5224 evg 534 7422 73 GMC van 6 auto 64000 mi radio TV stereo fully customized good cond Cert $2600 49 1 8905 73 GMC Vandura stan cert A) me 3603after5 73 GMC Vandura customized must sell Call 265 2795 73 GMC Vandura 350 power paint semi interior 52000 mi weB maintained extras cert 252 7964 278 5004 73 Toyota Landcruiser new paint radial tires AM radio 63000 mi $2800261 0322 71 Dodoe van msgs stereo taoe shag needs work as is $900 690 3733 70 Maverick 6 cyl $700 cert 884 2547 70 Monte Carlo 350 V8 power SAB buckets radials reasonable cond Asking $350 261 3575after 4 OR competitive lease rates Cali Mike Mitchell 678 2866 LEASE 1979 Corvette $298 mo 36 mot BAR Auto Uoe ing 656 7547 79 Corvette coupe black with black Interior loaded with all extras serial 1Z8789S410879 Call Bill Johnson al Toronto 366 2895 Trent Chev Olds Lid Lindsay 79 Corvette loaded with options aail immed 960 1964 79 Mazda RX7 GS model mag wheels rustproofed perma shine 1st reasonable offer Call after 6pm 519 658 5025 79 RX7 Mazda GS loaded brand new After5961 0415 79 RX7 silver sunroof stereo cas sette ext ras buying home must sell $9850 John 869 1600 ext 222 or 266 6551 505 Sports Cars Accessories 74 BMW 2002 metallic blue 45000 ml must be seen mint cond $4500 firm owner Call Mr Gartner 483 3226 69 Chev Caprice pood overall cond will cert Best offer 599 4056 423 7069 69 Chrysler Newport 2 dr hardtop fully certified 423 4006 69 Cougar V8auto power SAB 766 1691 69 Cougar XR7 power SAB good cond 247 3262 69 Cutlass power top cond cert $1300 767 9970 69 Dart cerl bought van $800 John 465 3370 till 9 pm 69 Dodge Coronet 440 318 cert $650 621 2774 69 irebird power SAB V8 aulo Sdv needs some work lots of new rt Installed $700 or nearest offer AS is 267 1708 69 irebird 350 fabulous shape runs like a lop power SAB I track tape deck Must sell best offer 497 3069 69 ord Galaxie good cond new brakes certifiable $500 960 1763 after 6 72 ord Van 6 auto 58000 mi new brakes A paint finished interior like new cert 222 3105 72 ord 1 ton van as is or parts 15" mags 264 4051 72 GMC Ae ton pickup 350 4 speed racks A box $2000 or besl offer 444 2313 after 4 pm 72 VW van camper equip Excellent cond Ask $3000274 1919 72 VW 9 passenger window bus 65 C00 mi stan Michelin tires A cond $1875 cert OAE759 High Park Motors 334 High Park Ave cJ 7302 71 Chev ton pickup with dosed in plywood body good running order York Lumber Co Mr Mafex 656 2100 71 Chev 14' Box van new motor $L500orbesl offer 279 2748 71 Dodge power wagon 68 Jeep 4x4 ton 76 Jeep ton Call 881 003 alterpm 71 Econoline V8 302 stan uncert M00439 71 Econoline 300 good 302 motor needs body work 69 ord ton pickup good 240 motor Make offer 787 19)4 7) ord ton pick up 100 302 as is $250267 9087 71 ord Econoline E300 58000 mi good cond 532 0254 evgs 71 ord pick up lon 302 auto needs head casket A 2 new doors as is $350 851 0958 71 ord van Al body insulated A customized propane heater mags $975444 6036 71 ord window van auto power uncert $1800 656 31 71 GMC van customized $3400 un cert $3500 cert 274 2386 71 International ton pick up good cond cerl 787 85 70 ord E200 new motor A trans Will cert $1206 1 655 8062 70 ord 48 passenger school bus AL no rust 451 4446 evgs 69 ord Vi ton good cond runs well tow nu cerl $1425 Joe 741 54W after 5 69 ord Econ 200 Van body A motor good $950 1 852 7407 69 ord van $500 fair cond reno vated fridge 298 3758 evg 61 GMC Pick up 6 cyl tong box good cond 921 7286 cert 223 6692 8 am 6 pm 77 Chev van VI power must ttU $4500630 3013 67 Mustang 6 cyl good cond 481 4687 107 Roselawn Ave Apt 2s GOLDEN OLDIE 67 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4 dr hdtp V8 auto power SAB radio vinyl lop no rust 1 owner excellent cond driven on a average of 11000 mi per yr cert AXB100 $995 Lawson's Auto Mart 336 Birch mount Rd 690 0041 67 Olds Della 88 4 dr auto power SAB 455 engine body excellent motor good as is $300 or best offer 884 6826 after 6 A painting tow oean good workmanship 536 3703 CABINETS decorated with wood moulding Decoritor ceito" from $169 floor Brochure 694 Q179 CONTRACTOR with exper crew seeks any type Painting A decorating contracts uaJ a A Bona Protective Coating 222 4125 INTERIOR decorators prices free estimates 699 7509 PAINTER Iruencr exterior paper hanger reca John 536 8411 PAINTING and waiiDapeng experb enced Ca anytime 492 1747 PAINTING eavesfrough dealing reoars abound home 424 32 1 2 Paufine evgs E4E Cars Trucks 9 19 Wanted AAsH Wr dAiii' DENTONIA ORD 2300 DANORTH AVE CALL JOE KENNEDY 422 4000 TOP CASH PAID OR cars A trucks for scrap Call reedman Sons anytime day or night 656 7050 A bonus price for scrap cars Ontario bon 762 7351 69 Nova running cond excellent 3418 69 Nova 2 dr 6 aulo good tires cert 56 60 69 Olds Cutlass 2 dr hdtp auto power SAa $300 482 8290 evgs Oldsmobile Della 88 455 cu In en gine power SAB needs new brake Ine to cert $300 or best offer: 752 7539 69 Oldsmobile 88 power SB A uncert running cond 493 2492 69 Plymouth ury good running order power SAB 421 8360 69 Pontiac Parlslenne convertible excellent condition $1600 or best offer 881 3151 69 Rambler American 6 cyl 759 7202 69 Volvo 122S as Is $650 or besl offer After 6 789 5016 69 VW Beetle gas heater radio snow tires on rims $635 or besl offer 222 6359 69 VW like new guarantee for every thing 921 4296 Upholstering Repairs CHESTERIELD alia covers fl'a Denes made to measure Reaw abit prices 463 6408 evgs van seat 4 seater vinyl cloth like new $150 2 snow tires 800x16 5 tubeless $50 pr 884 6826 after 6 VAN too cold? Insulation A plywood can be Installed in your van from $200 Cell Vic 654 9486 79 Chew van 305 V8 power rust proofed permashlne brand new under warranty $7750 Nego liable 751 0379 79 ord 100 vans from $5395 Don Little ord IQ414Yonge 926L 79 ord I00 pickups from $4795 Don Little ord 10414 Yonge 884 9261 78 Chev Blazer 2 wheel dr 14000 km Cheyenne pkg 350 V8 extras $7600 or best offer752 164 68 VW new tires fenders A paint extra engine 769 7769 67 AMC Rambler 4 dr uncert Call 270 6085 67 ciev Impala auto uncerl $200 769 8235 67 Che Impala SS very good body A motor maps all around collectors Item enrt $1000 275 9829 ALUMINUM VAN 14'X8' 1150 ORIGINAL MILES 11 Chev 50 Series 18500 GVW 350 V8 4 speed power 40 gallon fuel lank 2000 tb tailgate loader $9900 Cert Lie C56867 John Logan Loosing 45I 225O 241 Quoen St Brampton BROKER required US exper Call 746 2703 BROKER wanted with straight truck 18' or over Also tractor for city work 663 5055 BROKERS wanted with own vehicle vans or small cars with fast growing courier company 221 5541 Neil BROKERS wanted straight trucks for local cartage Also tractors for local A out of town Call Gord Ald rldge 676 2608 BROKERS wanted for city work 789 0581 ORD (Blade) will lease for season 677 1849 evgs 77 ord Explorer 318 power BAS auto super cab camper extra seal bench tow mi Asking $5500 364 1329 days 1 895 7447 evgs 77otd 350van 14 ft box Michelin radials air deflector stereo 460 cu power auto 25000 mi 823 3982 77 ord pick up 4x4 private evgs Joe 248 5062 77 GMC Jimmv 305 V8 auto power SAB 2 tone biue A while whitewalls uke new condition 33000 mi MKZ446 $5500 Pen A Thomp son 1518 Victoria Pk 759 2226 77 GMC van customized asking $8500 or best offer 743 0445 77 GMC 4 wheel dr power SAB 12 000 mi IW ZMt or fci 147 eas 77 Jeep CJ7 excellent cond 18000 mi many options must sefl best offer 924 4954 77 Jeeo Renegade VI 304 rally lights AMM radio CB Levi custom interior tach 5 megs excel lent cond 15000 mi Asking $6900 or best offer 491 4713 77 Van Dura 350 4 barret power 28500 mi tt blue exterior semicustom inferior Wack Visla Bav window lest dnve until Dea I Asking $5700 Cali Al 499 3603 76 Chev ton custom defoxe $3000 245 3935 after 5 76 Chevy van 10 with orty 30000 mu like new high back disc brakes 636 0633 9 4 636 9585 after 45 Dodge Trans van 225 Dodge en gine Best offer as is 967 6844 Ward 64 65 A 66 ton pickups $250 ea or offer M3 94O2 77 Jaguar XJ6L silver blue leather well maintained 483 8510 77 MGB customized tow ml AL $5000 or best offer 245 4964 77 Trans Am auto all options low ml $6800 or best offer 281 3136 77 Trans Am SE loaded with every thing best offer over $7500 Ed I 639 6230624 3666 77 Trans Am 4 speed TA66 loaded 293 4664 291 77W TR7 BR Green with gold stripe air cond cassette stereo excellent cond Must sell $4700 823 4721 Bill 77 Vette A cond auto must sell besl offer 255 1520 77Jaguar XJS white black Interior 6000 km 5 mo old $21000 Musi sell445 Wl3 76 Atfa Romeo Atfetta sedan AM Michellns ruslproof good cond 36000 mi 447 9449 76 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GT new paint excellent cond 38000 ml $6500 967 4149 423 6675 76 Corvette all white inside A out auto power air rear defog ger AM stereo priced for fast sale 677 5123 76 Corvette auto burgundy excel lent cond several options $1500 245 0857 evgs 76 Corvette coupe loaded 27000 ml cerl $8000 656 9343 76 Corvette fully loaded well main tained low ml $8500 367 9024 days 76 Corvette fully equipped 33000 mi $8300 499 1144 or 292 2298 evgs 76 Corvette fully loaded asking $8600 267 6165 evgs 76 Corvette Orangeblack AMM 8 lrack24 watts power SBW till telo steering Al cond Asking $8000 or best offer Call 823 6436 76Corvelte powers lug gage rack $7600 evgs 222 1309 76 Corvette power SBW lilt wheel AMM 34t000 mi At $8200 or best offer 291 213 449 2532 GMC ton pickup oood body 8 ply tires 9" box Cert $1891 Mr Rocc4fo 71l 2V 22W 62 Landrover 4 wheel drive com pletely restored must be seen asking $2900 1 649 2066 61 Wilivs Jeeo CJ3B rebuilt motor 10" white wxke wheels with brand new A tires looks like WW2 Jeep CaH 922 6338 $4 Army Van 4 wheef drive con verted into camper steeas 4 seats 8 radio 8 track inferior etc 5000 mi on new motor $1900 or besl Offer 223 730) 52 way's Jeeo 283 V8 new trans aluminum roof body fulty restored $3400 767 4000 It I aluminum van body like new I 722 3 188 alter 6 pm 55 Chev pickup '59 Chev pickup immaculate cond Oklahoma trucks must sell being transferred after 5 wkends 705 445 3827 55 BIrd quick sale $4500 Lie JUC49L 264 2325 54 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe $500 serious Inquiries only 625 1763 after 76 Datsun 280Z 22 air sunroof maos radials Clbie lamps under coat $6700 Evg 423 45W davs 493 530 76 Datsun 280Z undercoated excel tent best offer 123 9083 485 9488 76 Dalsun 280Z 22 tow ml 1 owner Immac best offer private Call evgs 683 0864 76 irebird ormula 350 AL low mites urgent 787 6678 NEVER WINTER DRIVEN Trans Am 400 Power SAB air AM 8 track TA radials mags headers sloe pipe custom ized paint 28000 ml Never winter driven $6300 Cerl 661 4872 after 5 pm wkdavs 76 Trans Am A cond white ex terior 23000 ml power SBW 0 track 633 2657 76 Triumph TR6 excellent cond 36 000 original mi collectors Item besl offer 225 457B TR7 AMM stereo poo out sunroof rustproofed power antenna900fol 2W3 A beautiful resole iob Guaran teed BIB 264 3054 A better master paperhanger (20 yrs) 767 6467 A German master with 40 years experience 921 7748 ALL painting A decorating at reasonabe cav gnt work CaH Aiex 4 7792 anytime A ton coto deffve ed Mixed sotii seasoned hardwood Ai dei'very service Metro Wtoe $40 231 0699 ALL hardwood mixec 12 mor 16m yompt oelivery 293 9306 APPLE beech cherry nwt dry A higher price for cars A trucks with good motors underground towing 465 7196 EVERGREEN AUTO WRECKERS CASH for scrap cars trucks free pick up CO Watson's Auto Parts 457 5713 Al prices for scrap cars A trucks ree towing Days 690 2600 evgs 461 4429 CARS trucks for scrap copper brass etc Stark Iron 200 Union St or pick up call 654 3464 open Sat CASH for all makes used cars 669 5105 CASH for scrap cars A trucks free towing anytime 683 8663 CASH for vour good used car 884 1881 (9 5) 889 0118 24 hrs 7 days SCRAP cars A trucks good prices tow any area 431 1695 439 5791 SCRAP cars A trucks wanted top dollar paid 7 days a wk 264 8793 WANTED good low mileage cars A Vans Cedarbrae Volkswagen 666 Markham Rd4M 1900 WANTED 72 76 Dodge or GM vans any cond with or without collision 244 1191 WANTED 68 76 Corvette damaged or Involved In accident 244 1 191 70 or 71 Toyota Corolla In good run nlngcond 291 9226 ROOING flats A shingles Lla B2139 free estimates 677 5265 ROOING shingles flats A aeves lroughing783 9266 781 4943 77 ord tractor LN900 single axle 534 10 speed Road ranger 13000 ml 884 9543 76 Chev 'zj ton pick up After 5 Pm 267 4985 ANTIQUE serviced WINTER STORAGE OR Info call A Euro'Cars Ltd 425 4488 AVENGER Gt 80 completed all parts Incl spare motor Good whter project Best offer Gary 429 0742 CLASSIC '6? Rover Mark III mint cond 43000 original ml $3500 or best offer 267 7385 Al parts MGs TRs lats Alfa BMW 24bZ imports 69 5382 10 6 BIAKY'S CORVETTE PARTS LONDON 51 9 26S 3365 CALIORNIA hdtp tor MGB 2 radial snow tires mounted on MGB wheels balanced 451 2078 75 irebird ormula 4 speed $3950 889 5012669 2550 John 76 Lamborghini showroom cond Call 494 5755 75 MG Midget 38000 ml excellent must sell Cerl 274 9512 75 MGB JVY788 reedy to go was $3400 must sell this week as we are moving Only 52900 BAR 656 7547 75 Triumph Spitfire no rust excellent shape Must sell Best offer 661 3030 75 TR7 orig cond radio brown $3500oroffer967 3S72 75 TR6 A 1 cond AMM radio new radials like new firm $4500 After 6 pm 1 895 19)6 Newmarket 75 TR6 excellent cond $5000 Call 826 22 laaller4pm 75 TR6 mint cond never winter driven hdtp Tonneau convert $5300 firm 485 0444 75 TR6 red mint cond 17500 ml never winter driven $5890 or besl offer 928 0928 evgs A wkends 75 TR6 white good cond best offer 694 0439 74 Alfa Romeo excellent cond Must sell 445 7872 74 Alfa Spider excellent best offer 978 7003 463 8753 evg 74 Camaro 30000 ml 6 cvl asking 12700 Call after 6 293 1433 67 ord Dump Truck very good cond $4000 or best offer PCV also available 1 729 2513 65 Dodge dumptruck very good cond PCV license A 8 ton Pa vemaster trailer also Case backhoe buckets 14" IS" 30" 36" 279 64 Dodge 3 Ion Army truck Immacu late cond no rust only 33000 mi Incl racks canvas cover A 4 new snows $3 S)0 firm 691 5610 or 1 705 445 6914 4 wav Pallet GPMC Wanted After 6 call 883 4329 350 TRUCKS IN STOCK ULL LINE GMC A MOTOR HOMES' CANNING GMC INC 2671 MAWCHAM RD 2 MILES NORTH 401291 1141 CQft CarParts WV Accessories Garage Equip 72 Jaguar XKE 22 Coupe 12 cyl 46000 ml royal blue erig paint excellent cond cert must sell was asking $8995 will take $6995 Can be seen evgs or day 787 1203 71 Buick GS Stage $2800 or best offer 455 cu in power SBW A trunk call 6 to 8 pm 889 2708 68 Camaro Rally Sport original owner paint Zlebert Immaculate $1600 751 675 evgs 68 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL excellent cond $6500 535 322 67 Mustang convert restorable runs good Best offer Davs 495 1175 evgs 535U973 '66 Cadillac convert loaded Al $3000 or best 1 640 5013 66 Corvalr Monza "110" 4 speed 44000 original mi good cond $975 Call 822 8146 after 0 66 BIrd convert 65000 ml new muffler system tires shocks brakes reconditioned motor body and too need considerable repairs best offer 924 8137 239 5155 64 Buick Riviera 401 motor radial tires all power will cert best offer 265 1061 evgs 64 Chev SS 4 speed mags Al 425 1954 64 Porsche 356C engine rebuilt best offer 923 8792 64 Thunderbird new trans rebuilt motor new paint $1600 64 1290 4)6 878 1653 evgs 63 Cadillac convert Rare edition all power air etc Southern car Al condfa ENGINE transmission 203 best Offer 7424048 ENGINE 392 hemi newly rebuilt 600 hp 248 6726 afterS HOMAN Duolift hoist model V5320 5500 lb capacity 550V 3 phase $3495 231 1257 ROSS WEMP CHEV OLDS 360 REXDALE BLVD 743 1810 78 Chev Van 22000 km 350 4 en gine ruslproofing rally rims radialires AMM cassette some interior work gallery window sunroof $6500 or best offer Oshawa 725 4958 evgs 78 Chevy van fully customized AM stereo 8 track captain seats dinette bed sink icebox mag wheels extras 5000 km still under warranty Must be seen best offer 691 6235 78 Courier tong box 23 cc engine free wheel package 5 speed o'dr ive 6000 mi while A red always ga raged loaded with extras $5400 or best offer 294 0076 78 Datsun Deluxe cab sport truck 2 titre engine 5 speed trarts radials 16000 km rustproofing AM stereo radio $5500844 6051 78 Datsun truck deluxe cab buckets console radio rustproofed step bumper balance of warranty A36050 ask for Bobbi Kovac Motors Hwy 7 48 Markham 297 3777 294 1210 78 ORD 'i TON VAN SHORT WHEEL BASE 6 evfioder automatic power steer ing captain's chairs Dark blue with matching interior Ua J32412 Ask about our 12 ma 12000 mi warranty OTHERS TCHggSE ROM ROSS WIMP CHEV OLDS 360 REXDALE KG 743 1810 78 ord 250 4x4 Blue with match ing cao Pioneer stereo rustproofmg custom wheels A tires 274 4431 78 ord I50 pickup company driven low mi Aiso 73 ord 350 1 ton 4 dr crew cab with dual wheels 675 2845 78 ord W0 V8 auto cap rust proof immaculate cond Best offer 694 1W6 78 GMC van must se! warranty good mi extras 248 6762 78 Jeep CJ5 5000 km AAeyer ptow like new 667 8246 after A 78 Verdure blacx 14000 fe ton V8 305 engine insured with bed gas heater CB radio CaH affer 6 pjn 743 4768 KEN'S Cartage A Moving He A Insured reasonable rates 751 4297 23 Creighton Scarboro MOVING and Cartage service homes and apts suburban A long distance reasonable rates fully insured David Salmond 1Q5Woodbine7S2 MOVING big or small iobs A clean ups 24 hr service Bob Artorc 604 Woodbine 698 4904 ON short notice Rae Movers stor age 825 Bloor St 532 073 624 W9 res 457 9553 $10 per hour for driver A van Joe's Moving 111 Kendal 961 5100 Painters Decorators ROOER Al ftet or shlnotes work guaranteed lla B2020 691 3907 ROOERS 30 YRS EXPER ALL types A eavesiroughing Meiro Roofing Co 463 8348 ROOING A Waterproofing brick block A stonework lla 469 4A16 BRICK stone work fireplaces ga rages etc B2613 ritz 453 1908 BRICK stonework tireplaces by licensed expert 651 5405 CAREUL Masonry Lie B5076 brick stone block Any cement work663 5185 CARPENTER additions renovations small big iobs Reasonable 424 4159 CARPENTER atl home repairs reasonable He B2089 463 9495 CARPENTER alterations renova tlons keen rates 4890539 683 2629 CARPENTER bsmts garages home repairs 292 1123 CARPENTER exper In renovations building etc 767 3786 CARPENTER home A office re oalrs bathrooms ktlchens 769 4551 CARPENTER master renovations bsmt finish built ins 656 3605 CARPENTRY alterations repairs liCBS9 466 0715 CARPENTRY cabinets paint test Al fair price 484 1348 CARPENTRY designer repairs of ell types plaster A ceramic 249 5034 CARPENTRY electrical renova Itons bars etc 221 2909 CARPENTRY renovations addi tlons Lk B5I3T 488 5586 CARPENTRY general repairs renovations a specialty 439 0744 CARPENTRY remodelllng specialist 83373 low price 633 0457 CONCRETE floor walks garages Addition B766 694 6604 DRYWALL board A taping reasonable 636 3301 or 661 1163 DRYWALL board tape ree esfi mates Work guaranteed 249 2984 74ORDCOUIHa PICKUP truck Al condition $1400759 0338 74 ord Econolfoe window van 68 000 mi Summer driven no rust will cert $2000 481 7322 74 ord 200 auto V8 customized $2900822 0115 74 ord E100 302 motor body very good motor good As is Besl offer 251 9942 Russ 74 ord step in van 12' boxideal for city delivery $2600 Call am 5 pm 251 6541 74 ord van mags a cert Al $1800 or best offer 751 8001 74 ord van V8 auto 2 heaters $1700 cert 653 6045 74 ord van 50000 mi needs mini mal work asking $1200 or best offer After6 4446712 74 GMC ton van $2500 must sell 225 0288 74 GMC Van Camaro blue com pletely customized 14 options must sell best offer 469 0670 74 GMC Vandura auto 8 cyl 28000 mi good cond $2900 252 4747 74 Inl'I ton crewcab pickup V8 55000 mi No reasonable offer re fused 763 1320 74 Jeep CJ5 soft too roll bar 304 V8 engine 4 wheel drive with Warn hubs A snow plow $4000 1 797 2211 74 Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 27 JOO ml cedar deck A console white sooke wheels IMS LT tires $4300 Cert (70S) 728 9644 anytime 74 Toyota Landcruiser Al amfm low mi asking $4200 759 5173 73 Chev Pickuo 6 cvl excellent cond $1600 Must sell 656 1855 73 Chev van 6 cvl auto 62000 mL 661 8636 222 3277 73 Chevy van good cond Call after 6 Pm 422 1434 1973 Doris Tradesman Van SEMI customized sunroot A cus tom windows AM stereo cas sette slant 6 engine new paint $2900 694 3005 or 267 6224 73 Dodge heavy duty Ab ton pickup 27' 5th wheel stock horse trailer $3600 or sell separate Cail Mr rank 284 1666 or after 530 1 9S5 3102 73 Dodge Tradesman 100 uncert 53000 mi best offer 149 Eddystone Ave 743 5022 73 Dodge van excellent cond offers 860 30n or 922 5827 Al MOTORS INSTALLED and guaranteed Open Saturdays 759 5663 BIG block Chevy parts 1 Lakewood Scatter shield with Weber clutch assembly A aluminum flywheel 1 complete LS 7 motor 1 set of chrome Hooker headers for Corvette 1 set slan size LS 7 pistons many other 4 assorted parts 226 2660 BUICK 350 rebuilt heads small plugs firm 636 5806 ENGINE other parts good cond 71 Austin Mini 535 1687 Building Supplies ALUMINUM OR VINYL SIDING ROM $39100 SQUARE EET WTvcosDr 789 4800 ALUMINUM siding soffit and facia eaveslrough windows A roofing sup plied A install reasonable prices Lie B2824 Call 532 5458 469 3198 ATTIC insulation 8" blown cellulose 454 sqft call Pat 465 2943 BARN boards A hand hewn beams for rustic interiors boards 65e sq ft beams $125 lineal ft A up Larger orders delivered West Lincoln Barn board Supply 214 Mud St West Grassie Onl Life IMP 416 95 259 BUY direct from factory patio doors $136 Save V3 on thermo windows mirror doors glass shelving dealers welcome 778 Superiest 661 5535 Chargex We install 500 LAST THE 78 BANK RATE RNANONG ON 71 AUDI OX 4 dr aulo tinted glass radio plus more bai new car warranty lie NE888 $7395 LOW DOWN PAYMENT 78 VW RABBIT 4 dr auto deluxe radio tel new car warranty lie NDO776 $5995 INANCE UP TO 60 MONTHS 78 VW WINDOW VAN 4 speed radio stone guard 2000 lb eapaclly bal new car war NE950 $6450 Ask about our bank plan" AU TRADES ACCEPTED autocars (North Ltd 7079 St 889 2001 CARPET A vinvl flooring efficient ig stetlationreasonab 4M 27I6 OR installation repeln restnetches of carpet 759 395 STEAM cleaned carpet special Liv ing A dming rm $3o bdrm $10 extra over 3000 so ft per ftM Chester Building Trades ONEWAY CONSTRUCTION GENERAL Contractors House office additions complete renova tions free estimates Lie B2047 BBB Phone 242 2703 791 0415 BRICK blocks additions baements excavation Mike 752 636J PLASTER repairs $20 up ceilings $125 up Clean lie B81 1 694 6637 PLASTERING and general contrac Moving Cartage SHORT NOTICE MOVER CALL anytime 31 Logan 463 4846 ABBOT Movers 2768 Dundas St 2 men large van 677 0473 ALEXANDAR Movers 124 Broad way insured $14 A up 89 31 13 ANY move low rates Meikte 649 Burnhamthorpe Rd 621 1130 A1 Mover large A small Warner 383 Lansdowne Ave 537 M84 BOB Won Moving Ltd 449 Ontario St Cali anytime 924 0949 CARLA'S moving ast service 222 Delaware Ae 536 1905 AST action service for houses A offices Scilia Cartage 577 Shaw SI 537 8969 S31 6618 520 Car Track Leasing LOW LOW 79 LEASE RATES ORDER NOW VOLARE 2 dr auto from $13066 CORDOBA with air LEBARON 4dr air from $175 44 CHRYSLER4dr air 36 mo closed end lease 72000 km free 4c thereafter Call tearing dept 9226161 ONTARIO CHRYSLER 1977 LTD 1001 BAY STt TORONTO 79 Mustang Ghla 3 dr Luxury eauip ped 630 3600 79 Olds Cruiser station wagon drive out today 630 3600 79 Rabbit from $149 diesels $159 36 mosMr Williams 291 6456 11 Grand Prix LJ roof air cond fully loaded sublease 7 mos $298 option buy back $3300 black black Interior 487 Gardening Supplia ENCES chain flnx 4' green vtorL $185 instafted 317799 16torontostar RI NOV 241 78 500 Cars for Sale PRE SNOW CLEARANCE SALE 78 Honda Civic demo OAE838 $4195 78 Accord auto 8000 miles WJU444 Accord 5 speed low miles NJN789 $5895 Honda wagon auto radio NM636Z $4795 Honda wagon standard radio NM641 Both wagons under 1000Q miles with guaranty M795 78 Honda Civicaiilo 1500 miles full guaranty NNM615 $4795 77 Accord 10000 miles 1 owner LKK676 $5295 75 Saab 4 door aulo air condi tioning AMM stereo mag wheels certified JVX544 $4950 NOTCERTfflED 75 Monza stick radio JOH382 $18x5 73 Mercury Colony Park wagon air radio EOW4C2 595 70 Chevrolet wagon V8DVJ075 5125 READY IMPORT LTD Your West end Honda Dealer" 2678 BLOOR 239 4992 (at Oid MB subway) 77 Corvette loaded A 36000 ml $8800 or best offer 691 1749 77 Corvette 10000 ml black auto loaded Lady's car $10500 690 17 505 Sports Cars Accessories 67 Mustang fastback collector's edi tion Immaculate cond new paint tires A battery cert Must be seen $1000 431 9461 or 261 8254 66 Corvette Roadster 327 4 speed blue hdtp headers $5900 as Is or bestoffer431 0139 65 Jaguar Mark 10 Sport sedan fully restored new engine asking $7500 LICKRftoW ms 24OZ'i 260Z'i EXAMPLE: 74 Datsun 24OZ 2J JRY100 9 to Choose from Datsun 510 2 dr 4 speed snow tires body A paint work done light brown with black interior cert LEO356 $190 Pedars 24 Irwin Ave 964 6306 71 Dodge Dart 2 dr hdtp A power 6 cyl S000 ml cerf ask ing $1050366 1310 71 ord Brougham good cond Best offer 483 4523 after A 71 ord stationwagon as is best offer 669 9276 71 ord Torino cert $700 A 68 Dodge $485 new plates A others to choose from 69 A under below $300 call 929 9579 71 Galaxie 500 power SAB air cond vinyl root needs some body work $550 221 2M8 762 1 168 71 Hornet 4 dr 6 cyl auto AM radio tow ml antastic cond $1300 Greg 438 4691 71 Mach 1 351 Cleveland 4 barrel 4 speed 42000 mL Excellent cond very fast $2200 439 8364 71 Matador AMC auto power V8 accessories good cond $500 or $750 cert Charles 593 6111 7 1 Maverick 2 dr 6 cyl aulo AM radio low miles extra extra dean for only $1495 HERITAGE ORD SALES 2660 KingstonRd 264 2537 71 Mazda 4 cvl 4 dr Michellns good uncert cond $500 402 2035 Moving Cartage PIANO MOVER DISMANTLING exper Pike 1 Superior Ave 259 S391 A able bargain move efterty 1058 A Kingston Rd 699 4000 A bargain courteous move hr Hawn 286 Woodbine 690 5461 A bargain test movers Cal 767 3622 anytime A better move flat or hrtv 5 Busch 451 Military Trail 2S4 521Z A big or smaH move Contact Cart age46 Bnemar $1550 up TC pfiH A move Skeete Movers 1542 gftnton Ave 782 9852 A good mover eii tabs rubbish 24 nr service 461 A mover al jobs in out town A rub tffsh Be a winner Prichard 634 Woodfrne Ave 463 3354 A sma xtoe for a $mar move GeoW 15 Rumymeoe 766 MH My Ua A msured SPECIALIZING in wallpapering palming Cali 493 541 1 afterBom THE decorator specializing dry wall taping oa nting wall rsor complete remodelling free estimates 3637696 WALLPAPERING Minting since 1972 oleasecaii 921 7748 78 IREBIRD TRANS AM IREM1ST red with color keyed in terior only 10000 miles Has Trans Am eagle decal power windows stereo V8 aulo power sleeting brakes Lie MYP757 Ask about our 12 month or 12000 mi warran ty $7395 ADDISON CADfUAC PONTIAC BUICK USB) CAR DIVISION "Canada's Largest Codilloc Dealer" B35 Bay St PAA 3211 71 MGB 4000 mi rustproofed Craig AMM cassette $5500 Doug281 2558after6 78 Mustang Cobra 15000 km stereo 8 track 6 47631 7151 78 TRANS AM GOLD EDITION roof auto air AM tape cruise control fully loaded $8500 496 1823 3pm 10 pm 74 BMW 2002 Til orange 45000 ml Top cond never winter driven 259 4569 74 BMW30S white auto red uphol stery 4 dr alr cond AM radio lapedeck 54000 ml 1 owner excel lent cond 66500 683 2664 after 6 74 Buick LeSabre convertible cus tomized loaded with accessories 14700 74 Cuda all customized saletrade sports car 823 9726 Evg 74 Cuda 360 4 barrel 4 speed AM 8 track new mags tires cert $3100 Rob 98 0526 GTO 74 Pontiac Ventura hatchback 350 auto factory air 28000 mi no rust besl offer Day 851 3913 evg 422 4271 PORSCHE 911 45000 ml flawless red mags lop cond Sell 89000 or consider trade for 77 Lincoln or Thunderbird Serious inquiries only Ask for Mr Del Blanco 493 9580 STEEL hdtp from 73 TR6 $400 or best offer phone Bruce after 6 Pm 755 6642 TAKE over lease sale 78 Corvette 82 aulo loaded low mi Inrmac ulate cond 483 1403 53 Buick Sedan fully cert garaged for many years must be seen $1800 294 0076 39 Dode as Is $500 can be restored BRAVA SPIDER 2000 Available Now RAY COEY MOTORS 1 14M YONGE ST 893 3555 North at Richmond HiR 70 Volvo wagon very good cond new motor $850 V29 0660 70 VW auto needs new muffler and speedometer cable to cert As Is $250 or best offer 752 7539 70 VW Beetle stan 4 speed no rust excellent cond white red Interior cert BCO201 $995 Pears 24 Irwin Ave 964 6306 69 Cadillac all power with air $1100 622 6077 69 Cadillac Eldorado full power Air AMM stereo new Michelin radi als excellent cond $2300 264 2804 evgs wkends Camaro auto power new bat tery lune up runs like new uncert wAUbcwi 69 Camaro scoop spoiler mags $1700 Pete 663 1599 6S3 6268 69 Camaro SS rebuilt 327 25000 ml 4 BG radial TA's midnight blue excellent cond $2500 firm 823 2010 after 7 69 Camaro 307 power spoiler new radials uncert needs transmit slon work $50flrm 826 3410 69 Camaro Z28 mint orig offers over $480023 0244 69 Corvette coupe 427 4 speed 400 hp $5400 Dan 275 859 69 Corvette coupe 427 4 speed very clean $5995 29U27O PLUMBER an alterations reoairs P81 783 5570 free estimates Steve PLUMBER A 1 renovations 2J 4 oce washrmk our specially P976 663 2195 PLUMBING drain sewer conver ston waterproofing 266 8922 76 ord 'fi ton pickup V8 custom 1M rustproofed 36 000 ml 1 683 9754 76 ord 34 ton Super Cab pickup power auto V8 Take trade or best offer 279 4324 76 ord Econoline CB radio shag In trior sunroof 6 cvl stan economy etc comes with most everything you need except the blond in the passen ger seat $4395 from $99 down LEOI84 Ascot Auto Salon 3220 Duf ferln St 787 1691 76 ord Econoline mint cond 3)000 mi auto 8 12' box Ask $4400 evgs 622 0366 76 ord Econoline 100 power SB partly customized Interior $4300 683 4427after7pm 76 ord ton van V8 auto power Insulated CB radio AM radio 83400 844 57 18 76 ord van cert $3 JOO or best offer evgs 245 8724 76 ord van 31000 ml 300 cu In 6 auto power Mlchelins cus tomlzed CB 8 lrack 1 878 8661 76W GMC Sierra 3 fon pick up power radio 28000 mi mint $3900368 0896 $8 Olds Convert 98 good cond orig ml west coast car $2500 or offer 621 1021 57 Cadillac cert good running cond Besl offer 656 2f50 73 Corvette coupe 1 owner 35000 orig ml excellent cond $6200 cert 705 778 2884 evgs 73 Corvette top 27000 original mi power 3M 4 speed $5800 73 Datsun 24OZ excellent cond 457 6881 244 0773 after 73 Dalsun 240Z low ml mags stereo A cond249 24S5 73 Datsun 240Z cerl excellent best offer 499 201 latter 5 73 Datsun 240Z low ml new POint bodvwork mech excellent offers Evgs 481 7881 73 MGB Al cert Best offer After 5 pm 925 9817 73 MGB cerl 38000 ml Michelin tires new parts 967 5498 73 MGB excellent shape 3 lops new batteries alternator tires AMM cassette $2400 278 6887 73 Plymouth Ouster 340 4 barrel auto power erasers air shocks asking $1800 630 QQfo 73 Porsche 914 2 Hire as Is $1400 635 5745 73 Volvo 1800ES 34000 original paint tires Bilstelns many extras S58w Herb431 73 Z28 Camaro power auto 57000 ml professionally rebuilt en gine 17000 ml Inferior body paint Sood mech sound asking $3200 44 909 or 241 8166 72 BMW Bavaria white auto sun roof AM Al $4500 425 2H1 Conte Contractor landscaping snow removal 783 7565 PLASTER any design outside stucco new repair Gino N9 932 PLASTER repairs reasonable fest clean 656 8140or 6 4532 70 Pontiac LeMans very good cond 52000 ml 875 630 4771 70 Pontiac Safari wagon good winter vehide $356 4617216 19 Pontiac 4 dr I cyL $1 JOO Cert 762 1544 505 Sports Cars Accessories il'i Camaro Z28 350 4 speed AM cassette 9000 ml $6300 N9 5050 ask for Scolt 77 Camaro 3 pa spoilers power ask 5500431 3895 77 Camaro 21000 ml firethorn red stripes excellent cond $5400 cash After 5 621 0814 77 Camaro Z2B 12000 ml all options bul air 787 5462 77 Corvette fully loaded $9800 or best offer 763 7458 77 Corvette loaded 82 4 speed mint )900 ml 247 2452 78 Camaro Z28 AM cassette 9000 mi balance of warranty load ed 266 2230 evgs 71 Camaro 350 4 barrel auto power spoiler Rally wheels rustproofed 14000 mi cert Asking $6500 826 8824 or 826 4757 71 Ceiica GT coupe $5900 698 618) evgs 71 Corvette aulo loaded incl air under warranty anxious to sell 481 2140 78 Corvette Indy Pace car collector's 82 auto no mi dealer's slickers loaded $25000 or best offer 781 2523 78 Corvette Pace car L82 engine 4 sp loaded new 1 983 5444 78 Corvette silver anniversary 5800 mi stereo Goodrich radials power tilt telescopic wheels balance ol warranty transfer out of country must soil $10700 622 0130 71 Corvette Silver Anniversary every option 494 2221 71 Corvette Silver Anniversary load ed 350 auto power AMM leather 15000 KM He MX J7S3 $14 000 85 3260 621 1254 78 Datsun 280Z Maas AMM stereo spoilers front back outside trim 4300 km 5 speed Asking $9500 Warranty transferable 625 015 evgs 742 3962 WANTED 40 or 45' reuhauf Trailer Vans i must have 6' sliding spread tan dem Contact Bill Williams at 236 1 2545 I GMC diesel with 20' van 5 soeed 1 plus 2 speed power 51020 fires 497 3004 evgs 4f 1 9387 LEASE operators required for Alberta Manitoba plus 31 stales i units with hoppers grain trailers I necessary 403 279 9431 OWNER OPERATORS i REQUIRED for a License Ontario operation Steady year round work top percentage 76 or newer tractor 653 6008 OWNER OPERATORS ALL Ontario operation Lie good benefits 624 3884 1 800 261 352 ROLL off 1971 Mack CO 318 De trolt Diesel 13 speed 38 rear air 1 cond air brakes power 638 6818 after 7 pm SEVEN 1974 73 White reightlln 1 ers full tandems 438 hp Detroit die seis 15 sp Road Ranger 150000 300000 mi extra lovely cond but need paint Will sell reasonable for quick sale package deal $15000 each or besl offer No trlflers Please Tom Deady 416 924 5835 613 332 2271 SINGLE axle flat bed 34' trailer 423 6832 SNOW SHOALS 68 Jeep Incl plough Both ready for snow Best offer Anton 889 2963 SNOW ploughs with operators for hourly work 633 9454 SNOW plow 10' rink reversible with front harness 1 729 2409 SNOW plowing contracts wanted for 1 this season 663 5008 SNOW plows 7'6" isher also 10' rink (1 way) 757 2484 SNOWPLOW ft HD for ord truck $925 889 5128 SNOWPLOWING reasonable rates call after 6 225 6929 TOW truck 72 GMC Holmes Wreck er auto electric winch 496 2156 TOW trucks choose from our large display any make size color scheme The Tow Truck Centre 1101 Millwood Rd 967 2787 TRACTOR John Deere 140 gas 2 furrow ptow 6' snow blade excellent cond Price negotiable Call 1 416 584 9911 TRACTOR trailer owner with reliable unit seeking position with reputable firm 15 yrs accident free bondable reliable call (416) 385 136 TRACTOR 75 GMC new motor wind deflec tor low ml mint cond 416 579 1166 Oshawa TRAILER 74 trailmbolle 45'x 102' van 72 ruehauf 40' reefer 45' Iri exle and tandem flatbeck 494 4692 TRUCKS trailers for sale with con tracts inancing can be arranged 1 705 325 0610 TRUCKS WANTED OR WRECKING ALSO truck parts motors trans mission and differentials Highest prices paid 759 5661 70 Camaro Sports V8 auto mag wheels excellent cond action car $1850245 2186 70 Camaro V8 power auto A 1 cert $1795 663 2834 evgs 70 Camaro 350 auto excellent cond maos rear spoiler cert $1500 459 6608 70 Charger auto 440 low ml tike new 7 3li? 244 43 5t 70 Chev Impale must sell $350 09 8137 70 Chev Monte Carlo 71000 mi good cond wiH cert Best offer 630 7197 or 598 1732 70 Chev stationwagon $325 In good shape as is 663 9489 52 Pontiac sedan BC car Immacu late 77000 orig ml no rust best Offer 75 1347 32 ord Roadster 4 wheal discs Vette rear rack pinion cnassls fln Ished but apart 461 5968 31 Model A ord Roadster convert ible licensed good cond $6500 705 436 2900 30 Durant for safe orig hood gas tank 845 3395 after 6 28 ord 2 dr rust free orig running car $3000 or trade '40 ord sedan delivery needs restoring $700 691 1224 or 691 4707 26 Model ord snowmobile good running orig cond asking $3950 Call 1 705 472 4167 North Bay 1958 ord V8 auto power new upholstery tires low ml rebuilt en gine new paint recently from Call ornla $2500 oners Sault Ste Marie 705 949 498 1919 ord Roadster Plck uo 350 780 Holley chrome headers turbo 350 irans with stage II shift kit high stall convertor much brass chrome Cert $4000 or best offer 839 2065 16 17 model Hupmoblle 4 dr tour ing car 10000 original mi always Raraged Restoration not completed lew tires rebuilt engine In running cond Not for a novice $8500 Serious Inquiries only After 4 pm 267 0425 Helpfor Householders 1 Tar an 76 Transfer 4070 12 38 VT903 $20000 must sell 1 478 4853 or 4763072 75 International fuel truck 4 com partments dual Dumping 47 OCX) ml 519 822 3044 74 ord 350 V8 12x8 box fair cond $3500 or besl offer Must sell 535 8686 lOPm 74 GMC Astro excellent cond with contract 7490630 8 am 6 pm 74 Mack 700 Al cond 5 spd Maxl 000 H78 1866 73 Asiro sleeoer 318 Detroit 13 speed 12 14 axles low mL toe cond o22 1108 73 Chev 1 ton cab chassis very clean good condition will certify auto radio best offer takes It M76312 Pell Thompson 1518 Victoria Park 7592226 73 GMC Tandem dump cerl new paint tires brakes rad dutch re built main auxiliary trans After 7 727 9581 73 International Scout with snowplow 36000 ml good cond $4000 cert or best as Is 439 8748 73 Louisville 318 13 speed tandem' 498 6928 73 R600 Mack 237 5 speed with iob weekdays call 624 1596 weekends 705 526 9531 72 Chev C50 with 18' aluminum box A 1 300261 7920 72 Dodge fuel truck 4 compartments dual pumping recently cert 519 822 3064 72 ord 750 lat Ded boom truck V8 power 5x2 trans 15 ton winch new tires Drakes cert $5000 742 4140 72 ord 350 dump truck cert with snow plow4514446evgs 72 ord box new engine paint great shape 7910874 72 GMC 2'i ton stake cert $30G0 or best offer 8898746 68 Cutlass new engine must sell $800 or best 231 8922 630 1 68 Dodge Coronet auto $250 or best 226 6969 68 Dodge Dart certifiable cond Slant six 2594566 61 Dodge Swinger 340 new motor call 4938779 68 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL excellent cond $6500 535 3224 68 Mercedes gas diesel Good cond needs body work 457 5415 61 Mustang astback 302 V8 metallic green Western car good body auto alr cond well maintained $2500 1 335 3911 61 Mustang 22 GT high perforrrr ance immaculate Must be seen $20w261 1894 Jim 68 Olds Cutlass 4 dr uncert best offer 965 8910 755 3626 A Plymouth Satellite V8 318 good cond needs some body work as is 4(13 1360 after 6 68 Plymouth 318 engine with 105000 mi in lop shape Body mechanical components good 1 owner uncerl6255210evgs 61 Pontiac 327 cu In good running cond uncert Ask $500 Robert 651 6842 after 5 Pm 61 Rambler American uncert best offer After 5 741 758) 68 Volvo 3000 mi since engine re built needs trans and brake work body good 924 1938 evgs wknds 966 569 wkdays 68 VW Campmoblie new engine runs well 2819317 after 6 71 Olds Delta 88 4 dr top cond 1 owner M502 9 71 Toronado excellent cond fully powered 60000 mu extra tires $1650 827 O308 71 Olds 88 4 dr bower air cond radio new brakes rad carb water pump battery needs starter fly wheel As is $300 firm CaH 822 9111 Weekdays afierSpm 71 Oldsmobile asking $1500 Good cortd cert 651 0184 71 Parisienne wagon 9 passenger PowerequlpA 466 2044 71 Pinto 59600 ml 1600 cc new clutch brakes 4 new tires extra snow tires recent paint iob AMM cert 251 8375 71 Plymouth ury II V8 power $450751 0965 71 Pontiac Catalina AAR572 bargain $159 Village 325 Kingston Rd 71 Pontiac Catalina 4 dr sedan excellent cond like new alr cond power SB 233 3031 71 Pontiac Parlsfenne 2 dr hdtp power SB hwv miles cert good cond $795 741 4504 71 Pontiac Safari 9 passenger wagon Cert $1450 457 4222 71 Renault 16 auto radio' excellent corid $550 aS is 759 3983 71 Toyota Corolla cert new paint A $900656 8438 71 Toyota Corolla stan cert radials $800 1 775 2840 evgs 71 Toyota Corona good cond $675 CaH MrHtnson 445 5841 71 Toyota Crown 4 dr station wagon 6 cvl 4 speed trans winter ized snows dean $450 766 0395 71 Vega hatchback stan fair cond certifiable $350 362 1081 71 Vega stan can be cert Asking $350 698 9818 after 5 71 Ventura body mech Al tow 07a 71 Volvo Station Wagon Needs ring rob $600 as Is or offers Call Sat or Sun only 429 4254 71 Volvo 70 Maverick both In good cond cert 425 0265 SCARBOROUGHt CARBOROUGH HIT.
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