Harvest of Hearts - Chapter 1 - theHooliganP (2024)

Chapter Text

Anna wiped the sweat from her forehead, it was way too hot for June. But at least her crops were loving the heat. She put down her basket full of beautifully ripend pink melons and her backpack full of juicy blueberries and sat by her little pond. Taking off her gardening gloves and placing them on her lap and grabbing a hand full of water she placed her cooled hand over the back of her neck letting the water drip downto chest ignoring the fact that her denim overalls were getting soaked.

Haley was right about one thing; we defiantly need some malls or at least some clothing stores around here. Anna sighed. She looked down at her reflection, seeing the dirt and grime that covered her nose and forehead, she smiled at herself. Damn we are a long way from the city, girl. She grabbed another handful of water; she patted her heated cheeks feeling her body instantly cool down.

“Hey!” A familiar voice yelled across her field. Anna turned towards the direction of the path to her house watching Pam wave her hands in the air. Anna laughed watching the nearly 60-year-old woman flailing about.

“Hi Pam!” Anna yelled out.

“Hi, are you planning on heading to Calico Desert today?” Pam yelled, making no effort to traverse the miles of produce, not that Anna could blame her she had no intent of running around anymore than she already had to.

“Nah, I’m good,” Anna screamed back. Today was a chill day and there was no way she would be able to resist going into the mines.

“Slow day for my bus routes then. Anyways since it’s nice why don’t you head towards the beach, get that bikini body rockin’!” Anna busted out into a laugh. “Come on don’t laugh, every-body is a bikini body baby!” Pam gave an enthusiastic shoulder shimmy, her curly blonde hair bouncing underneath her white baseball cap.

Anna let her back hit the grass cover ground and laughed from deep within her belly. Pam knew how to cheer her up, they had come such a long way since first coming here. When she finally got up Anna also did a body shimmy and said, “You convinced me beach day it is!”

“Woo!” Pam screamed, throwing her hands in the air.

“I’ll just get all this work done. But sh*t I don’t think I even own a bikini?”

“Ah, no problem head over to Emily, before she starts work, I’m sure she can whip up one real cute and fast.”

“Alright, see you around.” Pam waved her goodbyes. Now feeling a bit rejuvenated, Anna picked up her gear and went back to work. She watched as the cows and chickens began to graze the land. She never bothered with fences as she liked to see them free, plus they always came back before nightfall. Anna rushed around making a mental note to bring Emily some mayonnaise to sweeten the request. Her body moved automatically since she had a good four years working at her late-grandfather's farm. She stored Her freshly picked melons and blueberries Select. The best ones to be sold off for the highest price.

She went into her deluxe chicken coop, and checked the automatic feeder was working properly, then grabbed a couple of eggs from the auto grabber, it still hurt her soul to see that contraption as she had paid so much money for it, but couldn’t deny it came in handy and had saved her quite a bit of time since she didn’t have to run to the barn or the coup everyday just to collect some milk, eggs things of that manner. Her mind went back to her average daily task. Thinking back to four years ago on a day like this, when she would be getting up almost at the same time. But instead of making her own little life she would be forced to go into an office. Wearing clothes, she didn't like and frankly paid much too much money for, and shoes that were just as comfortable as walking on stilts. Anna should be sitting at her desk for around 8 hours a day typing away and calling for the great JoJo Mart company. And then she would hobble into her small studio apartment and try to fit a whole day's worth of maintenance, hobbiesand cooking and still trying to get her little 8 hours of sleep. Only to wake up to hate her life every morning and dread going into that gray office building and that miserable little desk were people she frankly couldn't care too much about.

Pelican Town had really changed her life in a way she never thought possible. At first, her body hurt every day just trying to clear away the rubble, and cleaning that poor little house her grandfather had lived in. He really didn't have many amenities, and at first, she couldn't understand how he could live this way. In her studio apartment, she had her wall phone; her flat-screen TV, so many clothes and little gadgets to make her life easier. But here everything was so rustic. If you couldn't make it, you didn't have it, and if you couldn't trade for it, well, then you were f*cked. She used a lot of the savings she had accumulated just to get herself started and she used a little inheritance that her grandfather had left her. Her parents had begged her not to go, stating that this would be one of the worst things that she could do for herself. That. Nobody wanted to live a lifestyle like that. That's why they had run away from the countryside to the city. And though she understood their desire for a more modern lifestyle, she had grown to really appreciate the simplicity of farm life, of rural life. It wasn't perfect by any means. But it had brought such pleasure every day, such a sense of accomplishment. That could not be replicated anywhere else.

Her body had a hard time adjusting to all the new movement, The planting, the growing, the building. And then, inevitably, the fighting and mining.

Still, she believed in improvement, and She put her heart and soul into building her new life. Anna had implemented some new technologies into her farm, allowing things to run smoothly, and bought weapons to make fighting easier.

Finally done with most of her tasks She went into her little storage then. And took out a fresh pot of mayonnaise and put in some new eggs. She grabbed 2 jars and placed them in her oversized overall pockets and grabbed a backpack stuffing in 2 towels, some water, and snacks, by the time she checked her wall clock it was already almost 11:00 AM. And she didn't have much time to traverse the town to get to Emily. She put the pedal to the metal and began her brisk walk to Emily's house. Passing over the clinic, the local food Mart, the little bar/lounge where Emily worked, and straight into Emily's house. Yeah, she felt grateful that they were friends, and she was able to barge in at any time but sometimes she felt a little self-conscious doing it. She still couldn't get used to the fact that people did not believe in locking their doors.

“Emily?” Anna cried into the living room only to watch Haley waltz out of her bedroom.

“Ohh, you look terrible,” Haley said, pushing Her long blonde hair over her shoulders. Anna resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Yes, it was true Haley was the town's beauty, but she wasn't gorgeous the way she was used to. Haley was just what people thought of when they thought of small towns pretty girls; the blonde with blue eyes and the pretty body. Generally, very skinny and a little self-centered but she isn't all that bad once you get used to her.

“Well, I do work as a farmer,” Anna says, trying to ease the situation.

“Trust me, I know., But you don't always have to look like it.”

“Well, let me know when there's a store around here that I can buy some good clothes in and then we'll talk.” Haley rolled her eyes.

“That's no excuse,” Haley argues. “It's not only about clothes but also about how you take care of yourself. You must put more effort into your appearance. You're a lady after all. Even behind the farmer's outfit.”

“God, leave her alone,” Emily says, finally Leaving her room and joining them in the living area. “She's more about her money than anything, and that's totally fine.” Emily puts her hands on her hips as if daring Haley to argue.

“Work doesn't mean you get to neglect yourself:” As always, Haley rises to the challenge.

“You can't expect everyone to want to look good every single day.” Emily Retorts.

“Yeah, whatever. I have other things to do.” Haley says walking into the kitchen and opening the refrigerator.

“Anyway,” Emily says, Giving Anna a big smile. “What's going on with you today? What's happening?”

“Well, I was actually hoping for a little bit of a favor.” Anna immediately Reached into her pockets and took out two jars of mayonnaise.

“You got my attention, "Emily says, looking over the two large jars. Her blue eyes twinkled.

“So, I was talking to Pam this morning and she told me I should probably go to the beach. So, I haven't been there in a while but like I told her, I don't really have anything to really wear to the beach.”

“OH, so a swimsuit?”

“Yeah, I just need one. I realized it don't have much of anything when it comes to clothes.”

“Wait now there, I can help.” Haley interjected. Emily frowned, “What? I have an eye for stuff like this.” Haley defended herself.

“Anyways what were you hoping for, I can’t make anything too out there, but I promise to try.” Emily stated.

“Well, I don't really want it to take too much of your time, so whatever you can make the fastest, but if it's possible, I would really like a little bikini.”

“Wow, not a bikini my girl. Where is this coming from?” The excitement was notable in Haley's voice.

“I'm pretty sure we can do that in like an hour since it's so little fabric and mainly just string,” Emily said walking to her crafting station. She ties her blue hair back with a red ribbon.

“Actually.” Haley Ricks in the conversation, “Are you OK with receiving it tomorrow? I'll let you borrow one of my mom's old swimsuits because I’ve been meaning to work on some new designs, and I think it would suit your body best.”

Emily and Haley looked at Anna, expecting an answer. Not having much to lose, Anna agreed to hold off. Who was she to deny Haley such a pleasure? She watched as Haley ran down the stairs to the basem*nt.

“You know, you really ought to practice your sewing skills I've given you free range of my craft area and I know you haven't been putting it to good use,” Emily said. Crossing her arms. She noticed the new mermaid tattoo on Emilys shoulder but decided not to comment on it. She had gathered quite a collection of tattoos on her arms, and she wondered if she would run off with Sebastian to get them done in another city.

“I know I’m just no good at it,” Anna admitted.

“That’s no excuse.”

“Anyways have you seen Sebastian around anywhere?” Anna asked to change the subject.

“Last time I saw him was around 2 weeks ago, knowing him he’s probably in his room working on his little video game thing.”

Of course, he is. Anna thought to herself. Why would he concern himself with seeing me? It wasn't like I've been chasing him around for the last year and a half. It's weird because sometimes it feels like he's into me and sometimes he just completely ignores me. He's like hot and cold and I just don't understand why.

“But don't give him too much mind. Go and visit him, he needs someone to be taking the lead.” Emily encourages. Then she quickly shuts up as she hears Haley walking up the stairs.

God, how much Chasing could I possibly do? I even tried to play his little f*cking games and stuff. It's just, He has this weird tendency to pull away.

“Here you go,” Haley says, Handing over a pile of neatly folded clothes. ”Don't forget to come back tomorrow around the same time.”

Anna nodded and went on her way with her clothes in hand. She took her time walking, smelling the Saltiness of the sea breeze as it passed over her hair and her sunburned skin. It had been such a long time since she focused on having fun. Every day it felt like some new chore or repetitive tasks needed to be completed. But today she will make it the best and most relaxing day possible.

She had seen Penny and Sam hanging out on the beach but decided she would spend the time alone. She silently walked around Elliott's house and over the little makeshift wooden bridge that she had made a long time ago, but she was pretty sure she had to redo one of these days to the secluded part of the beach. She walked into the little shaded area filled with palm trees and took off her clothes, putting on the slightly oversized one-piece floral bathing suit and the crocheted cover-up dress.

Stepping out of the shadows she let the sun graze her skin. Gentle waves lapped at the shore, their rhythmic sound a soothing balm to her senses. The sea stretched out endlessly, its deep blue surface sparkling like a myriad of tiny jewels.

Anna walked along the beach, her feet sinking into the warm, soft sand with each step. She spread out a towel on the sand and sat down, letting the tranquility of the surroundings wash over her. The heat of the day was tempered by a cool, gentle breeze coming off the water. She watched the waves roll in and out, their steady movement almost hypnotic. Seagulls called in the distance, their cries mingling with the soft murmur of the sea.

She couldn’t hold back for too long and found herself swimming around, feeling the gentle push and pull of the ocean. As she splashed and floated, a sense of pure joy and freedom washed over her.

She loved how the little fish swam around her. The need for air brought her back to the surface, Anna pushed back her wet black hair from her face. She peered at her clothes still laying on the sandy ground, when she noticed Elliot coming out of his house. A book in his hands as he crossed the little makeshift bridge. She wasn’t sure if he wanted to be bothered and therefore continued swimming about. Elliott, to her surprise, had quite a striking figure, broader and more studier than she would have imagined him. He was usually reading, or writing. She smiled as she remembered bothering him in his home while he played a beautiful song on his piano. He was an artist through it all, but she had imagined him to be a bit scrawnier underneath his cardigans, button-ups, and jackets.

Now he walked a crossed the beach, his toned frame straight, his hair, a cascade of fiery red-gold, tumbles in loose waves down over his squared shoulders, catching the sunlight and seeming to glow with a life of its own. Occasionally, he runs a hand through it, pushing it back from his face in a practiced gesture that speaks of habit rather than vanity.

She always wondered what was on Elliott's mind. He was always kind of quiet and mysterious. Still, he always gave a friendly smile to everyone. She looked at him from a distance, as he sat on the rocks. She didn’t like to admit she often admired Elliott's face, his defined and tall nose, yet graceful features. High cheekbones and a well-defined jawline give him an almost classical handsomeness, she always stayed a bit away from him, feeling like he was almost untouchable. Yet today his fair skin was lightly kissed by the sun, with a few freckles scattered across his chest and back. His emerald eyes focus on his book. Every so often, he pauses in his reading to look up at the ocean, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He seems to be in a world of his own. Sometimes she wondered if he saw her, but it didn’t seem like he noticed her.

After a while thirst began to scratch at her throat, she knew she’d have to get out eventually. Anna gave herself a moment before she waved cheerfully, her smile broad and inviting.

"Hello, Elliott," she called out as she approached, her voice warm and friendly. "I didn't expect to see anyone else here." Her body dragged as her feet began to touch land.

Elliott returned her smile, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and friendliness. "Hello, Anna. I’m shocked to not see you working.” Anna laughed. It was clear she would never beat the workaholic allegations. “It's nice to catch some sunlight and this is a perfect spot for some peace and quiet, though I must say, your laughter was a delightful interruption."

Anna blushed slightly, feeling a bit shy under his gaze. "I hope I didn't disturb your reading too much.”

"Not at all," Elliott reassured her. "In fact, you brought a bit of life to the place. And the great distraction. I've been kind of in my own head recently."

“Ohh,” Anna Says surprised as she opens her bag and takes out a towel using it to pat dry her body as fast as possible, then picks up her sandy towel and places it closer to him, dragging her stuff with her. “What's going on? You know, you could always talk to me if you want.”

Elliott smiles but it doesn't really meet his eyes. She could tell that his thoughts were far away. “It's my book. I finally finished it, and I submitted it. But I can't help but think of all the things I could have done better. I don't know if it's going to sell, I spent years working on it. God, I moved to this place a bit before you just to write. But I don't know if I made the right choices or not.”

“Ohh I feel that. It's so hard to know whether you made the right choices or not. I mean, when I first came here, I. Was way over my head.” Anna padded to the towel, signaling for him to sit closer. He didn't need much convincing before he slid off the rock and sat right beside her. “My parents kind of told me it was a crazy idea, and I didn't know sh*t about farming, I'll be honest.”

Elliott's shoulder brushed against hers. Bringing her back to the present she hit already began to wander into the past. “I guess I'm not the only one.”

“You're not.” She agreed. “What you're doing is amazing and it shows a lot of dedication. I’ve seen you work your ass off. And I'm so impressed by you.” She gave him a playful shove, her dark wavy drenched hair splashed against his hot skin. He jerked back a little laughing. “And I for one, am so excited to read your first published work. Just make sure it has an autograph so when you do get famous, I can sell it.”

Elliot's eyes twinkled as he laughed, “aren't you getting ahead of yourself?”

Anna shrugged, “maybe, but maybe not.” Anna went into her bag and took out a sandwich, handing him half.

“Please tell me that's not all you're eating?”

“Well, that's all I have.”

Elliot shakes his head, “Let's stop by my place I have some food.”

“Well, you don't have to ask me twice,” Anna said, packing her bag and running towards his house before he was even able to get up.

"I hope you like seafood," Elliott says with a smile, leading Anna to the little kitchen area. "I'm making my special lobster tail."

Anna smiles back, "That sounds wonderful, but do you need any help?"

“Noo, relax, I know you're tired of swimming. Pick up a book and just chill.”

While Elliott begins to prepare the food, Anna wanders around, taking in her surroundings. Her eyes fall on a large, beautiful piano in the corner of the living room. She walks over to it, her fingers lightly brushing the keys. She can almost imagine the rich, melodious notes filling the cabin, and she silently wishes Elliott would play it for her again.

Her attention then shifts to the bookshelves lining one wall. The shelves are crammed with books of all kinds—classic literature, poetry, history, and volumes on marine biology. As the enticing aroma of lobsters and shrimp fills the cabin, Elliott glances over his shoulder and notices Anna's interest in his piano and books. "Feel free to take a look at any of them," he says warmly. "And maybe later, I'll play something for you."

Anna beams, her excitement palpable. "I'd love that."

Anna chose a fiction novel, and placing a towel over his chair she sat down to read.

Soon, the food is ready, and Elliott serves it up in two bowls. "How about we take this outside?" he suggests. "The weather is perfect for a beach picnic."

Anna agrees eagerly, and they carry their food out to a small, private spot on the beach, setting up a picnic blanket on the sand.


Harvest of Hearts - Chapter 1 - theHooliganP (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.